Robert Ludlum – Aquatain Progression

the macabre revelation. “Just like that?” he said in a


“It’s what I was trained to do, Mr. Converse. I

was the Red Fox of Inchon. I never hesitated when

the ground could be gained, or an adversarial

advantage eliminated.” –

“You killed him?”

“It was a necessary decision, not a wanton taking

of life. He was a recruiter and my response was in

my eyes, in my silent outrage. He saw it, and I

understood. He could not permit me to live with

what he’d told me. One of us had to die and I simply

reacted more swiftly than he did.”

“That’s pretty cold reasoning.”

‘~You’re a lawyer, you deal every day with

options. Where was the alternative?”

Joel shook his head, not in reply but in

astonishment. “How did Halliday find you?”

“We found each other. We’ve never met, never

talked, but we have a mutual friend.”

fin San Francisco?”

She’s frequently there.”

“Who is he?”


“It’s a subject we won’t discuss. I’m sorry.”

“Why not? Why the secrecy?”

“It’s the way he prefers it. Under the

circumstances, I believe it’s a logical request.”

“Logic? Find me logic in any of this! Halliday

reaches a man in San Francisco who just happens to

know you, a former general thousands of miles away

on a Greek island who just happens to have been

approached by one of Delavane’s people. Now,

that’s coincidence, but damned little logicl”

“Don’t dwell on it. Accept it.”

“Would you?”

“Under the circumstances, yes, I would. You see,

there’s no alternative.”

“Sure there is. I could walk away five hundred

thousand dollars richer, paid by an anonymous

stranger who could only come after me by revealing


“You could but you won’t. You were chosen very


“Because I could be motivated? That’s what

Halliday said.”

“Frankly, yes.”

“You’re off the wall, all of you!”

“One of us is dead. You were the last person he

spoke with.”

Joel felt the rush of anger again, the sight of a

dying man’s eyes burned into his memory.

“Aquitaine,” he said softly. “Delavane…. All right, I

was chosen carefully. Where do I begin?”

“Where do you think you should begin? You’re

the attorney; everything must be done legally.”

“That’s just it. I’m an attorney, not the police,

not a detective.”

“No police in any of the countries where those

four men live could do what you can do, even if

they agreed to try, which, frankly, I doubt. More to

the point, they would alert the Delavane network.”

“All right, I’ll try,” said Converse, folding the

sheet with the list of names and putting it in his

inside jacket pocket. “I’ll start at the top. In Paris.

With this Bertholdier.”

“Jacques-Louis Bertholdier,” added the old man,

reaching down into his canvas bag and taking out a

thick manila envelope. “This is the last thing we can

give you. It’s everything we could learn about those

four men; perhaps it can


help you. Their addresses, the cars they drive,

business associates, cafes and restaurants they

frequent, sexual preferences where they constitute

vulnerability . . . anything that could give you an

edge. Use it, use everything you can. Just bring us

back briefs against men who have compromised

themselves, broken laws above all, evidence that

shows they are not the solid, respectable citizens

their life-styles would indicate. Embarrassment, Mr.

Converse, embarrassment. It leads to ridicule, and

Preston Halliday was profoundly right about that.

Ridicule is the first step.”

Joel started to reply, to agree, then stopped, his

eyes riveted on Beale. ‘ 1 never told you Halliday

said anything about ridicule.”

“Oh?” The scholar blinked several times in the

dim light, momentarily unsure of himself, caught by

surprise. “But, naturally, we discussed ”

“You never met, you never talked l” Converse broke


” through our mutual friend the strategies we

might employ,” said the old man, his eyes now

steady. ‘The aspect of ridicule is a keystone. Of

course we discussed it.”

“You just hesitated.”

“You startled me with a meaningless statement.

My reactions are not what they once were.”

“They were pretty good in a boat beyond the

Stephanos, ‘ corrected Joel.

“An entirely different situation, Mr. Converse.

Only one of us could leave that boat. Both of us will

leave this beach tonight.”

