Robert Ludlum – Aquatain Progression

mountains. He is a pillar Joel, grounded in heroic

marble and himself immovable. He is the De Gaulle

who never followed the original, and some say it is

a pity.”

“What do you say?”

Mattilon frowned, then cocked his head in a

Gallic shrug. “I’m not sure. God knows the country

needed someone, and perhaps Bertholdier could

have stepped in and steered a far better course than

the one we embarked upon, but the times were not

right. The Elysee had become an imperial court, and

the people were tired of royal edicts, imperial

sermons. Well, we don’t have those any longer;

they’ve been supplanted by the dull, grey banalities

of the workers’ credo. Perhaps it is a pity, although

he could skill do it, I imagine. He began his climb up

Olympus when he was very young.”

“Wasn’t he part of the OAS? Salan’s rebels in

Algeria? They were discredited, called a national


“That is a judgment even the intellectuals must

reluctantly admit could be subject to revision. The

way all of North Africa and the Middle East has

gone, a French Algeria could be a trump card

today.” Mattilon paused and brought his hand to his

chin, his frown returning. “Why on earth would

Talbot, Brooks and Simon walk away from

Bertholdier? He may be a monarchist at heart, but

God knows he’s honor personified. He’s regal,

perhaps even pompous, but a very acceptable client

for all of that.’

“We’ve heard things,” said Converse quietly,

shrugging now himself, as if to lessen the credibility

of hearsay evidence.

“Mon Dieu, not his women?” exclaimed Mattilon,

laughing. “Come now, when will you grow up?”

“Not women.”

“What then?”

‘Let’s say some of his associates, his acquaintances.’,

“I hope you make the distinction, 1oel. A man

like Bertholdier can choose his associates certainly,

but not his acquaintances. He walks into a room and

everyone wants to be his friend most claim he is a



‘ That’s what we want to find out. I want to

bring up some names, see whether they are

associates or unremembered acquaintances.”

“Bien. Now you’re making sense. I can help, I

will help We shall have lunch at L’Etalon Blanc

tomorrow and the next day. It is the middle of the

week and Bertholdier will no doubt choose one or

the other to dine there. If not, there’s always the

day after.”

“I thought you couldn’t in the door?”

“Not by myself, no. But I know someone who

can, and he will be most obliging, I can assure you.”


“He wishes to talk with me whenever and

wherever he can. He’s a dreadful bore and,

unfortunately, speaks very little English numbers

mainly, and words like ‘In and out,’ or ‘Over and

out,’ and ‘Dodger-Roger’ or ‘Roger-Dodger’ and

‘runway six’ or ‘Lift off five’ and all manner of

incomprehensible phrases.”

“A pilot?”

“He flew the first Mirages, brilliantly, I might

add, and never lets anyone forget it. I shall have to

be the interpreter between you, which at least

eliminates my having to initiate conversation. Do

you know anything about the Mirage?”

“A jet’s a jet,” said Joel. “Pull and sweep out,

what else is there?”

“Yes, he’s used that one, too. Pull and sweep

something. I thought he was cleaning a kitchen.”

“Why does he always want to talk with you? I

gather he’s a member of the club.”

“Very much so. We’re representing him in a

futile case against an aircraft manufacturer. He had

his own private jet and lost his left foot in one of

your crash landings ”

‘ Not mine, pal.”

“The door was jammed. He couldn’t

ground~ject where he wished to, when the plane’s

speed was sufficiently reduced for him to avoid a

final collision.”

“He didn’t slap the right buttons.”

“He says he did.”

“There are at least two backups, including an

instant manual, even on your equipment.”

“We’ve been made aware of that. It’s not the

money, you understand; he’s enormously wealthy.

It’s his pride. To lose


brings into question his current or if you will, lat-

ter-day skills.”

“They’ll be a lot more in question under

cross-examination. I assume you’ve told him that.”

“Very gently. It’s what we’re leading up to.”

“But in the meantime every conference is a hefty


“We’re also saving him from himself. If we did it

swiftly or too crudely, he’d simply dismiss us and be

driven to someone far less principled. Who else

would take such a case? The government owns the

plant now, and God knows it won’t pay.”

