Robert Ludlum – Aquatain Progression

yourself, Lieutenant, I knew exactly what you were

saying. ‘I’ll give you a name now and then that may

open a door . . . but that’s all. Those were your

words. Freely translated, you were telling yourself

that the sailor you took on board might stumble on

to something, but in case he was taken by the wrong

people, they couldn’t beat out of him what he didn’t


Joel accepted the rebuke, not merely because it

was justified, but because it made clear a larger

truth, one he had not understood on Mykonos. Beale

had told him that among those raising questions in

Washington were military men who for one reason

or another had not pursued their inquiries; they had

kept silent. They had kept silent where they might be

overheard, perhaps, but they had not totally kept

their silence. They had talked in quiet voices until

another quiet voice from San Francisco a man who

knew whom to reach courtesy of a brother-in-law in

San Diego made contact. They had talked together,

and out of their secret conversations had come a

plan. They needed an infiltrator, a man with the

expertise who had a loathing they could fuel and,

once fired, send out into the labyrinth.

The realisation was a shock, but oddly enough,

Joel could not fault the strategy. He did not even

fault the silence that remained after Preston

Halliday’s murder; loud accusing voices would have

rendered that death meaningless. Instead, they had

stayed quiet, knowing that their puppet had the tools

to make his way through the maze of illegalities and

do the job they could not do themselves. He

understood that, too. But there was one thing

Converse could not accept, and that was his own

expendability as the puppet. He had tolerated being

left unprotected under the conditions outlined by

Avery Fowler-Preston Halliday, not under these. If

he was on a string, he wanted the puppeteers to

know he knew it. He also wanted the name of

someone in Bonn he could call, someone who was a

part of them. The old rules did not apply any longer,

a new dimension had been added.

In four hours he would be driven through the

iron gates of Erich Leifhelm’s estate; he wanted

someone on the outside, a man Fitzpatrick could

reach if he did not come out by midnight. The

demons were pressing hard, thought Joel. Still, he


could not turn back. He was so close to trapping the

warlord of Saigon, so close to making up for so

much that had warped his life in ways no one would

ever understand…. No, not no one,’ he reflected.

One person did, and she had said she could not

help him any longer. Nor had it been fair any

longer to seek her help.

“What’s your decision?” said Connal.

“Decision?” asked Joel, startled.

“You don’t have to go this afternoon. Throw it

all back! This belongs Stateside with the FBI in

conjunction with the Central Intelligence Agency

overseas. I’m appalled they didn’t take that route.”

Converse breathed the start of a reply, then

stopped. It had to be clear, not only to Fitzpatrick

but to himself. He thought he understood. He had

seen the look of profound panic in Avery Fowler’s

eyes Preston Halliday’s eyes and he had heard the

cry in his voice. The lies were his strategy, but the

look and the cry were his innermost feelings.

“Has it occurred to you, Commander, that they

can’t take that route? That, perhaps, we’re not

talking about men who can pick up a phone as

you said before and put those wheels in motion?

Or if they tried, they’d have their heads cut off,

perhaps literally, with an official and a bullet in the

back of their skulls? Let me add that I don’t think

they’re afraid for themselves any more than I

believe they chose the best man for the job, but I do

think they came to a persuasive conclusion. They

couldn’t work from the inside because they didn’t

know whom they could trust.”

“Christ, you’re a cold son of a bitch.”

“Ice, Commander. We’re dealing with a paranoid

fantasy called Aquitaine, and it’s controlled by

proven, committed, highly intelligent and

resourceful men, who if they achieve what they’ve

set out to do will appear as the voices of strength

and reason in a world gone mad. They’ll control

that world our world because all other options

will pale beside their stability. Stability, counselor, as

opposed to chaos. What would you choose if you

were an everyday nine-to-fiver with a wife and kids,

and you could never be sure when you went home

at night whether or not your house had been broken

into, your wife raped, your kids strangled? You’d

opt for tanks in the street.”

