HERO IN THE SHADOWS by David A. Gemmell

Behind her the gateway closed, only bare rock remaining.

Sheetza stumbled and fell. Ustarte saw that a knife was embedded in her back. The deformed girl was unconscious. Ustarte drew out the blade and threw it aside. Then she laid her hands over the wound, sealing it. Sheetza’s heart was no longer beating. Concentrating her power Ustarte set the girl’s blood flowing. Sheetza opened her eyes. ‘I thought I was stabbed,’ she said, her voice sibilant. ‘But there is no pain. Are we safe now?’

‘We are safe,’ said Ustarte, feeling for the girl’s pulse. There was none. Only Ustarte’s magic kept the blood flowing. She was, in effect, already dead.

In the distance Ustarte saw a glimmering lake. The small group made their way to it. Corvidal went for a swim with Sheetza. The girl moved through the water with the grace of a dolphin. When she emerged she was laughing. She sat down at the water’s edge and splashed Menias. He ran forward and grabbed her and they both fell into the water.

Ustarte moved away from them. Prial came and sat with her. ‘Maybe some of the others got away,’ he said.

Ustarte did not answer. She was watching Sheetza. ‘I didn’t know you were also a healer,’ he said.

‘I am not. Sheetza is dying. Her heart was pierced.’

‘But she is swimming,’ said Prial.

‘When the magic fades she will pass away. A few hours. A day. I don’t know.’

‘Oh, Great One! Why are we so cursed? Did we commit some vile sins in a past life?’

That night Ustarte sat talking with Sheetza. The priestess could feel the magic in the girl fading. She tried to add more power to it, but to no avail. Sheetza grew sleepy and lay down. ‘What will we do in this world, Great One?’ asked Sheetza.

‘We will save it,’ answered Ustarte. ‘We will thwart the foul plans of Deresh Karany.’

‘Will the people here accept me?’

‘When they know you they will love you, Sheetza, as we love you.’ Sheetza had smiled, and fallen asleep. Some time in the night, as Ustarte lay beside her, the lizard girl finally died.

Still lost in thought, Ustarte did not notice Waylander move alongside – not until he laid his hand on her shoulder.

‘I was very arrogant to believe I could stand against Deresh Karany and the Seven,’ she said. ‘Arrogant and stupid.’

‘Rather let us say brave and unselfish,’ said Waylander. ‘But do not judge yourself yet. Tomorrow Emrin and Keeva will take the lad over the high passes and try to make it to the capital. Once they are safely on the road I shall put your magicker’s immortality to the test.’

‘You must not go against him, Grey Man.’

‘I don’t have a choice.’

‘We all have choices. Why throw your life away needlessly? He cannot die.’

‘It is not about him, Ustarte. These men have killed my people, and tortured my friend. What kind of a man would I be if I did not fight them?’

‘I do not want to see you die,’ she said. ‘I have seen too much death already.’

‘I have lived long, Ustarte. Perhaps too long. Many better men are now below ground. Death does not frighten me. But even if I were to accept what you say about the folly of hunting Deresh Karany, there is one fact I cannot ignore. Matze Chai is still their prisoner. And I do not desert my friends.’

Chapter Fourteen

Lord Aric of House Kilraith lounged back in the carriage and stared idly out of the window at the houses along the Avenue of Pines. There were few people on the streets of Carlis. The massacre of the Duke and his followers had been shocking enough, but to learn that demons were responsible had terrified the population. Most stayed behind locked doors, rediscovering the delights of prayer. Several hundred families were congregated within the temple, believing its walls would keep out all evil spirits. They were hoping for an appearance from Chardyn, but the priest had wisely gone into hiding.

The carriage moved on through the deserted town.

Aric’s mood was not good. As he had told Eldicar Manushan, he was bored. It was impolite of the man to have forbidden him to see the torture of the Chiatze. There was something about screams of pain that cut through the malaise Aric had been suffering for some while.

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Categories: David Gemmell