Robert Ludlum – Aquatain Progression

macabre Scheherazade. She amused everyone with

her drunken antics as she accepted all that was

dropped into her offering cloth, including coins. The

Dutch vacationers were kind, thoughtJoel they took

care of someone less fortunate than themselves

someone who would be banred from another class

of car on another train. The woman approached

him, her canvas bag now held in front of her so as

to accept alms from both sides. Converse reached

into his pocket for a few Builders, letting them slip

from his hand into the bag.

“Goedemorgen, ” said the old woman, weaving.

“Dank u wel, haste man, erg vriendelijk van u!”

Joel nodded, resuming to his map, but the bag

lady remained.

“Uw hoold! Ach, heb je een ongeluk Chad, jongen?”

Again Converse nodded, reaching again into his



and giving the inebriated old hag more money. He

pointed to his map and waved her away, as yet

another raucous chorus erupted.

“Spreekt u Engels?” shouted the bag lady, leaning

over unsteadily.

Joel shrugged, sinking back into the seat, his eyes

riveted on the map.

“I think you do. ” The old woman spoke hoarsely,

clearly soberly, her right hand no longer on the edge

of the seat but instead in the canvas bag. “We’ve been

looking for you every day, on every train. Don t

move! The gun is equipped with a silencer. With all

this noise, if I pull the trigger no one would know the

difference, including the man beside you who wants

only to join the party and the big-breasted women. I

think we shall let him. We have you, Meneer


There was no summer camp, after all. Only death

minutes away from Amsterdam.


“Mag ik u even lastig fallen?” shouted the old

woman, once more weaving unsteadily as she spoke

to the passenger beside Converse. The man took his

eyes off the raucous festivities in the aisle and

glanced up at the harridan. She shouted again, her

right hand still in the bag, her mass of disheveled

grey hair springing back and forth as she nodded to

her right, toward the front of the car. ‘ Zou ik op uw

plants molten zitten?”

“Mid loest!” The man got up grinning, as Joel

instinctively moved his legs to let him pass. “Dank u

wel, ” the man added heading for a single empty seat

beyond a couple dancing in the aisle.

“Move over!” commanded the old woman harshly,

swaying with the rhythm of the racing train.

If it was going to happen, thought Converse, it

was going to happen now. He started to rise, his eyes

straight ahead, his right elbow on the armrest inches

from the bulging bag. Suddenly he plunged his hand

into the open canvas bag and


gripped the fat wrist of the woman’s hand that held

the unseen gun. Straining, pressing farther down,

clutching flesh and metal, he swung violently to his

left and yanked the old woman through the narrow

space, twisting her, crashing her down into the seat

next to the window. There was a sharp spit as the

gun exploded, burning a hole in the heavy cloth,

smoke billowing, the bullet embedding itself

somewhere below. The hag’s strength was maniacal,

unlike anything he might have imagined. She fought

viciously, clawing at his face until he pulled her arm

above her head, twisting it, clamping it behind her,

their two hands still struggling below in the bag. She

would not let go of the weapon and he could not

pry it loose; he could only hold it downward, his

grip immobilising her fingers, force against force,

her contorted face telling him she would not


The midmorning revels of the railroad car

reached a crescendo; a cacophony of voices raised

in jumbled song competed with the swelling echoes

of laughter. And no one paid the slightest attention

to the savage struggle that was taking place in the

narrow seat. Suddenly, within the panic of that

struggle, within the violent impasse, Joel was aware

that the train was slowing don n, if only

imperceptibly. Once again his pilot’s instincts told

him a descent was imminent. He jammed his elbow

into the old woman’s right breast to jolt her into

freeing the gun. Still she held on, bracing herself

against the seat, her arm pinned, her fat legs

stretched below, angled like thick pylons anchored

beneath the forward seat, her obese body twisted,

locking his own arm in place so he could not

dislodge the weapon from her grip.

“Let go!” he whispered hoarsely. ‘I won’t hurt

you I won’t kill you. Whatever you’re being paid,

I’ll pay you more!”

“Bee! I would be found at the bottom of a canal!

You can’t escape, Menheer! They wait for you in

Amsterdam, they wait for the train!” Grimacing, the

old woman kicked out, briefly freeing her left arm.

She swung her hand around, clawing his face, her

nails sliding down his beard until he grabbed her

wrist, pulling her arm across the seat and cracking

it into her own knee, twisting her hand clockwise,

forcing her to be still. It made no difference. Her

right hand had the strength of an aging lioness

protecting its pride; she would not release the gun


‘You’re Iying!” cried Converse. “No one knows

I’m on this trains You just got on twenty minutes



“Wrong, A mer~knan ! I’ve been on since

Arnhem I start in the front, walk back. I found you

out at Utrecht and a teiephone call was made.”


“You will see.”

“Who hired you?”



“You will see.”

“Goddamn you, you’re not part of them! You can’t


“They pay. Up and down the railroad they pay.

On the piers, in the airports. They say you speak

nothing but English.”

‘What else do they say?”

“Why should I tell you? You’re caught. It is you

who should let me go. It could be easier for you.”

“How? A quick bullet in the head instead of a

Hanoi rack?”

“Whatever it is, the bullet could be better. You

are too young to know, Meneer. You were never

under occupation.”

“And you’re too old to be so goddamned strong,

I’ll give you that.”

‘ha, I learn that, too.”

“Let go!”

The train was braking and the drunken crowd in

the car roared its approval as men grabbed suitcases

from the upper racks. The passenger who had been

sitting next to Joel hastily yanked his from above the

seat, his stomach pressing into Converse’s shoulder.

Joel tried to appear as though he were in deep

conversation with his grimacing half-prisoner; the

man fell back, suitcase in hand, laughing.

The old woman lurched forward, sinking her

mouth into Converse’s upper arm, millimeters from

his wound. She bit him viciously, her yellow teeth

penetrating his flesh, blood bursting out of his skin,

trickling down the woman’s grey chin.

He pulled back in pain. She freed her hand from

his grip in the canvas bag; the gun was hers! She

fired; the muted spit was followed by a shattering of

a section of the floor in the aisle, missingJoel’s feet

by inches. He grabbed the unseen barrel, twisted it,

pulled it, trying with all his strength to wrench it

away. She fired again.

Her eyes grew wide as she arched back into the

seat. They remained open as she slumped into the

window, blood


spreading quickly through the thin fabric of her

dress in the upper section of her stomach. She was

dead, and Joel felt ill nauseated he had to swallow

air to keep from vomiting. Trembling, he wondered

who this old woman was, why she was what she

had lived through that made her become what she

was. You were too young to know…. You were never

under occupation.

No time to think about all this! She had wanted

to kill him, that was all he had to know, and men

were waiting for him only minutes away. He had to

think, move!

Twisting the gun from her rigid fingers inside

the canvas bag, he quickly lifted it up and shoved it

under his coarse jacket, inserting it under his belt,

feeling the weight of the other weapon in his

pocket. He reached over and bunched the woman’s

dress in folds, then layered her shawl over the

bloodstains and pushed her mass of disheveled hair

over her right cheek, concealing the wide dead eyes.

Experience in the camps told him not to try to close

the eyes; too often they would not respond. fhe

action might only call attention to him to her. The

last thing he did was to pull a can of beer out of the

bag, open it, and place it on her lap; the liquid

spilled out, drenching’ her lap.

“Amsterdam! Df volgende halls is Amsterdam-Cen-


A roar went up from the vacationing crowd as

the line began to form toward the door. Oh, Christ!

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Categories: Robert Ludlum