HERO IN THE SHADOWS by David A. Gemmell

‘Stay where you are, yellow man,’ said a voice. ‘You are in no condition to get up.’

Another figure loomed over him. He looked up into the man’s face, noting the swollen nose and the two discoloured eyes. It was the golden-haired guard sergeant who had accosted him so many years ago. It was all so confusing. ‘What is it you need?’ asked the man.

‘Some water,’ said Yu Yu. The sergeant filled a goblet and sat on the bed, offering it to Yu Yu, who took it with his right hand and drank deeply. ‘Thank you.’ He struggled to think. So many scenes were whirling inside his head – like a bag of pearls without a string. Closing his eyes he began slowly and carefully to thread the thoughts. He had left the lands of the Chiatze after thrashing Shi Da. Then he had met the robbers, and later Kysumu. Together they had come . . . For a moment he drifted. Then he recalled the palace and the mysterious Grey Man. His eyes flared open. ‘Where is my sword?’

‘You won’t need a sword for a while,’ said the sergeant. ‘But it is there by the wall.’

‘Pass it to me, please.’

‘Of course.’

‘Touch only scabbard,’ warned Yu Yu. The guard hefted the weapon and laid it by Yu Yu’s side. Then he returned to his chair by the door. ‘Why are you here?’ asked Yu Yu.

‘The Gentleman ordered me to guard you.’ He smiled. ‘He obviously thinks you have enemies.’

‘Are you one of them?’

The man sighed. ‘Yes, I am. I’ll be honest. I don’t like you, yellow man. But I take my pay from the Gentleman. He treats me well, and in return I obey his orders. Fully. I don’t much care if you live or die, but not one of your – other – enemies will reach you while I live.’

Yu Yu smiled. ‘May you live long,’ he said.

‘Is it true you were attacked by demon hounds?’

The jagged memories filtered back, the ruins and the moonlight, the black hounds moving stealthily through the shadows. ‘Yes, true.’

‘What were they like?’

‘Make wolves look like piglets,’ answered Yu Yu, with an involuntary shudder.

‘You were frightened?’

‘Big fear. How is your nose?’

‘Painful.’ The man shrugged. ‘I should have remembered my father’s advice: if you’re going to fight then fight. Don’t talk. You hit hard, yellow man.’

‘My name is Yu Yu.’

‘I am Emrin.’

‘Pleased for to meet with you,’ said Yu Yu.

‘Don’t be too pleased. It is my intention to pay you back just as soon as you are fit and strong.’

Yu Yu smiled, then slept again. When he awoke there was no sunlight. Emrin had lit a lantern and hung it by the far wall. The soldier was dozing in his chair. Yu Yu was hungry and looked around the room for something to eat. There was nothing. Carefully he swung his legs over the side of the bed and, using his scabbarded sword as a support, pushed himself to his feet. His legs were a little unsteady.

Emrin woke. ‘What do you think you are doing?’ he asked.

‘I am going to find food,’ said Yu Yu.

‘The kitchen is two floors down. You’d never make it. Wait for a while. One of the girls will be bringing supper in an hour or so.’

‘I don’t like lying here,’ said Yu Yu. ‘I don’t like being . . . weak.’ Suddenly his legs gave way and he slumped back down to the bed. He swore in Chiatze.

‘All right,’ said Emrin. ‘I’ll assist you. But you can’t go wandering about the palace naked.’ Striding across the room he gathered up Yu Yu’s clothes and tossed them to the bed. Yu Yu managed to pull on his leggings and Emrin helped him into his wolfskin boots. There was no way Yu Yu could lift his injured left arm to put on his shirt, so, bare-chested and supported by Emrin, he made his way to the door.

‘You are heavier than you look, yellow man,’ said Emrin.

‘And you not as strong as you look, Broken Nose,’ countered Yu Yu.

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Categories: David Gemmell