Robert Ludlum – Aquatain Progression

Aquitaine. He was back back in the camps and the

jungles that he had sworn never to return to. He

could only survive and hope that someone better

than himself would provide the solutions. But at the

moment, death was both his closest ally and his

most hostile adversary. He wanted to collapse into

nothingness let some


one else take up the cause no one knew had been

given him in Geneva.

Jesus! The tape! If it was even twelve or

twenty-four hours old, Val probably had not received

the envelope he had sent from Bonn! She could not

have. She would not have flown to Europe if she


Oh, my God! thought Joel, swallowing the last of

the whisky as he rubbed his forehead, his confusion

complete. Without the envelope in Nathan Simon’s

hands, no plea to him made sense! No call to him

would evoke anything but a demand that Joel turn

himself in and a telephone trace would be put on the

line. Natewould not disobey the law, he would fight

violently for a client afterward, but not before that

client obeyed the law. It was his religion, far more

important to him than his temple, for the law

allowed mistakes; it was essentially human, not

esoterically metaphysical. Converse’s hands began to

tremble; he had to find out!

“Your filet of sole, Meneer.”


“Your sole, sir,” repeated the waiter. You speak


“But of course,” said the gaunt, bald-headed man

with detached courtesy. “We spoke before, but you

were very excited. This district can do that to a man,

I understand.”

“Listen to me.” Joel brought his hand across

his lips emphasising each word. ‘I will pay you a lot

of money if you will place a phone call for me. I

don’t speak Dutch, or French or German or anything

but English. Can you understand that?”

‘1 understand.”

“To West Berlin.”

“It is not difficult, sir.”

“Will you do it for me?”

“But of course, Mender. You have a telephone

credit card?”

“Yes . . . no. I don’t want to use it.”

“Of course.”

“I mean I don’t I don’t want it recorded

anywhere. I have money.”

“I understand. In a few minutes I shall be off my

shift. I shall come for you. We shall place your call

and I shall know the amount from the operator. You

shall pay.”



“And ‘a lot of money, ja? Fifty builder, ja?”

“You’re on. Yes.”

Twenty minutes later Converse sat behind a

small desk n a very small office. The waiter handed

him the phone. ”They speak English, Meneer.”

“Miss Charpentier, please,” said Joel, his voice

choking overwhelmed by a kind of paralysis. If he

heard her voice he was not sure he could handle his

own reaction. For an instant he thought about

slamming down the phone. He could not involve



It was she, and as a part of him died another

part came alive. A thousand pictures flashed across

his mind, memories of happiness and anger, of love

and of hate. He could not speak.

“HelloP Who’s this?”

“Oh . . . there you are. Sorry, it’s a lousy

connection. This is Jack Talbot from . . . Boston

Graphics. How are you, Val?”

“Fine . . . Jack. How are you? It’s been a couple

of months. Since lunch at the Four Seasons, if I


“That’s right. When did you get in?”

“Last night.”

“Staying long?”

“Just for the day. I’ve been in crisis meetings all

morning with another one this afternoon. If I’m not

too bushed I’ll catch the plane back tonight. When

did you get to Berlin?”

“Actually, I’m not in Berlin. I saw you on a

Belgian broadcast. I’m in . . . Antwerp, but I’m

going to Amsterdam this afternoon. Christ, I’m sorry

about all that crap you had to take. Who would ever

have guessed it? About Joel, I mean.”

“I should have guessed it, Jack. It’s all so

horrible. He’s so very sick. I hope they catch him

quickly for everyone’s sake. He needs help.”

“He needs a firing squad, if you don’t mind my

saying so.”

“I’d rather not discuss it.”

“Did you get the sketches I sent you when we

lost the Gillette account? I figured it was a way to

your sackP”

“Sketches? . . . No. Jack, I never got anything

like that. But thanks for the thought, the sack


Christ! “Oh? I thought you might have looked at

your marl.

“I did . . . until the day before yesterday. It

doesn’t matter you’ll be in Amsterdam?”


“For a week. I wondered if you were going to

check any of the agency’s accounts up there before

heading back to New

“I should, but I don’t think so. There’s no time.

If I do, I’ll be at the Amstel Hotel. If not, I’ll see

you back in New York. You can buy me lunch at

Lutece, and we’ll swap trade secrets.”

“I’ve got more of them. You buy. Take care,


“Take care . . . Jack.”

She was magnificent. And she had not received

the envelope from Bonn.

He roamed the streets, afraid of walking too fast,

afraid of staying in one place too long, knowing only

that he had to keep moving, watching, finding the

shadows and letting them envelope him. She would

be in Amsterdam by evening; he knew that, it was in

her voice, and she had told him to reach her at the

Amstel Hotel. Whys Why had she come? What did

she think she was doing? Suddenly, the face of Rene

Mattilon came to him. It was in sharp focus, filling

his inner eye, surrounded by sunlight, the face a

mask a death mask. Rene had been killed by

Aquitaine for sending him to Amsterdam. Valerie

would not be spared if the disciples of George

Marcw Delavane thought she had flown over to find

him, to help him.

He would not reach her! He could not! It was

signing another death warrant! Her death warrant.

He had taken so much from her, given so little. The

last gift could not be the taking of her life. Yet . . .

yet there was Aquitaine and he meant what he had

said to Larry Talbot on the phone. He one Joel

Converse, was inconsequential where the gathering

of the generals was concerned. So was A. Preston

Halliday and Edward Beale and Connal Fitzpatrick.

If Val could help, he had no right to let his feelings

stop her the lawyer in him told him that, the

outraged man confirmed it. And it was possible she

could help, do the things he could not do himself

She could fly back, get the envelope and go to

Nathan Simon herself, saying that she had seen him,

talked to him, believed he

It was three-thirty; it would be dark by eight

o’clock or so. He had roughly five hours to remain

unseen and stay alive. And somehow find a car.

He stopped on the pavement and looked up at

an overly made-up, extremely bored whore in a

window on the third


floor of a colorful brick house. Their eyes made

contact and she smiled a bored smile at him, the

thumb and forefinger of her right hand meeting, the

wrist motion leaving little to the imagination.

Why not? thought Converse. The only certain

thing in a very uncertain world was the fact that

there was a bed beyond that window.

The “concierge” was a clerk, a man in his middle

fifhes with the pink face of an aging cherub, who

explained in perfectly fluent English that payment

was based on twenty-minute sessions, two sessions

paid in advance, one to be refunded should the

guest come downstairs during the final five minutes

of the fir st period. It was a loan shark’s dream

thought Converse, glancing at the various clocks

placed on numbered squares on the counter. As an

elderly man walked down the staircase the clerk

hastily grabbed one of the clocks and pushed the set

ond hand forward.

Joel calculated rapidly, converting Builders to

dollars, the rate of acceleration based on roughly

$30 per session. He gave the astonished “concierge”

the equivalent of $275, accepted his number and

headed for the staircase.

“She is a friend, sir?” asked the stunned

custodian of the revels as Converse reached the first

step. “An old lover, perhaps?”

“She’s a Dutch cousin I haven’t seen in years,”

replied Joel sadly. “We have to have a long talk.”

With heavy shoulders, he continued up the staircase.

“Slapen?” exclaimed the woman with the

spangled dark hair and heavily rouged cheeks. She

was as astonished as her keeper below. “You want


“It doesn’t translate well, but yes,” said Converse,

removing his glasses and his cap and sitting on the

bed. “Pm very tired and sleep would be terrific, but

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Categories: Robert Ludlum