Robert Ludlum – Aquatain Progression

sudden, awful vacuum below. She was beyond

thinking; she could only react to words. “Why did

you say you were responsible, that in some way you

pulled the trigger?”

“I told him to go to Peregrine. I tried to

convince him that Peregrine would listen to him,

that he wasn’t the man Joel thought he was.”

” ‘Thought he was’? What did Joel say?”

“Very little that made sense. He ranted about

generals and field marshals and some obscure

historical theory that brought all the commanders

from various wars and armies together in a

combined effort to take control of governments. He

wasn’t lucid. He d pretend to be, but the minute I

questioned a statement he made or a point in his

story, he’d blow up and tell me it didn’t matter, or

I wasn’t listening, or I was too dense to understand.

But at the end he admitted he was terribly tired and

confused and how badly he needed sleep. That was

when I made my last pitch about Peregrine, but Joel

didn’t trust him. He was actually hostile toward him

because he said he saw a former Gemman general’s

car go through the embassy gates, and as you may

or may not know, Peregrine was an outstanding

officer during the Second World War. I explained as

patiently and as fimmly as I could that Peregrine

was not one of ‘them,’ that he was no friend of the

military. . . . Obviously, I failed. Joel reached him,

set up a rendezvous and killed him. I had no idea

how sick he was.”

“Larry, ‘ began Valerie slowly, her voice weak. ‘

1 hear everything you say, but it doesn’t ring true. It

isn’t that I don’t believe you Joel once said you

were an embarrassingly honest man but

something’s missing. The Converse I know and lived

with for four years never bent the facts to support

abstractions he wanted to believe. Even when he

was angry as hell, he couldn’t do that. I told him

he’d make a lousy painter because he couldn’t bend

a shape to fit a concept. It wasn’t in him, and I

think he explained it. At five hundred miles an

hour, he said, you can mistake a shadow on the

ocean for a carrier if your instruments are out.”

“You’re telling me he doesn’t lie.”


“I’m sure he does I’m sure he did but never

about important things. It simply isn’t in him.”

“That was before he became ill, violently ill. He

killed that man in Paris, he admitted it to me.”

Valerie gasped. “No!”

“Yes, I’m afraid. Just as he killed Walter Peregrine.”

“Because of some obscure historical theory? It’s

all wrong, Larry!”

“Two psychiatrists at the State Department

explained it, but in phrases I’m sure I’d mangle if I

tried to repeat them. ‘Progressive latent

retrogression,’ I think, was one of them.”


“But you may be right about one thing. Geneva.

Remember you said it all had something to do with


“I remember. What about Geneva?”

“It’s where it started, everyone in Washington

agrees with that. I don’t know if you’ve read the

papers ”

“Only the Globe; it’s delivered. I haven’t left the


“It was Jack Halliday’s son stepson, actually. He

was the lawyer who was killed in Geneva. It seems

he was a prominent leaderof the antiwar movement

in the sixties and he was Converse’s opponent in the

merger. It was established that they met for

breakfast before the conference. The theory is that

he baitedJoel, and we can assume it was brutal, as he

had a reputation for going for the jugular.”

“Why would he do that?” asked Val, her frayed

nerves now suddenly alert.

“To throw Joel off. To distract him. Remember,

they were dealing in millions, and the attorney who

came off best could do very well for himself clients

lining up all over Wall Street to retain him. There’s

even evidence that Halliday succeeded.”

“What evidence?”

“The first part’s technical, so I won’t try to

explain it except to say that there was a subtle

transfer of voting stock which under certain isolated

market conditions might give Halliday’s clients more

say in management than the merger intended. Joel

accepted it; I don’t think he would have normally.”

“Normally? What’s the other part?”

“Joel’s behavior at the conference itself.