“All right, I may be reaching. You would be, too,

if you were me.” Converse withdrew a pack of

cigarettes from his shirt pocket, shook one up

nervously to his lips and took out his lighter. “A man

I knew as a kid under one name approaches me

years later calling himself something else.” Joel

snapped his lighter and held the flame under the

cigarette, inhaling. ‘ He tells a wild story that’s just

credible enough so I can’t dismiss it. The believable

aspect is a maniac named Delavane. He says I can

help stop him stop them and there’s a great deal

of money for nodding my head provided by a man

in San Francisco who won’t say who he is, expedited

by a former general on a fashionably remote island

in the Aegean. And for his efforts, this man I knew

under two names is murdered in daylight, shot a

dozen times in an elevator, dying in my arms

whispering the name ‘Aquitaine.’. And then this


other man, this ex-soldier, this doctor, this scholar,

tells me another story that ends with a ‘recruiter’

from Delavane killed with a scaling knife, his body

thrown overboard into a school of sharks beyond

the Stephanos whatever that is.”

“The Aghios Stephanos,” said the old man. “A

lovely beach, far more popular than this one.”

“Goddamn it, I am reaching, Mr. Beale, or

Professor Beale, or General Beale! It’s too much to

absorb in two lousy daysl Suddenly I don’t have

much confidence. I feel way beyond my depth let’s

face it, overwhelmed and underqualified . . . and

damned frightened.”

“Then don’t overcomplicate things,” said Beale.

“I used to say that to students of mine more often

than I can remember. I would suggest they not look

at the totality that faced them, but rather at each

thread of progression, following each until it met

and entwined with another thread, and then an-

other, and if a pattern did not become clear, it was

not their failure but mine. One step at a time, Mr.


“You’re one hell of a Mr. Chips. I would have

dropped the course.”

“I’m not saying it well. I used to say it better.

When you teach history, threads are terribly


“When you practice law, they’re everything.”

“Go after the threads, then, one at a time. I’m

certainly no lawyer, but can’t you approach this as

an attorney whose client is under attack by forces

that would violate his rights cripple his manner of

living, deny his pursuit of peaceful existence in

essence, destroy him?”

“Not likely,” repliedJoel. “I’ve got a client who

won’t talk to me, won’t see me, won’t even tell me

who he is.”

“That’s not the client I had in mind.”

“Who else? It’s his money.”

“He’s only a link to your real client. ‘

“Who’s that?”

“What’s left of the civilized world, perhaps.”

Joel studied the old scholar in the shimmering

light. “Did you just say something about not looking

at totalities but at threads? You scare the hell out

of me.”

Beale smiled. “I could accuse you of misplaced

concretion, but I won’t.”

“That’s an antiquated phrase. If you mean

out-of-context say it, and I’ll deny it. You’re

securely in well-placed contradiction, Professor.”


“Good heavens, you were chosen carefully. You

won’t even let an old man get away with an academic


Converse smiled back. “You’re a likable fellow,

General or Doctor. I d hate to have met you across

a table if you’d taken up law.”

“That could truly be misplaced confidence,” said

Edward Beale, his smile gone. “You’re only about to


“But now I know what to look for. One thread at

a time until the threads meet and entwine, and the

pattern’s there for everyone to see. I’ll concentrate

on export licenses, and whoever’s shuffling the

controls, then connect three or four names with each

other and trace them back to Delavane in Palo Alto.

At which point we blow it apart legally. No martyrs,

no causes, no military men of destiny crucified by

traitors, just plain bloated, ugly profiteers who’ve

professed to be super patriots, when all the while

they were lining their unpatriotic pockets. Why else

would they have done it? Is there another reason ?

That’s ridicule, Dr. Beale. Because they can ‘t

answer. ”

The old man shook his head, looking bewildered.

“The professor becomes a student,” he said

hesitantly. “How can you do this?”

“The way I’ve done it dozens of times in

corporate negotiaffons. Only, I’ll take it a step

further. In those sessions I’m like any other lawyer.

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Categories: Robert Ludlum