Robert Ludlum – Aquatain Progression

his hand had touched her elbow. They exchanged

words briefly, swiftly, and parted as abruptly as they

had met, the man continuing into the terminal as the

woman disappeared. Did the man glance over in his

direction? Converse watched closely; had that man

looked at him? It was impossible to tell; his head was

turning in all directions, looking at or for something.

Then, as if he had found it, the man hurried toward

a bank of airline counters. He approached the Japan

Air Lines desk, and taking out his wallet, he began

speaking to an Oriental clerk.

No surprises, no alarms. A harried traveler had

asked di


rections; the interferences were more imagined

than real. Yet even here his lawyer’s mentality

intervened. Interferences were real whether based

in reality or not. Oh, Christ! Leave it alonel


At the age of seventeen, Erich

Stoessel-Leifhelm had completed his studies at the

Eichstatt II Gymnasium, excelling both

academically and on the playing field, where he was

known as an aggressive competitor. It was a time of

universal financial chaos, the American stock

market crash of ’29 further aggravating the

desperate economy of the Weimar Republic, and

few but the most well-connected students went on

to universities. In a move he later described to

friends as one of youthful fury, Stoessel-Leifhelm

traveled to Munich to confront his father and de-

mand assistance. What he found was a shock, but

it turned out to be a profound opportunity,

strangely arrived at. The doctor’s staid, placid life

was in shambles. His marriage, from the beginning

unpleasant and humiliating, had caused him to

drink heavily with increasing frequency until the

inevitable errors of judgment occurred. He was

censured by the medical community (with a high

proportion of Jews therein), charged with

incompetence and barred from the Karlstor

Hospital. His practice was in ruins, his wife had

ordered him out of the house, an order expedited

by an old but still powerful father-in-law, also a

doctor and member of the hospital’s board of direc-

tors. When Stoessel-Leifhelm found his father, he

was living in a cheap apartment house in the poorer

section of the city picking up pfennigs by dispensing

prescriptions (drugs) and deutsche marks by per-

forming abortions.

In what apparently (again according to friends

from the time) was a watershed of pent-up

emotions, the elder LeifLelm embraced his

illegitimate son and told him the story of his

tortured life with a disagreeable wife and tyrannical

in-laws. It was the classic syndrome of an ambitious

man of minimal talents and maximum connections.

But withal, the doctor claimed he had never

abandoned his beloved mistress and their son. And

during this prolonged and


undoubtedly drunken confession, he revealed a

fact Stoessel-Leifhelm had never known. His

father’s wife was Jewish. It was all the teenager

had to hear.

The disfranchised boy became the father to the

ruined man.

There was an announcement in Danish over the

airport’s loudspeakers and Joel looked at his watch.

It came again, now in German. He listened intently

for the words, he could barely distinguish them, but

they were there. “HamburgKoln-Bonn.” It was the

first boarding call for the last flight of the night to

the capital of West Germany by way of Hamburg.

The flying time was less than two hours, the layover

in Hamburg justified for those executives who

wanted to be at their desks by the start of the

business day. Converse had checked his suitcase

through to Bonn, making a mental note as he did so

to replace the heavy black leather bag with a

carry-on. He was no expert in such matters, but

common sense told him that the delays required by

waiting for one’s luggage in the open for anyone to

see was no way to travel swiftly or to avoid eyes

that might be searching for him. He put Erich Leif-

helm’s dossier in his attache case, closed it and spun

the brass combination disks. He then got up from

the table, walked out of the cafe and across the

terminal toward the Lufthansa gate.

Sweat matted his hairline; the tattoo inside his

chest accelerated until it sounded like a hammering

fugue for kettledrums. He knew the man sitting next

to him, but from where or from what period in his

life he had no idea. The craggy, lined face, the deep

ridges that creased the suntanned flesh the intense

blue-grey eyes beneath the thick, wild brows and

brown hair streaked with white he knew him, but

no name came, no clue to the man’s identity.

