Robert Ludlum – Aquatain Progression

“Spell that out.”

“Those on the left are key figures in the State

Department’s Office of Munitions Control. They

determine what gets cleared for export, who under

the blanket of ‘rational interest’ can receive weapons

and technology withheld from others. On the right

are the senior officers at the Pentagon on whose

word millions upon millions are spent for armament

procurements. All are decision makers and a

number of those decisions have been questioned, a

few openly, others quietly by diplomatic and military

colleagues. We’ve learned that much ”

“Questioned? Why?” interrupted Converse.

“There were rumors there always are

rumors of large shipments improperly licensed for

export. Then there’s surplus military

equipment excess supplies lost in transfers


from temporary warehouses and out-of-the-way

storage depots. Surplus equipment is easily

unaccounted for, it’s an embarrassment in these

days of enormous budgets and cost overruns. Get

rid of it and don’t be too particular. How fortunate

in these instances and coincidental if a member

of this Aquitaine shows up, willing to buy and with

all his papers in order. Whole depots and

warehouses are sent where they shouldn’t be sent.”

“A Libya connection?”

“There’s no doubt of it. A great many connections.”

“Halliday mentioned it and you said it a few

moments ago. Laws broken arms, equipment,

technological information sent to people who

shouldn’t have them. They break loose on cue and

there’s disruption, terrorism ”

“Justifying military responses,” old Beale broke

in. “That’s part of Delavane’s concept. Justifiable

escalation of armed might, the commanders in

charge, the civilians helpless, forced to listen to

them, obey them.”

“But you just said questions were raised.”

“And answered with such worn-out phrases as

‘national security’ and ‘adversarial disinformation’ to

stop or throw off the curious.”

“That’s obstruction. Can’t they be caught at it?.’

“By whom? With what?”

“Damn it, the questions themselves!” replied

Converse. “Those improper export licenses, the

military transfers that got lost, merchandise that

can’t be traced.”

“By people without the clearances to go around

security classifications, or lacking the expertise to

understand the complexities of export licensing.”

“That’s nonsense,” insisted Joel. “You said some

of those questions were asked by diplomatic

personnel, military colleagues, men who certainly

had the clearances and the expertise.”

“And who suddenly, magically, didn’t ask them

any longer. Of course, many may have been

persuaded that the questions were, indeed, beyond

their legitimate purviews; others may have been too

frightened to penetrate for fear of involvement;

others still, forced to back off frankly threatened.

Regardless, behind it all there are those who do the

convincing, and they’re growing in numbers


“Christ, it’s a a network,” said Converse softly.

The scholar looked hard at Joel, the night light on



water reflecting across the old man’s pale, lined face.

“Yes, Mr. Converse, a ‘network.’ That word was

whispered to me by a man who thought I was one of

them. ‘The network,’ he said. ‘The network will take

care of you.’ He meant Delavane and his people.”

“Why did they think you were a part of them?”

The old man paused. He looked briefly away at

the shimmering Aegean, then back at Converse.

“Because that man thought it was logical. Thirty

years ago I took off a uniform, trading it for the

Harris tweeds and unkempt hair of a university

professor. Few of my colleagues could understand,

for, you see, I was one of the elite, perhaps a later,

American version of Erich Leifhelm a brigadier

general at thirty-eight, and the Joint Chiefs were

conceivably my next assignment. But where the

collapse of Berlin and the G6tterdammerung in the

bunker had one effect on Leifhelm, the evacuation

of Korea and the disembowelment of Panmunjom

had another effect on me. I saw only the waste, not

the cause I once saw only the futility where once

there’d been sound reasons. I saw death, Mr.

Converse, not heroic death against animalistic hordes

or on a Spanish afternoon with the crowds shouting

‘Ore, ‘ but just plain death. Ugly death, shattering

death. And I knew I could no longer be a part of

those strategies that called for it…. Had I been

qualified in belief, I might have become a priest.”