“Good point. What’ll you tell him about me?

About the club?”

Mattilon smiled. “That as a former pilot and an

attorney you can bring an expertise to his suit that

might be helpful. As to L’Etalon Blanc, I shall

suggest it, tell him you’d be impressed. I shall

describe you as something of an Attila the Hun of

the skies. How does that appeal to you?”

“With very little impact.”

“Can you carry it off?” asked the Frenchman. The

question was sincere. “It would be one way to meet

Bertholdier. My client and he are not simply

acquaintances, they are friends.”

“I’ll carry it off.”

“Your having been a prisoner of war will be most

helpful. If you see Bertholdier enter, and express a

desire to meet him, such requests are not lightly

refused former POW’s.”

“I wouldn’t press that too hard,” said Converse.

“Why not?”

“A little digging could turn up a rock that doesn’t

belong in the soil.”

“Oh?” Mattilon’s brows arched again, neither in

mockery nor in astonishment, simply surprise.

“‘Digging,’ as you use it, implies something more

than a spontaneous meeting with odd names

spontaneously thrown about.”

“Does it?” Joel revolved his glass, annoyed with

himself, knowing that any argument would only

enlarge the lapse. “Sorry, it was an instinctive

reaction. You know how I feel about that topic.”

“Yes, I do, and I forgot. How careless of me. I


“Actually, I’d just as soon not use my own name.

Do you mind?”


“You’re the missionary, not 1. What shall we call

you?” The Frenchman was now looking hard at


“It doesn’t matter.”

Mattilon squinted. “How about the name of your

employer, Simon? If you meet Bertholdier, it might

appeal to him. Lieuc de Saint-Simon was the purest

chronicler of the monarchy…. Henry Simon. There

must be ten thousand lawyers named Henry Simon

in the States.”

“Simon it is.”

“You’ve told me everything, my friend?” asked

Rene, his eyes noncommittal. “Everything you care


“Yes, I have,” said Joel, his own eyes a

blue-white walk “Let’s have another drink.”

“I think not. It’s late and my current wife has

malaise if her dinner is cold. She’s an excellent

cook, incidentally.”

“You’re a lucky man.”

“Yes, I am.” Mattilon finished his drink, placed

the glass on the table and spoke casually. “So was

Valerie. I shall never forget that fantastic canard ~

I’orange she fixed for us three or four years ago in

New York. Do you ever hear from her?”

“Hear and see,” answered Converse. “I had lunch

with her in Boston last month. I gave her the

alimony check and she picked up the tab. By the

way, her paintings are beginning to sell.”

“I never doubted that they would.”

“She did.”

“Unnecessarily…. I always liked Val. If you see

her again, please give her my affectionate best.”

“I wit.

Mattilon rose from the upholstered chair, his

eyes no longer noncommittal. “Forgive me, I

thought so often you were such a matched pair, I

believe is the expression. The passions dwindle, of

course, but not the de suite, if you know what I


“I think I do, and speaking for both of us, I

thank you_for the misplaced concretion.””

‘ye ne comprends pas. ”

“Forget it, it’s antiquated doesn’t mean

anything. I’ll give her your affectionate best.”

“Merci. I’ll phone you in the morning.”

L’Etalon Blanc was a pacifist’s nightmare. The

club’s heavy dark wood walls were covered with

photographs and


prints, interspersed with framed citations and

glistening medals red ribbons and gold and silver

disks cushioned on black velvet. The prints were a

visual record of heroic carnage going back two

centuries, while the evolution in warfare was shown

in photographs as the horses and caissons and sabers

became motorcycles, tanks, planes and guns, but the

scenes were not all that different because the theme

was constant. Victorious men in uniform were

depicted in moments of glory, whatever suffering

there might have been was strangely absent. These

men did not lose no missing limbs or shattered

faces here; these were the privileged warriors. Joel

felt a profound fear as he studied the martial array.

These were not ordinary men; they were hard and

strong and the word ‘capability’ was written across

their faces. What had Beale said on Mykonos? What

had been the judgment of the Red Fox of Inchon, a

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Categories: Robert Ludlum