Robert Ludlum – Aquatain Progression

will step out, please, and take two paces away from

the car. Only two paces, sir.” The chauffeur now held

in his hand a black object with a rounded metal tube

extending from the front of the instrument, not

unlike a miniaturised electric charcoal starter.

“What’s that?” asked Converse.

“Protection, sir. For you, sir. The dogs, sir. They

are trained to sense heavy metal.”

Joel stood there as the German moved the

electronic detector over his clothes, including his

shoes, his inner thighs and the back of his waist. “Do

you people really think I’d come out here with a


“I do not think, sir. I do as I am told.”

‘How original,” mumbled Converse as he

watched the man on the marble step raise the silver

whistle again to his lips. As one, the phalanx of

Dobermans suddenly leaped forward. In panic, Joel

grabbed the chauffeur, spinning the German in front

of him. There was no resistance; the man simply

turned his head and grinned as the dogs veered to

the right and raced around the circular drive into the

approach road cut out of the forest.

“Don’t apologize, mein Herr, ” said the chauffeur.

“It happens often.”

“I wasn’t going to apologise,” said Converse flatly

as he released the man. “I was going to break your

neck.” The German moved away, and Joel remained

motionless, stunned by


his own words. He had not spoken words like that

in over eighteen years.

“This way, sir.” said the man on the steps, his

accent oddly yet distinctly British.

Inside, the great hall was lined with medieval

banners hanging down from an interior balcony.

The hal] led into an immense sitting room, the

motif again medieval, made comfortable by soft

leather chairs and couches, gaily fringed lamps and

silver services everywhere on thin polished tables.

The room was also made ugly by the profusion of

protruding animals’heads on the upper walls; large

cats, elephants and boar looked down in defiant

anger. It was a field marshal’s lair.

It was not, however, the furnishings that

absorbed Converse’s attention but the sight of the

four men who stood beside four separate chairs

facing him.

He knew Bertholdier and LeifLelm; they stood

beside each other on the right. It was the two on

the left he stared at. The medium-sized, stocky man

with the fringe of close-cropped hair on a balding

head and wearing a rumpled safari jacket, the

ever-present boots below his khaki trousers, could

be no one but Chaim Abrahms. His pouched, angry

face with its slits of glaring eyes was the face of an

avenger. The very tall man with the gaunt, aquiline

features and the straight grey hair was General Jan

van Headmer, the Slayer of Soweto. Joel had read

the Van Headmer dossier quickly; fortunately it was

the briefest, the final summary saying it all.

In essence, Van Headmer is a Cape Town

aristocrat, an Afrikaner who has never really

accepted the British, to say nothing of the tribal

blacks. His convictions are rooted in a reality that

for him is unshakable. His forebears carved out a

savage land under savage conditions and at a great

loss of life brutally taken by savages. His thinking is

unalterably that of the late-nineteenth and

early-twentieth centuries. He will not accept the

sociological and political in

~roads made by the more educated Bantus because

he will never consider them anything more than

bush primitives. When he orders austere

deprivations and mass executions, he thinks he is

dealing only with subhuman animals. It is this

thinking that led him to be jailed along with Prime

Minister Verwoerd and the racist Vorster during

World War II. He con


curred wholeheartedly with the Nazi concept of su

perior races. His close association with Chaim

Abrahms is the single difference between him and

the Nazis, and not a contradiction for him. The

sabres carved a land out of a primitive Palestine;

their history parallels his country’s, and both men

take pride in their strength and respective

accomplishments. Van Headmer, incidentally, is one

of the most charming men one could meet. On the

surface he is cultured, extremely courteous and

always willing to listen. Underneath, he is an

unfeeling killer, and he is Delavane’s key figure in

South Africa with its vast resources.

“Mein Haus ist dein Haus,” said LeifLelm, walking

toward Joel, his hand outstretched.

Converse stepped forward to accept the

German’s hand. Their hands clasped. “That was an

odd greeting outside for such a warm sentiment,”

said Joel, abruptly releasing Leifhelm’s hand and

turning to Bertholdier. “Good to see you again,

General. My apologies for the unfortunate incident

in Paris the other night. I don’t mean to speak lightly

of a man’s life, but in those few split seconds I didn’t

think he had much regard for mine.”