“But your colleagues who couldn’t understand,”

said Joel, mesmerized by Beale’s words, words that

brought back so much of his own past. “They thought

it was something else?”

“Of course they did. I’d been praised in

evaluation reports by the holy MacArthur himself. I

even had a label: the Red Fox of Inchon my hair

was red then. My commands were marked by

decisive moves and countermoves, all reasonably well

thought out and swiftly executed. And then one day,

south of Chunchon, I was given an order to take

three adjacent hills that comprised dead high

ground vantage points that served no strategic

purpose and I radioed back that it was useless real

estate, that whatever casualties we sustained were

not worth it. I asked for clarification, a field officer’s

way of saying ‘You’re crazy, why should I?’ The reply

came in something less than fifteen minutes. Because

it’s there, General.’ That was all. Because it’s there.’

A symbolic point was to be made for someone’s

benefit or someone else’s macho news briefing in

Seoul…. l took the hills, and I also


wasted the lives of over three hundred men and

for my efforts I was awarded another cluster of the

Distinguished Service Cross.”

“Is that when you quit?”

“Oh, Lord no, I was too confused, but inside, my

head was boiling. The end came, and I watched

Panmunjom, and was finally sent home, all manner

of extraordinary expectations to be considered my

just rewards…. However, a minor advancement was

denied me for a very good reason: I didn’t speak the

language in a sensitive European post. By then my

head had exploded; I used the rebuke and I took

my cue. I resigned quietly and went my way.”

It was Joel’s turn to pause and study the old

man in the night light. “I’ve never heard of you,” he

said finally. “Why haven’t I ever heard of you?”

“You didn’t recognize the names on the two

lower lists either, did you? ‘Who are the

Americans?’ you said. ‘The names don’t mean

anything to me.’ Those were your words, Mr.


“They weren’t young decorated

generals heroes in a war.”

“Oh, but several were,’) interrupted Beale swiftly,

“in several wars. They had their fleeting moments in

the sun, and then they were forgotten, the moments

only remembered by them, relived by them.


“That sounds like an apology for them.”

“Of course it is! You think I have no feelings for

them? For men like Chaim Abrahms, Bertholdier,

even Leifhelm? We call upon these men when the

barricades are down, we extol them for acts beyond

our abilities….”

“You were capable. You performed those acts.”

“You’re right and that’s why I understand them.

When the barricades are rebuilt, we consign them to

oblivion. Worse, we force them to watch inept

civilians strip the gears of reason and, through

oblique vocabularies, plant the explosives that will

blow those barricades apart again. Then when

they’re down once more, we summon our


“Jesus, whose side are you on?”

Beale closed his eyes tightly, reminding Joel of

the way he used to shut his own when certain

memories came back to him. “Yours, you idiot,” said

the scholar quietly. “Because I know what they can

do when we ask them to do it. I meant what I said

before. There’s never been a time in history like


this one. Far better that inept, frightened civilians,

still talking, still searching, than one of us forgive

me, one of them ”

A gust of wind blew off the sea; the sand spiraled

about their feet. “That man,” said Converse, “the one

who told you the network would take care of you.

Why did he say it?”

“He thought they could use me. He was one of

the field commanders I knew in Korea, a kindred

spirit then. He came to my island for what reason

I don’t know, perhaps a vacabon, perhaps to find me,

who knows and found me on the waterfront. I was

taking my boat out of the Plati Harbor when

suddenly he appeared, tall, erect and very military in

the morning sun. ‘We have to talk,’ he said, with that

same insistence we always used in the field. I asked

him aboard and we slowly made our way out of the

bay. Several miles out of the Plati he presented his

case, their case. Delavane’s case.,’

“What happened then?”

The scholar paused for precisely two seconds,

then answered simply, “I killed him. With a scaling

knife. Then I dropped his body over a cluster of

sharks beyond the shoals of the Stephanos.”

Stunned, Joel stared at the old man the

iridescent light of the moon heightened the force of

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Categories: Robert Ludlum