Robert Ludlum – Aquatain Progression

where they’re going to get any endowments from.

Me, I happen to like the Navy, and I like the

lif~and the challenges, I guess you’d call them.”

“Who objected?”

“Who didn’t? In both our families the

pirates who go back to skimming the earthquake

victims have always been attorneys. The two

current old men knew Press and I got along and saw

the writing they wrote on their own wall. Here’s this

sharp Wasp and this good Catholic boy, now, if they

ring in a Jew and a light-skinned black and maybe



a not-too-offensive gay, they’ve got half the legal

market in San Francisco in their back pockets.”

“What about the Chinese and the Italians?”

“Certain country clubs still have remnants of the

old school ties in their lockers. Why soil the fabric?

Deals are made on the fairways, the accent on

‘ways,’ not ‘fair.'”

“And you didn’t want anything to do with that,


“Neither did Press, that’s why he went

international. Old Jack Halliday pissed bright red

when Press began corraling all those foreign clients;

then purple when he added a lot of U.S. sharks who

wanted to operate overseas. But old Jack couldn’t

complain; his wild-eyed stepson was adding

considerably to the bottom line.”

“And you went happily into uniform,” said

Converse, watching Fitzpatrick’s eyes, impressed by

the candor he saw in them.

“Back into uniform, and very happy with

Press’s blessings, legal and otherwise.”

“You were fond of him, weren’t you?”

Connal lifted his hand off the cannon. “I loved

him, Converse. Just as I love my sister. That’s why

I’m here. That’s the contract.”

“Incidentally,” said Joel kindly, “speaking of your

sister even if I were somebody else I could easily

have found out her name was Meagan.”

“I’m sure you could have; it was in the papers.”

“Then it wasn’t much of a test.”

“Press never called her Meagen in his life,

except for that one phrase in the wedding

ceremony. It was always ‘Meg.’ I would have asked

you about that somehow, and if you were lying I’d

have known it. I’m very good on direct.”

“I believe you. What’s the contract between you

and . . . Press?”

“Let’s walk,” said Fitzpatrick, and as they

strolled toward the wall with the winding river

below and the seven mountains of Westerwald in

the distance, Connal began. “Press came to me and

said he was into something pretty heavy and he

couldn’t let it go. He’d come across information

that tied a number of well-known men or once

well-known men together in an organization that

could do a lot of harm to a lot of people in a lot of

countries. He was going to stop


it, stop them, but he had to go outside the usual

courtroom ballparks to do it do it legally.

“I asked the normal questions: Was he involved,

culpable that sort of thing, and he said no, not in any

indictable sense, but he couldn’t be sure whether or

not he was entirely safe. Naturally, I said he was

crazy; he should take his information to the

authorities and let them handle it.”

“Which is exactly what I told him,” interrupted


Fitzpatrick stopped walking and turned to Joel.

“He said it was more complicated than that.”

“He was right.”

“I find that hard to believe.”

“He’s dead. Believe it.”

“That’s no answer!”

“You didn’t ask a question,” said Converse. “Let’s

walk. Go on. Your contract.”

Bewilderment on his face, the naval officer

began. “It was very simple,” he continued. “He told

me he would keep me up to date whenever he

traveled, letting me know if he was seeing anyone

related to his major concern that’s what we called

it, his ‘major concern.’ Also anything else that could

be helpful if . . . if . . . goddamn it, ifl”

“If what?”

Fitzpatrick stopped again, his voice harsh. “If

anything happened to him!”

Converse let the emotion of the moment pass.

“And he told you he was going to Geneva to see me.

The man who knew Avery Preston Fowler Halliday

as Avery Fowler roughly twenty-odd years ago in


“Yes. We’d been over that before when I got him

the security material on you. He said the time was

right, the circumstances right. By the way, he thought

you were the best.” Connal permitted himself a brief

uncomfortable smile. “Almost as good as he was.”

