Robert Ludlum – Aquatain Progression

four different people, only three, who had joined

the English-speaking student who had sat beside

him in the car. The three were young men who

seemed also to be students. Joel approached them,

and passing an empty chair in his path, he gripped

the back and unobtrusively pulled it behind him to

the table. He sat down and smiled at the

blond-haired student.

“I didn’t know- if I’d left enough money for

those twelve beers I promised,” he said pleasantly

“Ach! I was just talking about you, Herr

AmerJkaner! These are my friends like me, all

dreadful students!” The three newcomers were

introduced rapidly, the names lost in the music and

the smoke. Everyone nodded; the American was


“Our other two friends left?”

“I told you,” shouted the blond youngster

through the noise. “They wished to drive to our

house and make love That’s all they do! Our

parents went to Bayreuth for the music festival, so

they shall make their own music on her bed and I

shall come home late!”

“Nice arrangement,” said Converse, trying to think



how to broach the subject that had to be broached

quickly. He had very little time.

‘Very good, sir!” said a dark-haired young man on

his right. “Hans would have missed that; his English

is understandably inferior. I was an exchange student

in the state of Massachusetts for two years.

‘Arrangement’ is also a musical term. You combined

the two! Very good, sir!’

“I keep trying,” saidJoel aimlessly, looking at the

student. “You really speak English?” he asked


“Very well. My scholarship depends upon it. My

friends here are good people, make no mistake, but

they are rich and come here for amusement. As a

boy, I lived two streets away from this place. But

they protect the lads here, and why not? Let them

have fun; nobody is hurt and money is spread.”

“You’re sober,” said Converse, the statement

bordering on a question.

The young man laughed as he nodded. “Tonight,

yes. Tomorrow afternoon I have a difficult exam and

need a clear head. The summer-session examinations

are the worst. The professors would rather be on


“I was going to talk to him,” said Joel, nodding at

the blond student, who was arguing with his two

companions, his hands waving in the smoke, his voice

strident. “But that doesn’t make sense. You do.”

“In what sense, sir, if you will forgive the

redundancy of the expression?”

“‘Redundancy’? What’s your major?”

“Preliminary law, sir.”

“I don’t need that.”

“It is a difficulty, sir?”

“Not for me. Listen, I haven’t much time and I

have a problem. I have to get out of here. I need to

find another place to stay just until tomorrow

morning. I assure you I’ve done nothing wrong,

nothing illegal in case my clothes or my appearance

gives another impression. It’s strictly a personal

matter. Can you help me?”

The dark-haired young German hesitated, as if

reluctant to answer, but nevertheless did so, leaning

forward to be heard. “Since you bring up the subject,

I’m sure you can understand that it would not be

seemly for a student of the law to help a man under

questionable circumstances.”

“That’s exactly why I brought it up,” said

Converse rapidly, speaking into the student’s ear.

“I’m an attorney and under


these clothes a reasonably respectable one. I simply

took on the wrong American client over here and

can’t wait to get a plane out tomorrow morning.”

The young man listened, studied Joel’s face and

nodded. ‘Then these are not lodgings you would

normally seek?”

‘To be avoided wherever possible. I just thought

it would be a good idea to be inconspicuous for the


“There are very few places such as this in Bonn, sir.”

“To Bonn’s credit, counselor.” Glancing about

the cafe and its predominant clientele, Converse

had another thought. “It’s summer!” he said urgently

to the student through the bedlam. “Are there any

youth hostels around here?”

“Those in the vicinity of Bonn or Cologne are

filled, sir mostly with Americans and the Dutch. The

others which might have spaces are quite far north

toward Hanover. However, there is another

solution, I think.”


“Summer, sir. The rooming houses usually filled

by those attending the university have many spaces

during the summer months. In the house where I

stay there are two empty rooms on the third floor.”

“I thought you lived around here.”

“That was long ago. My parents are retired and

live with my sister in Mannheim.”

“I’m in a great hurry. May we go? I’ll pay you

what I can tonight and more tomorrow morning.”

“I thought you said you were taking the plane in

the morning.”

“I have two stops to make first. You can come

with me; you can show me where they are.”

The young man and Joel excused themselves,

knowing they would not be missed. The student

started toward the lobby door, but Converse

grabbed his elbow, gesturing at the street entrance.

“Your luggage, sir!” shouted the Cerman

through the din and the flashing lights.

“You can lend me a razor in the morning!”

Converse yelled back, pulling the young man

through the mingling bodies toward the door.

Several tables before the entrance was an empty

chair, on the seat a soft, rumpled cloth cap. He bent

down and picked it up, holding it in front of him as

he reached the door and walked outside to the

pavement, the student be


hind him. “Which way?” he asked, pulling the cap

over his head.

“This way, sir,” replied the young Cerman,

pointing beneath the shabby canopy of the adjacent

hotel entrance.

“Let’s go, ‘ said Joel, stepping forward.

They stopped that is, Converse stopped first,

gripping the student s shoulder and turning him into

the building. A black sedan had come speeding down

the street, swerving into the open space in front of

the canopy. Two men got out of the back doors and

rushed toward the entrance, the second man running

around the trunk to catch up with the first. Joel

angled his head as the young German stared at him.

He recognized both men; both were Americans. They

had been at the Cologne-Bonn airport eight nights

ago, hoping to trap him then as they were coming to

trap him now. The black car moved forward out of

the glare of the lights into the shadows. It pulled into

the curb and waited, a hearse prepared to receive its


“Was ist los?” asked the German youth, unable to

conceal his fear.

“Nothing, really.” Converse removed his hand and

gave the student two friendly claps on the shoulder.

“Just let this be a lesson to you, counselor. Know

who your client is before you get greedy and accept

too large a retainer.”

‘ha, ” said the young German, attempting a smile

but not succeeding, his eyes on the black sedan.

They walked rapidly past the parked automobile

with the driver inside, the glow of a cigarette seen in

the darkness of the front seat. Joel pulled down the

cloth cap and again angled his head, now away from

one of his countrymen.

The truth was a fantasy bolstered by lies…. Survival

was in running and concealment Insanity!

The early morning was mercifully uneventful

except for his raging thoughts. The student, whose

name was Johann, had secured him a room at the

boardinghouse, the proprietess delighted with a

hundred deutsche marks for the rental. It more than

made up for the gauze, tape, and antiseptic she gave

him to rebandage his wound. Converse had slept

soundly, if intermittently, awakened by fears

transposed into macabre dreams. By seven o’clock

sleep was impossible.

There was an urgent piece of business that had to

be taken care of; he understood the risk, but the

money was nec


essary,nowmore than ever. On Mykonos, the

knowledgeable if serpentine Laskaris had forwarded

$100,000 to banks in Paris, London, Bonn and New

York, using the accepted practice of written-out

numbers as a signature to withdraw the funds.

Laskaris further had suggested that Joel should not

attempt to carry with him or try to memorize four

sets of lengthy and entirely different digits. Instead

the banker would wire the American Express travel

offices in the four cities to hold for a period of

three months a message for who, Mr. Converse?It

should be a name meaningful to you but not to others.

It will be your code, no other idenfff cation neces-

sary as with certain telephone banking facilities in

your own country…. Make it Charpentier. 1.


Joel understood that he might have revealed the

device while under narcotics. Also, he might not

have; his mind was not on money. He had a great

deal in his possession, and the chemicals tended to

elicit only feverish priorities.. He had learned that in

the camps a lifetime ago, twice astonished that he

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Categories: Robert Ludlum