“With justification,” said the Navy lawyer, the

two words spiraling quietly off into the air of the

sunlit room.


“Believe that, sailor. They’re banking on it, and

that’s just what they’re planning to do on an

international scale. It’s only a few days or a few

weeks away whatever it is, wherever it is. If I can

just get an inkling . . .” Converse turned and started

for the door of his bedroom.

“Where are you going?” asked Connal.

‘Beale’s telephone number on Mykonos; it’s in

my briefcase. He’s my only contact and I want to talk

to him. I want him to know the puppet has just been

granted some unexpected free will.”

Three minutes later Joel stood at the table, the

phone to his ear as the Greek operator in Athens

routed his call to the island of Mykonos. Fitzpatrick

sat on the couch, Chaim Abrahms’ dossier in front of

him on the coffee table, his eyes on Converse.

“Are you getting through all right?” asked the

Navy lawyer.

“It’s ringing now.” The erratic, stabbing signals

kept repeating four, five, six times. On the seventh

the telephone in the Aegean was picked up.


“Dr. Beale, please. Dr. Edward Beale.”

“Tee tha thelete?”

“Beale. The owner of the house. Get him for me

please!” Joel turned to Fitzpatrick. “Do you speak


“No, but I’ve been thinking about taking it up.”

“You do that.” Converse listened again to the

male voice in Mykonos. Greek phrases were spoken

rapidly, none comprehensible. “Thank yout

Good-bye.” Joel tapped the telephone bar several

times, hoping the overseas line was still open and the

English-speaking Greek operator was still there.

“Operator? Is this the operator in Athens? . . .

Good! I want to call another number on Mykonos,

the same billing in Bonn.” Converse reached down

on the table for the instructions Preston Halliday had

given him in Geneva. “It’s the Bank of Rhodes. The

number is . . .”

Moments later the waterfront banker, Kostas

Laskaris, was on the line. “Herete.”

“Mr. Laskaris, this is Joel Converse. Do you

remember me?”

“Of course…. Mr. Converse?” The banker

sounded distant, somehow strange, as if wary or


“I’ve been trying to call Dr. Beale at the number you


gave me, but all I get is a man who can’t speak

English. I wondered if you could tell me where

Beale is.”

A quiet expulsion of breath could be heard over

the phone. “I wondered,” said Laskaris quietly. “The

man you reached was a police officer, Mr. Converse.

I had him placed there myself. A scholar has many

valuable things.”

“Why? What do you mean?”

“Shortly after sunrise this morning Dr. Beale

took his boat out of the harbor, accompanied by

another man. Several fishermen saw them. Two

hours ago Dr. Beale’s boat was found crashed on

the rocks beyond the Stephanos. There was no one

on board.”

I killed him. With a scaling knife dropping his

body over a cluster of sharks beyond the shoals of the


Joel hung up the phone. Halliday, Anstett,

Beale, all of them gone all his contacts dead. He

was a puppet on the loose, his strings gone haywire,

leading only to shadows.


Erich Leifhelm’s warlike skin paled further as

his eyes narrowed and his starched white lips

parted. Then blood rushed to his head as he sat

forward at the desk in his library and spoke into the

telephone. “What was that name again, London?”

“Admiral Hickman. He’s the ”

“No,” interrupted the German sharply. “The

other one! The officer who has refused to release

the information.”

“Fitzpatrick, an Irish name. He’s the ranking

legal officer at the naval base in San Diego.”

“A Lieutenant Commander Fitzpatrick?”

“Yes, how did you know?”

“Unglaublich! Diese Stum per!”

“Warum?” asked the Englishman. “In what sense?”

“He may be what you say he is in San Diego,

Englander, but he is not in San Diego! He’s here in


“Are you mad? No, of course, you’re not. Are

you certain ?”


“He’s with Converse! I spoke to him myself. The

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Categories: Robert Ludlum