Robert Ludlum – Aquatain Progression

she had been far more Specific.. She had said “my

only darling.” Was it a response corn of the panic?

Not knowing was the worst of it, thought

Converse, tudying the road signs in the wash of the

headlights. He had Steen driving for nearly seven

hours after picking up a map in the city of Hagen

while refilling the tank seven hours, and according

to the map he was still a long way from the border

crossing he had chosen. The reason lay in his

ignorance, in not knowing whether Hermione

Geyner’s car had been the object of a search in the

first few hours out of Osnabruck. It undoubtedly was

now officially by the police but during those sarly

hours he could have made better time on the

highways he dared not use in case Aquitaine had

raced to Geyner’s house with Val’s call. He had

traveled circuitous backcountry ~roads, his pilot’s

eye on the sun, veering always south until he reached

Hagen. Now the back roads were a necessity;

whether they were before he would never know.

Now, however, Hermione Geyner and her band of

lunatics must have gone to the police to report her

stolen car. Joel had no idea what they could possibly

say that would convince the Polizei that Valerie’s

aunt was an injured party, but a stolen car was a

stolen car, whether driven by Saint Francis of Assisi

or Jack the Ripper. He would stay on the back roads.

Lennestadt to Kreuztal, crossing the Rhine at

Bendorf and following the west bank of the river

through Koblenz, Oberwesel, and Bingen, then south

to Neustadt and east to


Speyerand the Rhine again. And again south

through the bor der towns of Alsace-Lorraine, finally

to the city of Kehl. It we’ where he would cross into

France, a decision based on the fact that several

years agoJohn Brooks had sent him to Strasbourg

the French city across the river border, to a terribly

dull con ference at which eight lawyers argued so

continuously wit! each other over minor aspects of

language and translation that nothing of substance

was accomplished. As a result, Joe had walked the

city and driven out to the countryside, awec by its

beauty. He had taken several boat trips up and down

the Rhine, and now he remembered the ferries that

shuttle: back and forth between the piers of

Germany and France Above all, he remembered the

crowds in Strasbourg. Always the crowds had helped

him he needed them especially now

It would take another three to four hours of

driving, but somewhere he would have to stop and

sleep for a while. He was exhausted; he had not

slept for so long he could not accu rately remember

when he had last closed his eyes. But there was

Chamonix and Val ahead. He had told her he loved

her he had said it. He had gotten it out after so

many years: the relief was incredible, but the

response even more incredi” ble. “My darling my

only darling.” Did she mean it? Or was she

supporting him again, the artist’s emotions riding

over reason and experience?

Aquitaine! Push everything out of your mind and

get into Francet

The polar flight from Los Angeles to Paris was

uneventful, the moonscapes of ice over the

northernmost regions of, the world hypnotically

peaceful, suspending thought by the sheer expanse

of their cold infinity. Nothing seemed to matter to

Val as she looked down from the substratosphere.

But what’ ever tranquility the flight produced, it

came to an end in Paris.

“Are you in France on business or on holiday,

madame?” asked the immigration official, taking

Valerie’s passport and typing her name into the


“En pen de l’un et de l’autre.”

“Vous parley franpais?”

“C’est ma lance preferee. Mes parentsetaient

parisiens, ” explained Val, and continued in French,

“I’m an artist and I’ll be talking with several

galleries. Naturally, I’ll want to travel ” She

stopped, seeing the ofllcial’s eyes glance up


from his screen, studying her. “Is anything the

matter? ‘ she asked.

“Nothing of concern, madame,” said the man,

picking up his telephone and talking in a low voice,

the words indishnguishable in the hum of the huge

customs hall. “There is someone who wishes to speak

with you.”

“That’s of considerable concern to me, ” objected

Valerie frightened. “I’m not travelingunder my own

name for a very good reason which I suspect that

machine of yours has told you, and I will not be

subjected to interrogations or the indignity of the

press! I’ve said all I have to say. Please reach the

American embassy for me.”

‘ There is no need for that, madame,” said the

man, replacing the phone. “It is not an interrogation

and no one of the press will know you are in Paris

unless you tell them. Also there is nothing in this

machine but the name on your passport and a


A second uniformed official hurriedly entered the

roped-offaisle from a nearby office. He bowed

politely. “If you will come with me, madame,” he said

quietly in English, obviously noticing the fear in her

eyes and assuming her reluctance. “You may, of

course, refuse, as this is in no way official but I hope

you will not. It is a favor between old friends.”

“Who are you?”

“Chief inspector of immigrations, madame.”

“And who wishes to speak with me?”

“It would be up to him to tell you that his name

does not appear on the request. However, I’m to

give you another name. Mathlon. He says you two

were old friends and he respected him a great deal.”


“If you will be so kind as to wait in my office, I

will personally clear your luggage.”

“This is my luggage,” said Val, her thoughts on

someone who would bring up Rene’s name. “I’ll want

a police officer nearby, one who can watch through

a glass door.”

“PourquoiP. . . Why, madame?”

“One mesure de surety, ” replied Valerie.

“Out, bier sur, mais ce n’est pas necessaire.”

‘7’insiste ou je pars. ”

“D’accord. ”

It was explained that the person who wished to

speak with her was driving out to De Gaulle Airport

from the center


of Paris; it would take thirty-five minutes. Waiting,

she had coffee and a small glass of Calvados. The

man walked through the door. Of late middle age,

he was dressed in rumpled clothing, as if his

appearance did not matter any longer. His face

seemed lined as much from weariness as from age,

and when he spoke his voice was tired but

nevertheless precise.

“I will keep you but a few minutes, madame. I’m

sure you have places to go, people to see.”

“As I explained,” said Val, looking hard at the

Frenchman, “I’m in Paris to talk with several

galleries ”

“That is no concern of mine,” interrupted the

man, holding up his hands. “Forgive me, I do not

care to hear. I care to hear nothing unless madame

wishes to speak after I’ve spoken to her.”

– “Why did you use the name of Mattilon?”

“An introduction. You were friends. May I go

back before Monsieur Mattilon?”

“Go back by all means.”

“My name is Prudhomme. I am with the Surete.

A man died in a hospital here in Paris several weeks

ago. It is said your former husband, Monsieur

Converse, was responsible.”

“I’m aware of that.”

“It was not possible,” said the Frenchman calmly,

sitting down and taking out a cigarette. “Have no

fear, this office is not ‘tapped’ or ‘bugged.’ The chief

inspector and I go back to the Resistance.”

“That man died after a brutal fight with my

former husband,” said Val cautiously. “I read it in

the newspapers, heard it on the radio. Yet you’re

telling me he wasn’t responsible for his death. How

can you say that?”

“The man did not die in the hospital, he was

killed. Between two-fifteen and two-forty-five in the

morning. Your husband was on a flight from

Copenhagen to Hamburg during those hours. It has

been established.”

“You know this),”

“Not officially, madame. I was removed from the

case. A subordinate, a man with little police

experience but with the Army later in the Foreign

Legion, no less was given the assignment while I

was shifted to more ‘important’ matters. I asked

questions; I will not bore you with details, but the

man’s lungs collapsed a sudden trauma unrelated

to his wounds. The man was suffocated. It was not

in the report. It was removed.”


“I gather that. It’s Stone.”

“Mah wand, the Tatiana re-route!” exclaimed the

Southerner. “Someday you must tell me about this

here fascinatin’ family of yours, Brer Rabbit.”

‘ Someday I will.”

“I seem to recollect having heard the name

somewheres around the late sixties, but I didn’t

know what it meant.”

“Trust whoever used it.”

“Why should I do that?”

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Categories: Robert Ludlum