Joel kept waiting for some sign of recognition

directed at him. None came, and involuntarily he

found himself looking at the man out of the comer

of his eye. The man did not respond; instead his

attention was on a bound sheaf of typewritten pages,

the type larger than the print nominally associated

with legal briefs or even summonses. Perhaps,

thought Converse, the man was half blind, wearing

contact lenses to conceal his infirmity. But was there

something else? Not an infirmity, but a connection

being concealed. Had he seen this man in Paris as

he had seen another wearing a light-brown


topcoat in a hotel basement corridor? Had this man

beside him also been at L’Etalon Blanc? Had he

been part of a stationary group of ex-soldiers in the

warriors’ playroom . . . in a corner perhaps, and

inconspicuous because of the numbers? Or at

Bertholdier’s table, his back to Joel, presumably

unseen by the American he was now following? Was

he following him at this moment? wondered

Converse, gripping his attache case. He turned his

head barely inches and studied his seatmate.

Suddenly the man looked up from the bound

typewritten pages and over at Joel. His eyes were

noncommittal, expressing neither curiosity nor


“Sorry,” said Converse awkwardly.

“Sure, it’s okay . . . why not?” was the strange,

laconic reply, the accent American, the dialect

distinctly TexasWestern. The man returned to his


“Do we know each other?” asked Joel, unable to

back off from the question.

Again the man looked up. “Don’t think so,” he

said tersely, once more going back to his report, or

whatever it was.

Converse looked out the window, at the black

sky beyond, flashes of red light illuminating the

silver metal of the wing. Absently he tried to

calculate the digital degree heading of the aircraft

but his pilot’s mind would not function. He did

know the man, and the oddly phrased “Why not?”

served only to disturb him further. Was it a signal,

a warning? As his words to Jacques-Louis

Bertholdier had been a signal, a warning that the

general had better contact him, recognise him.

The voice of a Lufthansa stewardess interrupted

his thoughts. “Herr Dowling, it is a pleasure, indeed,

to have you on board.”

“Thank you, darlin’,” said the man, his lined face

creasing into a gentle grin. “You find me a little

bourbon over ice and I’ll return the compliment.”

“Certainly, sir. I’m sure you’ve been told so

often you must be tired of hearing it, but your

television show is enormously popular in Germany.”

“Thanks again, honey, but it’s not my show.

There are a lot of pretty little fillies runnin’ around

that screen.”

An actor. A goddamned actor! thought Joel. No

alarms, no surprises. Just intrusions, far more

imagined than real.

“You’re too modest, Herr Dowling. They’re all so



so disagreeable. But you are so kind, so manly . . . so

understanding. ‘

“Understandin’? Tell you somethin’. I saw an

episode in Cologne last week while on this picture

and I didn’t understand a word I was sayin’.”

The stewardess laughed. “Bourbon over ice, is

that correct, sir?’

“That’s correct, darlin’.”

The woman started down the first-class aisle

toward the galley as Converse continued to look at

the actor. Haltingly he spoke. “I am sorry. I should

have recognised you, of course.”

Dowling turned his suntanned head, his eyes

roaming Joel’s face, then dropping to the

hand-tooled leather attache case. He looked up with

an amused smile. “I could probably embarrass you if

I asked you where you knew me from. You don’t

look like a Santa Fe groupie.”

“A Santa Fe . . . ? Oh, sure, that’s the name of

the show.” And it was, reflected Converse. One of

those phenomena on television that by the sheer

force of extraordinary ratings and network profits

had been featured on the covers of Time and

Newsweek. He had never seen it

“And, naturally,” continued the actor, “you follow

the tribal rites and wrongs the dramatic

vicissitudes of the imperious Ratchet family, owners

of the biggest spread north of Santa Fe as well as the

historic Chimaya Flats, which they stole from the

impoverished Indians.”

“The who? What?”

Dowling’s leathery face again laminated itself into

a grin. “Only Pa Ratchet, the Indians’ friend, doesn’t

know about the last part, although he’s being blamed

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Categories: Robert Ludlum