Robert Ludlum – Aquatain Progression

another part of his soul had been clipped away.

Converse was not in a position to do anything. He

was either trapped or taken, soon to be offered up

as a sacrificial corpse by the generals. There was

nothing anyone could do for him. He was a dead

man, a sacrifice in the truest sense of the

word given up even by his own.

Peter walked back to the chair and sat down,

loosening his tie and kicking off his shoes. He had

learned years ago to cut losses in the field wherever

possible. If it meant disowning pawns or plants or

blinds, one took the statistical approach and let the

executions follow. It was better than losing more.

But what was even better was to make significant

progress with whatever the loss. He was doing that

now with Converse’s death and “Johnny Reb” in

Bern and a liar named Washburn.

Oh, Chrtst! He was playing God again with

charts and diagrams pluses and minuses of human

value! Yet the objective was worth more than

anything he had ever faced before. Delavane and

his legions had to be stopped, and they would not

be stopped in Washington. There were too many

watchful eyes, too many ears, too many men in

unknown corners who believed in the myth -men

who had nothing else. The children were right about

that. And there would be no empty bottles of

bourbon on the floor now, or blurred memories of

nights past, or words passed. Despite advancing age,

he was ready; he was primed.


It was odd, thought the civilian. He had not used

the Tatiana family in years.

Joel watched from the ridge of the landfill as

LeifLelm’s chauffeur and his companion approached

the deserted building. Both were experienced; one

raced before the other, stopping behind displaced

rocks from the fill and barrels used for early-morning

fires. Almost simultaneously they reached separate

doors, each door off its hinges, angling into the dirt.

The chauffeur gestured with his weapon, and both

men disappeared inside.

Converse again looked behind him. The fence

was about two hundred yards away. Could he slide

down the stinking hill, race to the interwoven wire

and climb over the fence before his executioners

came out of the decrepit building? Why not? He

could try! He raised himself off his stomach, hands

sinking into the debris, spun to his right and plunged


A distant crash came first and then a scream. He

spun around again and scrambled up the ten-odd feet

his lunge had carried him. The chauffeur was racing

out of his door, around the corner to where his

companion had entered, his gun leveled, prepared to

fire. He approached cautiously, then seeing

something, exploded in disgust as he entered the

shadows. Seconds later he emerged holding the other

man; obviously a staircase or a floorboard had

collapsed. The second man held his leg and limped.

Two piercing blasts came from the station; the

platform was empty, the milling passengers back on

board. The panic had subsided and the train would

make a Teutonic effort to be on time. The last police

car and the ambulance were gone.

Below, the chauffeur slapped his companion

repeatedly in fury, shoving him backwards to the

ground. The man got up, gesturing, pleading for no

more, and the chauffeur relented, ordering his

subordinate to a position between the building, the

landfill and the fence, and when the man was in

place the chauffeur went back into the deserted


The minutes passed, the descending sun

intercepted by low-flying clouds in the west, creating

long, lateral shadows over the outskirts of the

railroad yard. Finally the chauffeur came into view,

emerging from an unseen exit on another side of the

building. He stood for a moment and looked west

across the tracks to the expanse of wild grass and



beyond. Then he turned and stared at the mounds

of landfill and made up his mind.

“Rechts uber Ihnen!” he screamed at his

companion, pointing to the second mound. “Hinter

Ihnen! Er schiesst. ”

Joel crawled, racing down the debris like a

panicked sand crab. Halfway to the bottom his left

hand was snared; he yanked at the looping

entrapment, pulled it free and was about to fling it

away when he saw it was a length of ordinary

electric cord. He blmched it up in his hand and

frantically continued downward. When he was

within six feet of the ground, he whipped his whole

body into a frenzy and clawed at the dirt and

garbage. He stabbed his legs repeatedly into the

rubbish and loose earth, and sank his body into the

mass pulling debris around his head. The stench was

overpowering, and he could feel the insects

penetrating his clothes, crawling over his skin. But

he was hidden, of that he was certain. He began to

comprehend what his fragmented mind was trying to

tell him. He was back in the jungle, about to spring

on a scout from an unseen place.

Again minutes passed, and the shadows became

longer, then permanent, as the sun’s trajectory

dropped below the top of the landfill. Converse

remained immobile, straining every muscle, grinding

his teeth to stop himself from thrashing his arms

and scratching his clothes and his exposed skin to

rip away the maddening insects. But he knew he

could not move. It would happen any moment, any


The prelude came. The limping man was in

view, peering up at the hill of refuse and dirt,

squinting against the residue of sunlight at the top,

his gun held out, angled diagonally, prepared to fire.

He sidestepped slowly, cautiously, apprehensive of

what he could not see. He passed directly in front

of Joel, the extended gun no more than three feet

away from Converse’s face. Another step and the

line of contact could be clear.

Now! Joel lunged out, grabbing the barrel of the

gun, instantly and violently twisting it clockwise and

downward. As the German fell forward Converse

crashed his knee up into the bridge of the man’s

nose, stunning him before he could scream. The

weapon spiraled off into the debris. The man

staggered, and was about to find his voice when Joel

lunged again, a section of the wire cord stretched

out in both hands he whipped it over the scout’s

head, pulling it taut around the scout’s throat.


The man went limp, and Converse bent over the

body, about to roll it into the base of the landfill and

conceal it, but then he stopped. There had to be

another way because there was another option, one

he had taken a hundred years ago with another scout

in a jungle. He looked around; there was a pile of

carelessly dumped railroad ties thirty-odd yards away

on his right old ties, several broken, forming a low

wall. A wall.

It was a risk. If Leifhelm’s chauffeur finished his

examination of the first mound of landfill and

stepped out toward the second one at any three of

the four angles, he would have a clear line of sight.

The man had been sent to the Emmerich train for

two reasons one, he knew the quarry by sight, and,

two, the quarry had disgraced him; Joel’s corpse

would be his redemption. Such a man was an expert

with weapons which the quarry was not. What was

the point of thinking! Since Geneva, everything was a

risk, a gamble against death.

He gripped the German’s body under the

armpits, and breathing hard for some reason

foolishly counting off ‘One, two, three” he lurched

backwards, hauling the dead man across a dead

man’s zone.

He reached the railroad ties and swung the

corpse around them, the heels of its shoes digging an

arc into the dirt as he dragged the dead German into

the base of the wall. Then without thinking, acting

only on instinct, Converse did what he had been

wanting to do for the last hour. Concealed by the

ties, he ripped off his jacket and shirt and rolled on

the ground, scattering the insects like an infested dog

in a field, scratching them out of his hair, away from

his face. It was all he could do for the moment. He

crawled into the bank of railroad ties and found a

space between two separated logs.

“Werner! Wo sind Sie?”

The shouts preceded the figure of Leifhelm’s

chauffeur. He appeared at the far end of the second

mound, moving slowly, his gun raised, each step

taken cautiously, his head shifting in all directions, a

soldier experienced in combat patrol. Converse

thought how much better off the world would be if

he were an expert shot. He was not. In pilot training

he had gone through the obligatory small-arms

course, and at twenty-five feet had rarely hit the

target. This second soldier of Aquitaine had to be

sucked in much closer.

“Werner!Antworten Sie dock!”

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Categories: Robert Ludlum