Joel’s boldness had the desired effect.

Bertholdier stared at him, momentarily unsure of

what to say. And Converse was aware that the other

three men were watching him intently without

question struck by his audacity, in both manners and


“To be sure, monsieur,” said the Frenchman,

pointlessly but with composure. ‘As you know, the

man disregarded his orders.”

“Really? I was told he misunderstood them.”

“It is the samel” The sharp, heavily accented

voice came from behind.

Joel turned around. ‘Is it?” he asked coldly.

“In the field, yes,” said Chaim Abrahms. “Either

one is an error, and errors are paid for with lives.

The man paid with his.”

“May I introduce Ceneral Abrahms?” Leifhelm

broke in touching Converse’s elbow and leading him

to the Israeli.

“General Abrahms, it’s a privilege,” said Joel with

convincing sincerity as they shook hands. “Like

everyone here,


I’ve admired you tremendously, although perhaps

your rhetoric has been excessive at times.”

The Israeli’s face reddened as soft laughter filled

the large room. Suddenly Van Headmer stepped

forward, and Converse’s eyes were drawn to the

strong face, the brows frowning, muscles taut.

“You are addressing one of my closest

associates, sir,” he said; the rebuke was

unmistakable. Then a thin smile creased his gaunt,

chiseled face. “And I could not have said it better

myself. A pleasure to know you, young man.” The

Afrikaner’s hand was stretched toward Joel, who

accepted it amid the subdued laughter.

“I am insulted!” cried Abrahms, his thick

eyebrows raised, his head bobbing in mock despair.

“By talkers I’m insulted! Frankly, Mr. Converse, they

agree with you because none of them has had a

woman in a quarter of a century. They may tell you

otherwise others may tell you otherwise but

believe me they hire whores to play cards with them

or read stories into their old grey ears just to fool

their friends!” The laughter grew louder, and the

Israeli, now playing to an audience, went on,

leaning forward and pretending to speak sotto voce

to Joel. ‘But you see, I hire the whores to tell me

the truth while I shtup them! They tell me these

fancy talkers nod off by nine o’clock, whining for

warm milk. With the Ovaltine, if it’s possible!”

“My dear sabre,” said Leifhelm, talking through

his laughter, “you read your own romantic fiction

too assiduously. ‘

“You see what I mean, Converse?” asked

Abrahms shrugging, palms extended. “You hear

that? ‘Assiduously. Now you know why the Germans

lost the war. They forever spoke so dramatically of

the Blitzkrieg and the AngrifJ:e, but actually they

were talking assiduously about what to do next!”

“They should have given you a commission,

Chaim,” said Bertholdier, enjoying himself. “You

could have changed your name, called Rommel and

Von Runstedt Jews and taken over both fronts.”

“The High Command could have done worse,”

agreed the Israeli.

“I wonder, though,” continued the Frenchman,

“if you would have stopped there? Hitler was a fine

orator, as you are


a fine orator. Perhaps you would have claimed that

he, too, was a Jew and moved into the chancellery.”

“Oh, I have it on good authority that he was a

Jew. But from a very bad family. Even we have them;

of course, they’re all from Europe.”

The laughter grew again and then rapidly began

to subside. Joel took the cue. “Sometimes I speak

too frankly, General,” he said. ‘I should learn better,

but, believe me, no insult was intended. I have

nothing but admiration for your stated positions,

your policies.”

“And that’s precisely what we shall discuss,” said

Erich Leifhelm, drawing everyone’s attention.

“Positions, policies, overall philosophy, if you will.

We will stay as far away from specifics as we can,

although a few will undoubtedly intrude. However,

it is our approach to the larger abstractions that

count. Come, Mr. Converse, have a chair. Let us

begin our conference, the first of many, I trust.”

Rear Admiral Hickman slowly put down the

transcript on his desk, and looked aimlessly past his

propped-up feet out the window at the ocean under

a grey sky. He crossed his. arms, lowered his head

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Categories: Robert Ludlum