HERO IN THE SHADOWS by David A. Gemmell

‘This is good,’ said Kysumu. ‘What else did Qin Chong say to you?’

‘He said I must find them. At the Dome. Then we floated again, over hills and valleys, and across a bay, and we sat in a little wood, and he told me of his life, and asked about mine. I told him I dug ditches and foundations, and he said that was an honourable occupation. Which, of course, it is, for without foundations you couldn’t—’

‘Yes, yes,’ said Kysumu, allowing his irritation to show. ‘But let us return to the Men of Clay. Did he mention them again?’

‘No, I don’t think so.’

The Grey Man leant forward. ‘When they drew lots how many men moved away into the hills with Qin Chong?’

‘Several hundred, I would think,’ said Yu Yu. ‘And the black man,’ said Ustarte. Yu Yu blinked in surprise and stared at the ailing priestess. ‘Yes, how did you know? I had almost forgotten myself.’

‘My wounds have sapped my powers – but not completely,’ she said. ‘Tell us of him.’

‘He was a wizard, I think. His skin was very dark. He was tall and well built. He wore a blue robe, and carried a long white staff, curved at the top. At least I think he was a wizard. He was related to someone famous. Grandson, or great grandson. Something like that.’

‘Emsharas,’ put in Ustarte.

‘That’s it!’ said Yu Yu. ‘Grandson of Emsharas, who was also a wizard.’

‘Far more than a wizard,’ said Ustarte. ‘He was a lord of demons. According to legend, he rebelled against his brother, Anharat, and aided the humans of Kuan-Hador in the first Demon War. Through his power the warriors of Kuan-Hador defeated the demons, casting them from this dimension. That was in the days when Kuan-Hador was a symbol of purity and courage. When Kuan-Hador fell into evil ways and a second war broke out, the few descendants of Emsharas took arms against the empire. There were many battles. Nothing is known of the fate of Emsharas’s descendants.’

‘We seem to be no closer to an answer,’ said Kysumu.

‘I think that we are,’ observed the Grey Man. He turned to Yu Yu. ‘The last battle you saw was at the city of Kuan-Hador?’


‘In which direction did the Men of Clay walk?’

‘South . . . south-west, maybe. A southerly direction anyway.’

That area is mostly forest now,’ said the Grey Man. ‘It covers a vast area on the way to Qumtar. Do you remember any landmarks?’

Yu Yu shook his head. ‘Just a lot of hills.’

‘We must travel there,’ said the Grey Man. To his right Ustarte gave a low moan. Her head sagged back against the headrest of the bench. The Grey Man moved swiftly to her side. ‘Help me with her,’ he told Kysumu. Together, and with great effort, they lifted the priestess, carrying her back to the apartments and laying her on the bed.

Her golden eyes opened. ‘I… need a little. . . rest,’ she whispered.

The men left her and returned to where Yu Yu waited. ‘How is your wound?’ the Grey Man asked him.


‘Can you ride?’

‘Of course. I am a great rider.’

‘You and Kysumu should head back to the ruins, then strike out towards the south.’

‘What are we looking for?’ asked Yu Yu.

‘Anything that looks familiar to you. The Men of Clay walked away from the battlefield. Did they walk far? More than a day, for example? Did they make camp?’

‘No, I don’t think so. I think the hills were close to the burning city.’

‘Then you must find those hills. I will join you in a day or two.’

Kysumu stepped in close to the Grey Man. ‘What if the demons come back? You will not have our swords to protect you.’

‘One concern at a time, my friend,’ said the Grey Man. ‘Emrin will see that you have two good mounts and a week’s supplies. Tell no one where you are heading.’

Lord Aric of House Kilraith stepped past the two guards at the door, and led Eldicar Manushan through to the rear apartments, where a third guard politely relieved Aric of his ruby-pommelled dagger. Lord Panagyn of House Rishell was lounging in an armchair, his booted feet resting on a glass table-top. A big, ugly man, with iron-grey hair and a large bulbous nose, his face was given a hint of glamour by the silver patch he wore over his left eye.

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Categories: David Gemmell