According to the reports interviews with everyone

in that room he wasn’t himself, he was distracted,

some said agitated. Several law


yers on both sides commented on the fact that he

kept to himself, standing by a window most of the

time, looking out as if he expected something. His

concentration was so lax that questions addressed to

him had to be repeated, and when they were, he

appeared as though he didn’t understand them. His

mind was somewhere else, on something that

consumed him.”

“Larry!” shouted Valerie. “What are you saying?

That Joel had something to do with this Halliday

being killed?”

“It can’t be ruled out,” said Talbot sadly. “Either

psychologically or in light of what people saw in the

anteroom when Halliday died.”

“What they saw?” whispered Valerie. “The paper

said he died with Joel holding his head.”

“I’m afraid there’s more, my dear. I’ve read the

reports. According to a receptionist and two other

attorneys, there was a violent exchange between

them just before Halliday died. No one’s sure what

was said, but they all agree it seemed ViCiOUS,

with Halliday clutching Joel’s lapels, as though

accusing him. Later, when questioned by the

Geneva police, Joel claimed there was no coherent

conversation, only the hysterical words of a dying

man. The police report added that he was not a

cooperative witness.”

“My God, he was probably in shock! You know

what he went through the sight of that man dying

literally in his arms must have been traumatic for


“Admittedly, this is hindsight, Valerie, but

everything must be examined above all, his


“What do they think he did? What’s the theory

now? That Joel went out into the street, saw

someone who fit the bill and hired him to kill a

man? Really, Larry, this is ludicrous. ”

“There are more questions, than there are

answers, certainly, but what’s happened what we

know has happened isn’t ludicrous at all. It’s


“All right, all right,” said Valerie, her words

rushed. “But why would he do it? Why would he

want Halliday killed? Why. ”

“I think that’s obvious. How he must have

despised someone like Halliday. A man who stayed

safely at home, who condemned and ridiculed

everything men like Joel went through, calling them

goons and murderers and lackeys and unnecessary

sacrifices. Along with his hated ‘commanders,’


the Hallidays of this world must have stood for

everything else he loathed. One group ordering men

into battle, to be maimed, killed, captured . . .

tortured, the other making a mockery of everything

they endured. Whatever Halliday said at that

breakfast table must have made something snap in

Joel’s head.”

“And you think,” said Valerie quietly, the words

echoing in her throat, “that’s why he wanted Halliday


“Latent vengeance. It’s the prevalent theory, the

consensus, if you will.”

“I don’s ‘will.’ Because it’s not true, it couldn’t be


“These are highly qualified experts, Val, doctors

in the behavioral sciences. They’ve analyzed

everything in the records and they feel the pattern is

there. Shock-induced, instant pathological


“That’s very impressive. They should embroider

it on their Snoopy baseball caps because that’s where

it belongs.”

“I don’t think you’re in a position to dispute ”

“I’m in a hell of a position,” interrupted the

ex-Mrs. Converse. “But nobody bothered to ask me,

or Joel’s father, or his sister who just happened to

have been one of those wild-eyed protesters you all

speak of. There’s no way Halliday could have

provoked Joel the way they say he did at breakfast,

lunch or dinner.”

“You can’t make such a statement, my dear. You

simply don’t know that.”

“I do know, Larry. Because Joel thought the

Hallidays of this world, as you put it, were right. He

wasn’t always crazy about the way they did things,

but he thought they were right!”

“I don’t believe that. Not after what he went


“Then go to another source if that’s what you

call it. To some of those records your high priests of

the behavioral sciences conveniently overlooked.

When Joel came back, there was a parade for him at

Travis Air Force Base in California, where he was

given everything but the keys to every starlet’s

apartment in Los Angeles. Am I right?”

“I recall there was a military welcome for a man

who had escaped under extraordinary circumstances.

The Secretary of State greeted him at the plane, in


“In absolute fact, Larry. Then what? Where else

was he paraded?”

“I don’t know what you mean.”


‘Look at the records. Nowhere. He wouldn’t do

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Categories: Robert Ludlum