Robert Ludlum – Aquatain Progression

I try to figure out what the fellow across the table is

going to ask for and then why he wants it. Not just

what my side wants, but what he wants. What’s going

through his mind? You see, Doctor, I’m trying to

think like him; I’m putting myself in his place, never

for a second letting him forget that I’m doing just

that. It’s very unnerving, like making notes on

margins whenever your opponent says anything,

whether he’s saying anything or not. But this time it’s

going to be different. I’m not looking for opponents.

I’m looking for allies. In a cause, their cause. I’ll start

in Paris, then on to Bonn, or Tel Aviv, then probably

Johannesburg. Only, when I reach these men I won’t

try to think like them, I’m going to be one of them.”

“That’s a very bold strategy. I compliment you.”

‘talking of options, it’s the only one open. Also,

I’ve got a lot of money I can spread around, not

lavishly but effectively, as befits my unnamed client.

Very unnamed, very much in the background, but

always there.” Joel stopped, a thought striking him.

“You know, Dr. Beale, I take it back. I don’t want


to know who my client is the one in San

Francisco, I mean. I’m going to create my own, and

Icnowing him might distort the portrait I’ve got in

mind. Incidentally, tell him he’ll get a full

accounting of my expenses: the rest will be returned

to him the same way I got it. Through your friend

Laskaris at the bank here on Mykonos.”

“But you’ve accepted the money,” objected

Beale. “There’s no reason ”

“I wanted to know if it was real. If he was real.

He is, and he knows exactly what he’s doing. I’ll

need a great deal of money because I’m going to

have to become someone I’m not and money is the

most convincing way to do it. No, Doctor I don’t

want your friend’s money, I want Delavane. I want

the warlord of Saigon. But I’ll use his money, just as

I’m using him the way I want him to be. To get

inside that network.”

“If Paris is your first stop and Bertholdier is

going to be your initial contact, there’s a specific

munitions transfer we think is directly related to

him. It might be worth a try. If we’re right, it’s a

microcosm of what they intend doing everywhere.”

‘`Is it in here?” asked Converse, tapping the

manila envelope containing the dossiers.

“No, it came to light only this morning early

this morning. I don’t imagine you listened to the

news broadcasts.”

“I don’t speak any language but English. If I

heard a news program I wouldn’t know it. What


“All Northern Ireland is on fire, the worst riots

the most savage killing in fifteen years. In Belfast

and Ballyciare, Dromore and in the Mourne

Mountains, outraged vigilantes on both sides are

roaming the streets and the hills, firing indis-

criminately, slaughtering in their anger everything

that moves. It’s utter chaos. The Ulster government

is in panic, the parliament tied down, emotionally

disrupted, everyone trying to find a solution. That

solution will be a massive infusion of troops and

their commanders.”

“What’s it got to do with Bertholdier?”

“Listen to me carefully,” said the scholar, taking

a step forward. “Eight days ago a munitions

shipment containing three hundred cases of cluster

bombs and two thousand cartons of explosives was

air-freighted out of Beloit, Wisconsin. Its

destination was Tel Aviv by way of Montreal, Paris,

and Marseilles. It never arrived, and an Israeli trace

employing the Mossad showed that only the

cargo’s paperwork reached


Marseilles, nothing else. The shipment disappeared

in either Montreal or Paris, and we’re convinced it

was diverted to provisional extremists again on

both sides in Northern Ireland.”

“Why do you think so?”

The first casualties over three hundred men,

women, and children were killed or severely

wounded, ripped to shreds by cluster bombs. It’s not

a pleasant way to die, but perhaps worse to be

hurt the bombs tear away whole sections of the

body. The reactions have been fierce and the

hysteria’s spreading. Ulster’s out of control, the

government paralysed. All in the space of one day,

one single day, Mr. Converse!”

‘ They’re proving to themselves they can do it,”

said Joel quietly, the fear in his throat.

Precisely,’ agreed Beale. it’s a test case, a

microcosm of the full-scale horror they can bring


Converse frowned. “Outside of the fact that

Bertholdier lives in Paris, what ties him to the


“Once the plane crossed into France, the French

insurers were a firm in which Bertholdier is a

director. Who would be less suspect than a company

that had to pay for the loss a company,

incidentally, that has access to the merchandise it

covers? The loss was upward of four million francs,

not so immense as to create headlines, but entirely

sufficient to throw off suspicion. And one more

lethal delivery is made mutilation, death, and

chaos to follow.”

“What’s the name of the insurance company?”

“Compagnie Solidaire. It would be one of the

operative words, I’d think. Solidaire, and perhaps

Beloit and Belfast.”

“Let’s hope I get to confront Bertholdier with

them. But if I do, I’ve got to say them at the right

time. I’ll catch the plane from Athens in the


“Take the urgent good wishes of an old man with

you, Mr. Converse. And urgent is the appropriate

word. Three to five weeks, that’s all you’ve got

before everything blows apart. Whatever it is,

wherever it is, it will be Northern Ireland ten

thousand times more violent. It’s real and it’s


Valerie Charpentier woke up suddenly, her eyes

wide, her face rigid, listening intently for sounds that

might break the dark silence around her and the

slap of the waves in the distance. Any second she

expected to hear the shattering bell


of the alarm system that was wired into every

window and door of the house.

It did not come, yet there had been other

sounds, intrusions on her sleep, penetrating enough

to wake her. She pulled the covers back and got out

of bed, walking slowly, apprehensively, to the glass

doors that opened onto her balcony which

overlooked the rocky beach, the jetty, and the

Atlantic Ocean beyond.

There it was again. The bobbing, dim lights were

unmistakably the same, washing over the boat that

was moored exactly where it had been moored

before. It was the sloop that for two days had

cruised up and down the coastline, always in sight,

with no apparent destination other than this particu-

lar stretch of the Massachusetts shore. At twilight

on the second evening it had dropped anchor no

more than a quarter of a mile out in the water in

front of her house. It was back. After three days it

had returned.

Three nights ago she had called the police, who

in turn reached the Cape Ann Coast Guard patrols,

who came back With an explanation that was no

more lucid than it was satisfactory. The sloop was a

Maryland registry, the owner an officer in the

United States Army, and there were no provocative

or suspicious movements that warranted any official


“I’d call it damned provocative and suspicious,”

Val had said firmly. “When a strange boat sails up

and down the same stretch of beach for two days in

a row, then parks in front of my house within

shouting distance shouting distance being

swimming distance.”

“The water rights of the property you leased

don’t extend beyond two hundred feet, ma’am” had

been the official reply. “There’s nothing we can do.”

At the first light of the next morning, however,

Valerie knew that something had to be done. She

had focused her binoculars on the boat, only to gasp

and move back away from the glass doors. Two men

had been standing on the deck of the sloop, their

own binoculars far more powerful than

hers directed at the house, at the bedroom

upstairs. At her.

A neighbor down the beachside cul-de-sac had

recently installed an alarm system. She was a

divorced woman too, but with a hostile ex-husband

and three children; she needed the alarm. Two

phone calls and Val was speaking to the owner of

Watchguard Security. A temporary system had been


hooked up that day while a permanent installation

was being designed.

A bell not shatteringly loud but soft and gentle.

It was the quiet clanging of a ship’s bell out on the

dark water, its clapper swinging with the waves. It

was the sound that had awakened her, and she felt

relieved yet strangely disturbed. Men out on the

water at night who intended harm did not announce

their presence. On the other hand, those same men

had come back to her house, the boat being only

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Categories: Robert Ludlum