Robert Ludlum – Aquatain Progression

upper latch, snapped it open, pulling the upper

section back; the rush of air was deafening. He

spotted the handle of the lower release and gripped

it, prepared to yank it up as soon as the ground

beyond slowed down. It would be in only seconds.

The sounds below grew louder and the sunlight

outside created a racing


silhouette of the train. Then the abrasive words

broke through the dissonance and he froze.

“Very well thought out, Herr Converse! Some win,

some lose. You lost”

Joel spun around. The man yelling at him in the

metal chamber was the passenger who had gotten on

the train at Dusseldorf, the apologetic commuter

who had sat next to him until the obese salesman

had asked him to exchange seats. In his left hand was

a gun held far below his waist, in his right the

ever-respectable attache case.

“You’re a surprise,” said Converse.

“I would hope so. I barely made the train in

Dusseldorf. Ach, three cars I walked through like a

madman but not the madman you are, ja?”

“What happens now? You fire that gun and save

the world from a madman?’

“Nothing so simplistic, pilot.”


“Names are immaterial, but I am a colonel in the

West German Luftwaffe. Pilots only kill one another

in the air. It is embarrassing on the ground.”

“You’re comforting.”

“I also exaggerate. One disconcerting move on

your part and I shall be a hero of the Fatherland,

having cornered a crazed assassin and killed him

before he killed me.”

“‘Fatherland’? You still call it that?”

“Natiirlich. Most of us do. From the father comes

the strength; the female is the vessel.”

“They’d love you in a Vassar biology class.”

“Is that meant to be amusing?”

“No, just disconcerting in a very minor way,

nothing serious.” Joel had moved imperceptibly until

his back was against the bulkhead, his whole mind,

his entire thinking process, on pre-set. He had no

choice except to die, now or in a matter of hours

from now. “I suppose you have an itinerary for me,”

he asked as he swung his left arm forward with the


“Quite definitely, pilot. We will get off the train

at Wesel, and you and I will share a telephone, my

gun firmly against your chest. Within a short time a

car will meet us and you will be taken ”

Converse slammed his concealed right elbow into the


bulkhead, his left arm in plain sight. The German

glanced at the door of the forward car. Alow!

Joel lunged for the gun, both hands surging for

the black barrel as he crashed his right knee with all

the force he could command into the man’s

testicles. As the German fell back he grabbed his

hair and smashed the man’s head down onto a

protruding hinge of the opposite door.

It was over. The German’s eyes were wide,

alarmed, glassy. Another scout was dead, but this

man was no ignorant conscript from an impersonal

government, this was a soldier of Aquitaine.

A stout woman screamed in the window, her

mouth opened wide with her screams, her face


“Wesel. . . !”

The train had slowed down and other excited

faces appeared at the window, the frenzied crowd

now blocking those who tried to open the door.

Converse lunged across the vibrating metal

enclosure to the exit panel. He grasped the latch

and pulled it open, crashing the door into the

bulkhead. The steps were below, gravel and tar

beyond. He took a deep breath and plunged outside

curling his body to lessen the impact of the hard

ground, and when he made contact he rolled over,

and over, and over.


He careened off a rock and into a cluster of

bushes. Nettles and coarse tendrils enveloped him,

scraping his face and hands. His body was a mass of

bruises, the wound in his left arm moist and

stinging, but there was no time even to acknowledge

pain. He had to get away; in minutes the whole area

would be swarming with men searching for him,

hunting for the murderer of an officer in the

Federal Republic’s air arm. It took no imagination

to foresee what would happen next. The passengers

would be questioned including the salesman and

suddenly a newspaper would be in someone’s hand,

a photograph studied, the connection made. A

crazed killer last seen in a back street in Brussels

was not on his way


to Paris or London or Moscow. He was on a train

out of Bonn, passing through Cologne, Essen and

Dusseldorf and he killed again in a town called


Suddenly he heard the high-pitched wail of a

horn. He looked up the small hill toward the tracks;

a south-bound train was gathering speed out of the

station several thousand feet away. Then he saw his

hat; it was on the hill, halfway down. Joel crept out

of the tangling brush, staggered to his feet, and ran

to it, refusing to listen to that part of his mind which

told him he could barely walk. He grabbed the hat

and began running to his right. The south-bound

train passed; he raced up the hill and across the

tracks, heading for an old building, apparently

deserted. More of its windows were shattered than

intact. He might rest there for a few moments but no

longer; it was too obvious a hiding place. In ten or

fifteen minutes it would be surrounded by men with

guns aimed at every exit, every window.

He tried desperately to remember. How had he

done it before? How had he eluded the patrols in the

jungles north of Phu Loc? . . . Vantage points! Get

where you can see them but they can’t see you! But

there were tall trees then and he was younger and

stronger and could climb them, concealing himself

behind green screens of full branches on firm limbs.

There was nothing like that here on the outskirts of

a railroad yard . . . or maybe there wasl To the right

of the building was a landfill dump, tons of earth and

debris piled high in several pyramids; it was his only


Gasping, his arms and legs aching, his wound

inflamed, he ran toward the last of the pyramids. He

reached it, propelled his way around the mass, and

started climbing the rear side, his feet slipping into

soft earth, and wood and cardboard and patches of

garbage, where it had been layered. The sickening

smells took his mind off the pain. He kept crawling,

clawing with each slipping foot. If he had to, he

could burrow himself into the stinking mess. There

were no rules for survival, and if sinking himself into

the putrid hill kept a spray of bullets from ending his

life, so be it.

He reached the top and lay prone below the

ridge, dirt and protruding debris all around him.

Sweat rolled down his face, stinging the scrapes on

his face; his legs and arms were heavy with pain, and

his breathing was erratic from the trembling caused

not only by unused muscles but by fear. He looked

down at the outskirts of the railroad yard, then up


ahead at the station. The train had stopped, and the

platform was filled with people milling around,

bewildered. Several uniformed men were shouting

orders, trying to separate passengers apparently

those in the two cars flanking the scene of the

killing or anyone else who knew anything. In the

parking lot surrounding the station a

blue-and-whitestriped police car, its red roof light

spinning, the signal of emergency. There was a rapid

clanging in the distance, and seconds later a long

white ambulance streaked into the lot whipped into

a horseshoe turn and plunged back, stopping close

to the platform. As the rear doors opened, two

attendants jumped out carrying a stretcher; a police

officer above them on the steps shouted at them,

gesturing with his arm. They ran up the metal

staircase and followed him.

A second patrol car swerved into the lot, tires

screeching as it stopped next to the ambulance. Two

police officers got out and walked up the steps; the

officer who had directed the ambulance attendants

joined them, with two civilians, a man and a woman,

beside him. The five talked, and moments later the

two patrolmen returned to their vehicle. The driver

backed up and spun to his left, gunning the engine,

heading for the south end of the parking lot,

directly toward Converse. Again they stopped and

got out, now with weapons drawn they raced across

the tracks and down the slope of gravel and tar into

the wild grass. They would be coming back in min-

utes, thought Joel, absently clawing the ragged

surface by his shoulders. They would stop and check

out the deserted building, perhaps call for

assistance, but sooner or later they would examine

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Categories: Robert Ludlum