HERO IN THE SHADOWS by David A. Gemmell

‘From what you say it is surprising he has taken no wife,’ observed Keeva.

‘Oh, he has taken many.’ Norda leaned in close, dropping her voice. ‘Gold wives.’

‘He pays for his pleasures?’ asked Keeva, astonished.

‘Always. Isn’t that weird? Most of the girls here would rush to his rooms at the merest gesture from him. Yet he sends his carriage to bring whores from the town. Oh, fancily dressed and bedecked with jewels, but whores nonetheless. For the last year his favourite has been Lalitia – a red-headed strumpet from the capital.’ Norda’s face reddened, and Keeva saw her pale blue eyes grow cold.

‘You obviously don’t like her.’

‘Nobody likes Lalitia. She rides around in a gilded carriage, with liveried servants whom she treats abominably. In her house she has been known to thrash the maids when the mood takes her. She is a vile creature.’

‘What does he see in her?’ asked Keeva.

Norda laughed aloud. ‘Oh, you’ll recognize it when you lay eyes on her. Loathe her as I do, even I have to admit she is astonishingly beautiful.’

‘I would have thought him a better judge of people,’ offered Keeva.

‘You don’t know much about men, do you?’ said Norda, with a quick smile. ‘When Lalitia passes by you can hear the sounds of jaws striking the ground. Strong men, bright men, scholarly men, even priestly men all fall under the spell of her beauty. They see what they want to see. Women, on the other hand, see her for what she is – a whore. And not as young as she pretends. I’d say she was closer to forty than the twenty-five she claims.’

Other servants had begun to arrive, gathering their food and finding places to sit and eat. A young man in a grey mailshirt approached them. Removing his helm he smiled at Norda. ‘Good morning,’ he said. ‘Will you introduce me to the newcomer?’

Norda smiled. ‘Keeva, this is Emrin, the guard sergeant. He thinks he’s more handsome than he is and will do everything in his power to lure you to his bed. It is, sadly, his nature. Do not judge him too harshly.’

Keeva glanced up at the man. He had a round, good-looking face and blue eyes. His hair was light blond, short and tightly curled. Emrin extended his hand and Keeva shook it. ‘Do not believe everything Norda says about me,’ he told her. ‘I am really a gentle soul, seeking the perfect partner for my heart.’

‘Surely you found him the first time you looked in a mirror,’ said Keeva, with a sweet smile.

‘Sadly that is true,’ said Emrin, with disarming honesty. Taking her hand he kissed it, then turned his attention to Norda. ‘Be sure to tell your new friend what a great lover I am,’ he said.

‘I will,’ said Norda. She glanced at Keeva. ‘The best ten heartbeats I’ve ever experienced.’ Both women laughed.

‘I think I should leave,’ Emrin said, ‘while I have a modicum of dignity left.’

‘Too late,’ said Keeva. The man grinned and moved away.

‘Neatly done,’ said Norda. ‘He will pursue you with even greater vigour.’

‘Not something I desire,’ Keeva told her.

‘Oh, don’t rule him out,’ said Norda. ‘As he says, he really is quite good in bed. Not the best I have known, but more than adequate.’

Keeva burst into laughter, and Norda joined in.

‘So who was the best?’

She knew it was the wrong question as soon as she spoke: the good-humour faded from Norda’s face. ‘I am sorry,’ said Keeva, swiftly.

‘Don’t be,’ Norda told her, laying her hand over Keeva’s. ‘Now we’d better finish breakfast for there is much to do. There are several more guests due to arrive today, and one of them is a Chiatze. Believe me, there is no race so fussy.’

Chapter Three

Using long, lazy strokes Waylander swam through the cold water. He could feel the warmth of the sun on the skin of his back, and he dived deep, through shoals of silver-backed fish, which scattered before him. Rolling and twisting, he felt a surge of joy. Here there was silence and – almost – contentment. Relaxing, he let his body float upward towards the sun. Breaking clear of the surface, he drew in a deep breath, tossed back his head to clear the hair from his eyes and trod water while he gazed around the bay.

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Categories: David Gemmell