Robert Ludlum – Aquatain Progression

story about a nonexistent whore and a fictional pimp.

He told it slowly not because he felt he had to pace

the narrative to his listener’s understanding, but

because another option was coming sharply into

focus. The guitar-playing merchantman was young,

but there was a patina about him that indicated he

knew the docks and the waterfront and the various

businesses that flourished in that very special world.

“You should go to the Polizei, ” said the man

when Converse had finished. “They know the whores

and they will not print your name.” The German

smiled. “We want you back to spend more money.”

“I can’t take the chance. In spite of the way I

look, I deal with a lot of important people here and

in America.”

“Which makes you important, ja?”

“And very stupid. If I could just get over into

Holland, I could handle everything.”

“Die IViederlande? Vat is problem?”


“I told you, my passport was taken. And it’s just

my luck that every American crossing any border is

looked at very carefully. You know, that crazy

bastard who killed the ambassador in Bonn and the

NATO commander.

“Ja, and in Wesel two, three days ago, said the

German. “They say he goes to Paris.

‘I m afraid that doesn t help me…. Look, you

know the river people, the men who have boats

going out every day. I told you l d pay you a

hundred dollars for the hotel….

“I agreed. You are generous.

“I’ll pay you a great deal more if you can

somehow get me over into Holland. You see, my

company has an office in Amsterdam. They can help

me. Will you help me?”

The German grimaced and looked at his watch.

“Is too late for such arrangements tonight and I

leave for Bremerhaven on the morning train. My

ship sails at fifteen hundred.

“That was the amount I had in mind. Fifteen

hundred. ‘

“Deutsche marks?”


“You are more crazy than your Landsmann who

kills soldiers. If you knew the language, it cost no

more than fifty.

“I don t know the language. Fifteen hundred

American dollars for you if you can arrange it.

The young man looked hard at Converse, then

moved back his chair. “Wait here. I will make phone


“Send over more whisky on your way.

“Danke. ”

The waiting was spent in a vacuum of anxiety.

Joel looked at the weathered guitar Iying across an

extra chair. What were the words? . . . When you f

nally came down, when your feet hit the ground . . .

did you know where you were? When you f sally were

real, could you touch . . . what you feel, were you

there in the know?. . .

“I will stop for you at five o’clock in the

morning, announced the merchant seaman, who sat

down with two glasses of whisky. “The captain will

accept two hundred dollars, aber only if there are no

drugs. If there are drugs, you don’t come on board.”

“I have no drugs, ‘said Converse, smiling,

controlling his elation. “That’s done and you ve

earned your money. 111 pay you at the dock or pier

or whatever it is.


* * *


It had all happened less than an hour ago,

thought Joel, watching the hotel entrance across the

street. At five o’clock in the morning he would be on

his way to Holland, to Amsterdam, to a man named

Cort Thorbecke, Mattilon’s broker of illegal

passports. All the passenger manifests on all aircraft

heading for the United States would be watched by

Aquitaine, but a hundred years ago he had learned

that there were ways to elude the watchers. He had

done it before from a deep, cold shaft in the ground

and despite a barbed-wire fence in the darkness. He

could do it again.

A figure emerged under the dimly lit marquee of

the hotel. It was the young merchant seaman.

Grinning, he beckoned Converse to join him.

“Hell’s fire and Jeesus H. what is it, Norman?”

cried the Southerner, as Washburn suddenly went

into an erratic of convulsions, his lips trembling as he

gasped for air.

“I . . . don’t . . . know.” The major’s eyes grew

wide, the pupils now dancing and out of control.

‘Maybe it’s that Heimlich thing!” said Thomas

Thayer, rising from the banquette and quickly

moving toward Washburn. Hell no, it can’t be! Our

food’s not here; you haven’t eaten!”

