HERO IN THE SHADOWS by David A. Gemmell

‘All in all a fine night’s work,’ said Lord Panagyn, peeling away the silver eye-patch and staring around the blood-drenched hall. ‘Ruall, Shastar and Elphons are dead, with most of their captains and supporters.’ He stared at the dead Aldania. ‘Shame about the woman. I always admired her.’

Aric summoned two of his guards and ordered them to gather work parties to clear the bodies. He was not a happy man. Panagyn clapped him on the shoulder. ‘Why so glum, cousin? So the boy got away. He won’t get far.’

‘It is not the boy who concerns me,’ said Aric. ‘It is the Grey Man.’

‘I’ve heard of him. A rich merchant, and your largest creditor.’ Panagyn chuckled. ‘You always did love to live above your means, cousin.’

‘He is a deadly man. He killed Vanis. Came into his house while it was surrounded by guards and cut his throat.’

‘I heard it was suicide.’

‘You heard wrong.’

‘Well, you have fifty men scouring the town for him. So relax. Enjoy the victory.’

Aric stalked across the hall, past the silent, black-garbed warrior who had killed the Duke. The man was sitting quietly by the stairs, arms folded, eyes closed. He did not look up as Aric passed. Climbing the stairs, Aric moved to Niallad’s room. Panagyn came in behind him. Aric knelt by the body of Gaspir. ‘Stabbed through the eye, then had his throat cut,’ said Panagyn.

Aric could not have cared less. He walked through to the balcony. He gazed out over the moonlit garden towards the wrought-iron gate leading to the private beach. From here he could see the blazing torches and lanterns of the searchers. There had been no boats upon the beach, which meant that the fugitives would have to swim the bay. There was no other escape route. The front of the palace had been swarming with guards.

The Grey Man had not been seen there.

‘Take a look at this,’ said Panagyn. Aric turned to see the Lord of House Rishell kneeling by the second body. He pointed at the knife jutting from the man’s neck. It had an ornate handle of carved ivory. ‘Wasn’t this Gaspir’s knife?’

‘Aye,’ said Aric, puzzled.

Panagyn glanced back at the other body. ‘So the Grey Man killed Gaspir, took away his knife and stabbed my nephew through the neck before he could kill the boy. No, that would have taken too long. He took the knife and threw it.’ Panagyn smiled. ‘I see what you mean by deadly. Have to admire skill like that, though.’

‘You are taking the death of your relative very well,’ snapped Aric. ‘I commend the manner in which you are hiding your grief.’

Panagyn ruffled the dead man’s hair. ‘He was a good lad. Not very bright, though.’ Rising, he moved to a nearby table and poured a goblet of wine. ‘And it is hard to be sad on a night when almost all of one’s enemies have been killed.’

‘Well, all of mine are not yet dead,’ said Aric.

‘All of them never will be, cousin. That is the penalty for being a ruler.’ Panagyn drained the wine. ‘I think I shall take to my bed. It has been a long – and rewarding – night. You should get some rest. There is much to do tomorrow.’

‘I will rest – when they have found the Grey Man,’ said Aric.

Back in the hall the bodies were being cleared away. Aric descended the stairs and walked out into the night. A line of men bearing torches was climbing up from the beach. Aric waited. His captain, a thin, hatchet-faced man named Shad, approached. He gave a brief bow. ‘No sign of them on the beach, Lord. I have sent out boats to search the water, and riders to scour the opposite shoreline. We are also organizing a house-to-house search through the town.’

‘They could not have made it to the White Palace in this time,’ said Aric. ‘Are you certain no unauthorized guest left the hall?’

‘There was one, Lord. The priest Chardyn. The guards assumed his name had been mistakenly omitted from the list.’

‘I don’t care about the priest.’

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Categories: David Gemmell