HERO IN THE SHADOWS by David A. Gemmell

Qin Chong did not reply. The Kriaz-nor attacked again. Qin Chong leapt to his right, the sword of Yu Yu Liang flashing in a tight arc. The Kriaz-nor staggered for several steps, then turned. His belly opened, his entrails spilling out. With a strangled cry he tried to make one last charge, but Qin Chong stepped in to meet him, parrying his blade and sending a vicious cut into the Kriaz-nor’s neck, half severing the head. The huge warrior toppled to the ground.

For a moment all was stillness. Kysumu transferred his gaze to the other three warriors. Without their leader they seemed unsure, confidence draining from them. Suddenly one of them screamed a battle cry and ran at Kysumu. The little Rajnee did not wait to meet the charge, but stepped in. The Kriaz-nor’s blade swept down. Kysumu sidestepped, his own sword slashing up through the sword arm. The Kriaz-nor’s sword flew through the air, the hand still grasping the hilt. The warrior drew a serrated dagger and leapt at the Rajnee, who plunged his blade deep into the Kriaz-nor’s chest. A grunt of surprise and pain came from the warrior. Kysumu looked into the man’s slitted golden eyes and watched the light of life fade from them. Dragging clear his sword, the Rajnee moved to stand alongside Qin Chong. The remaining two Kriaz-nor faded back into the forest.

‘More will join them,’ said Qin Chong. ‘Let us ride.’ Sheathing his blade, he ran to the horses. Kysumu followed him. Swiftly they saddled their mounts and rode from the clearing. Pushing the horses hard for several miles, they came at last to a small valley. Qin Chong cut away from the trail and dismounted. Kysumu joined him. Qin Chong led the two geldings back to the trail and slapped their rumps. Both beasts headed off towards the south. Ducking back into the trees, Qin Chong beckoned Kysumu to follow him, then ran down a wooded slope and into a fast-flowing stream. Wading along it for almost a quarter of a mile Qin Chong halted alongside an old oak. There was an overhanging branch almost ten feet above the stream. Removing his sword and scabbard Qin Chong hurled it to the bank beyond the tree, then turned to Kysumu. ‘Cup your hands,’ he ordered. Kysumu did so. Qin Chong placed his right foot in the cup, then launched himself upwards. His hands grabbed at the branch and he hauled himself over it. Curling his legs around the bough he hung upside down, extending his arms towards Kysumu. The Rajnee threw his own sword to the bank, then leapt, caught hold of Qin Chong’s wrists, then drew himself up until he could reach the branch.

Once back on firm ground Qin Chong headed south-east, climbing ever higher until they reached a small cave created by a sheet of overhanging rock. Here he sat, breathing heavily. Kysumu squatted down alongside him. Blood was still seeping from a shallow wound high on Qin Chong’s chest.

‘The pria-shath was right,’ said Qin Chong. ‘You do know how to use your blade. It was fortunate, however, that your opponent was panicked and frightened.’

‘I have never seen warriors who can move at such speed,’ admitted Kysumu.

‘The advantages of the meld,’ Qin Chong told him.

‘How was it that you could make Yu Yu’s body match them?’

‘In all animals muscles work in rhythmic harmony, sharing the load. A man lifts a cup to his lips. He does not use all his strength to do this. Only a few of the muscles in his arm will be needed. If he lifts a rock he will use more. Imagine a muscle as being, say, twenty men. If you have to raise the rock ten times then the first time two of the men will do it, the second time two more, and so on. But it is possible – though not wise – to engage all of the men at once. This is what I did, though Yu Yu will not thank me when he wakes.’ He smiled. ‘Ah, but I have enjoyed this last moment of the flesh, the scent of the forest, the feeling of cool air in my lungs.’

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Categories: David Gemmell