The couples near by expressed alarm, talking

loudly, rapidly in German. At a remark made by one

of the diners, the Southerner turned and spoke to

the man. ‘Midas glaube ich night, ” said Johnny Reb

in flawless German. ‘A1ein Wagen sight draussen Ich

weiss einen Arzt. ”

The maitre d’ came rushing over and, seeing that

the commotion involved the Americans, addressed

his concern in English. “Is the major ill, sir? Shall I

ask if there is . . .”

“No doctor I’m not familiar with, thanks,”

interrupted Thayer, bent over the embassy’s charge

d’affaires, who was now inhaling deeply, his eyes half

closed, his head swaying back and forth. ‘This here is

Molly Washburn s boy and I’ll see he gets the best!

My car’s outside. Maybe if a couple of your waiters

will give a hand we can put him in the limo and I’ll

take him right over to my man. He’s a specialist. At

my age you gatta have ’em everywhere.”

‘Restimmt. Certainly!” The maitre d’ snapped his

fingers; three busboys responded instantly.

“The embassy . . . the embassy! ‘ choked Washburn as



three men half carried the officer to the door of the


“Don’t you worry, Norman-boy!” said the

Southerner hearing the plea, walking with the

maltre d’. “I’ll phone ’em from the car, tell ’em to

meet us at Rudi’s place.” Thayer turned to the

German beside him. “You know what Ah think? Ah

think this fine soldier is jest plumb wore out. He’s

been workin’from sunrise to sunrise with nary a

break. I mean, can you imagine everything he’s had

to contend with these last couple of days? That

crazy mongrel goin around shootin’ up a feud, killin’

the ambassador, then that honcho in Brussels! You

know, Molly’s boy here is the charday d’affaires.”

“Yes, the major is our guest frequently an

honored guest.”

‘ Well, even the most honorable among us has a

right and a hme to say ‘The hell with it, I’ll sit this

one out.'”

“I’m not sure I understand.”

“Ah have an idea this fine young man who I

knew as a mere saplin’ led never learned about the

quantitative effects of old demon whisky.”

“Ohh?” The metre d’ looked at Johnny Reb a

fashionable gossipmonger relishing a new rumor.

“He had several mites too much, that’s all and

that’s jest between us.”

“He vas not in focus….”

“He started bustin’ corks before the sun hit the

whites of the west cotton.” They reached the front

entrance, the unit of busboys maneuvering

Washburn out the door. “Who was more entitled?

That’s what I say.” Thayer removed his wallet.

‘ha, I agree.”

“Here,” said the Southerner, removing bills. “I

haven’t had hme to convert, so there’s a hundred

American that should cover the tab and plenty for

the boys outside…. And here’s a hundred for

you for not talkie’ too much, verstehen ?”

“Completely, main Herr!” The German pocketed

both $100 bills, smiling and nodding his head

obsequiously. “I vill say absolutely nozzing!”

“Well, I wouldn’t go that far. It might be a good

thing for Molly’s boy to learn that it ain’t the end of

the world if a few people know he’s had a drink or

two. Might loosen him up a bit, and in mah Georgia

judgment, he needs a little


Joosenin . Maybe you might wink at him when he

next comes m.


‘Give him a friendly smile, like you know and it’s

okay. Verstehen?”

‘/a, I agree! He vas entitled!’

Outside at the curb, Johnny Reb instructed the

busboys just how to place Major Norman Anthony

Washburn IV into the backseat. Stretched out, facing

up, supine. The Southerner gave each man a $20

American bill and dismissed them. He then spoke to

the two men in front, pressing a button so they could

hear his voice beyond the glass partition.

‘Ah got the jump seats down,” he said, pulling

the velvet backs out of the velvet wall. He’s out.

Come on and join me, Witch Doctor. And you,

Klaus, you entertain us with a long drive in your

beautiful countryside.”

Minutes later, as the limousine entered a

backcountry road, the overhead light switched on,

the doctor unbuckled Washburn’s belt, slid the

trousers down, and rolled the charge d’affaires over

and into the seat. He found the area he wanted at

the base of the spine, the needle held above in his

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Categories: Robert Ludlum