“I wasn’t,” said Joel, a half-smile returned. “I’m

still trying to figure out his position on some Class B

stock in the merger.”


“Nothing. What about Lucas Anstett? I want to

hear about that.”

“It’s in two parts. Press said they’d worked

through the judge to spring you if you’d agree to

take on the ”


“They? Who’s they?”

“I don’t know. He never told me.”

“Goddamn it! Sorry, go ahead.”

“That Anstett had talked to your firm’s senior

partners and they said okay if you said okay. That’s

part one. Part two is a personal idiosyncrasy; I’m a

news freak, and like most of my ilk, I’m tuned into

the hourly AFR.”

“Clarification. ”

“Armed Forces Radio. Oddly enough, it’s

probably got the best news coverage on the air; it

pools all the networks. I have one of those small

transistorised jobs with a couple of shortwave bands

I pack when I’m traveling.”

“I used to do that,” said Converse. “For the BBC,

mainly because I don’t speak French or anything

else for that matter.

“They’ve got good coverage, but they shift bands

too much. Anyway, I had AFR on early this

morning and heard the story, such as it was.”

“What was it?”

“Short on details. His apartment on Central Park

South was broken into around two in the morning,

New York time. There were signs of a struggle and

he was shot in the head ”

“Not quite. According to a housekeeper, nothing

was taken, so robbery was ruled out. That’s it.”

“Jesus. I’ll call Larry Talbot. He may have more

information. There wasn’t anything else?”

“Only a quick sketch of a brilliant jurist. The

point is nothing was taken.”

“I understand that,” broke in Joel. ‘`1’11 talk to

Talbot.” They started walking again, south along the

wall. “Last night,” continued Converse, ‘~why did

you tell Dowling you were an embassy man? You

must have been at the airport.”

4I’d been at that airport for seven hours going

from counter to counter asking for passenger

information, trying to find out what plane you were


‘~You knew I was on my way to Bonn?”

.Beale thought you were.”

`Beale?” asked Joel, startled. ‘4Mykonos’?”

‘Press gave me his name and the number but

said I wasn’t to use either unless the worst

happened.” Fitzpatrick paused. “The worst

happened,” he added.

‘What did Beale tell you?”


‘what you went to Paris, and as he understood it,

you were going to Bonn next.”

“What elseP”

‘Nothing. He said he accepted my credentials, as

he called them, because I had his name and knew

how to reach him; only Press could have given me

that information. But anything else I’d have to learn

from you, if you felt there was something to tell me.

IIe was pretty damned cold.”

“He had no choice.”

“Although he did say that in case I couldn’t find

you, he wanted to see me on Mykonos before I

began raising my voice . . . ‘for everything Mr.

Halliday stood for.’ That’s the way he put it. I was

going to give you two more days to get here, if I

could hold up.”

“Then what? Mykonos?”

“I’m not sure. I figured I’d call Beale again, but

he’d have to tell me a lot more than he did to

convince me.”

“And if he didn’t? Or couldn’t?”

“Then I’d have flown straight to Washington and

gone to whomever the top floor of the Navy

Department suggested. If you think for one

goddamned minute I’m going to let this thing pass

for what it isn t, you’re wrong and so is Beale.”

“If you’d have made that clear to him, he would

have come up with something. You’d have gone to

Mykonos.” Converse reached into his shirt pocket for

his cigarettes; he offered one to Fitzpatrick, who

shook his head. “Avery didn’t smoke either,” said

Joel aimlessly as he snapped his lighter. “Sorry . . .

Press.” He inhaled.

“It’s okay; that name’s how I got you to see me.”

“Let’s go back to that a minute. There’s a slight

inconsistency in your testimony, counselor. Let’s

clear it up just so neither one of us makes a


“I don’t know what you think you’re crowding in

on, but go ahead.”

“You quid you were going to give me two more

days to get here, is that right?”

“Yes, if I could make arrangements, get some sleep


‘How did you know I didn’t get here two days

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Categories: Robert Ludlum