Robert Ludlum – Aquatain Progression

picture’s a close-up. I wanted your sunburn in all its


“It’s still my face, Val.”

“That photograph was taken eight years ago and

the burn softened your features. It’ll do.”

“Don’t I have to know anything?”

“If you’re detained for that kind of questioning,

you’ll probably be caught. My aunt doesn’t think you

will be.”

“Why is she so confident?”

“The letter. It spells out what you’re doing.”

“Which is?”

“A pilgrimage to Bergen-Belsen, later to Auschwitz

in Po


land. It’s written in German and you’re to hand it to

anyone who stops you because you speak only


“But why would that ?”

“You’re a priest,” interrupted Valerie. “The

pilgrimage was financed by an organisation in Los

Angeles called the Coalition of Christians and Jews

for World Peace and Repentance. Only a German

very sure of himself will call attention to you. I’ve got

a dark suit in your size in my tote bag, along with a

black hat, shoes, and a clerical collar. The

instructions will be with your ticket. You’ll take the

northern express to Hanover where you’re supposed

to switch trains for Celle and be driven to

Bergen-Belsen in the morning, but of course you

won’t. When you reach Osnabruck, get off. My aunt

will be waiting for her priest. And by then I’ll be

back in New York getting in touch with Sam..’

Converse shook his head. “Val, it’s all very

impressive, but you weren’t listening to me.

Leifhelm’s men have seen me in that station, as a

matter of fact. They know what I look like.”

“They saw a pale-faced man with a beard and a

battered face. Shave off the beard tonight.”

‘ And apply for cosmetic surgery?”

“No, apply a generous amount of lotion called

Instant Sun it’s with the clothes I brought you. It’ll

darken your face more like the photograph on the

passport and also cover the bruises they won’t be

that noticeable. The black hat and the clerical collar

will take care of the rest.”

“Omens,” said Joel, touching the bruises on his

face and noting that they were less painful. “Do you

remember when you fell and hit the table in the

foyer, the black eye?”

“I was in a panic; I had a presentation the next

day. You went out and got the makeup for me.”

“I bought the same stuff this morning. It helped.”

“I’m glad.”

They looked at each other across the short

distance between them in the moonlit field. “I’m

sorry about everything, Val. I wish you weren’t part

of this. If there was any other way I wouldn’t let you

be, you know that.”

“I know it, but it doesn’t matter to me one way or

the other. I came over here because of a promise I

made to myself a promise I meant. Not you. I’m

over you, Joel, believe that.”

“The promise you made to yourself was provoked by



Since I was the offending party of the second part,

that should have canceled it.”

“That’s probably a rotten legal opinion,” said

Val, shifting her legs and looking away. “There’s

also the obvious. Everything you’ve told me terrifies

me not fact A and fact B. or who’s conspiring with

whom; I’m a landscape painter; I can’t deal with

such things. But I’m so terribly afraid because I can

personalise. I can see how these people this

Aquitaine can win, can take control of our lives,

turning us all into complacent flocks of sheep. Good

God, Joel, we’d uvelcome them!”

“I missed something.”

“Then you’re blind. I don’t think it’s just women,

or women who live alone like me, I think it’s most

of the people walking around in the streets, trying

to earn a living, trying to make the rent or a

mortgage or a car payment, trying to make it

through life. We’re sick of everything around us!

We’re told one minute we may be blown up in a

nuclear war unless we’re taxed out of our houses to

pay for bigger bombs and that our water’s

contaminated, or that we can’t buy this or that

because it might be poisoned. Children disappear,

and people are killed walking into a store for a

quart of milk, and addicts and muggers with guns

and knives cut people down on the streets. I live in

a small town and I won’t go there after dark, and if

I’m in the city any city I look behind me in broad

daylight, and I’ll be damned if I’ll get into an

elevator unless it’s crowded…. I couldn’t afford it

but I put in a burglar alarm system in a house I

don’t own because there was a boat out in the water

one day that stayed there overnight. In my mind I

saw men crawling up the beach to my windows. We

all see such things, whether out on the water, or

down city blocks, or in a field like this. We’re

frightened; we’re sick of the problems, sick of the

violence. We want someone strong to stop it and

I’m not sure it even matters who they are. And if

the men you’re talking about push things any fur-

ther_believe me, they know what they’re doing.

They can walk in and be crowned, no votes

required…. And in spite of everything I’ve said,

that’s even more frightening. Which is why you’re

going to take me to the airport.”

“Why did I ever let you go?” whispered Joel,

more to himself than to her.

“Cut it out, Converse. It’s over. We’re over.”

* * *


He watched from the darkest area of the parking

lot at Amsterdam’s Schilphol Airport as the plane

sped down the runway and lifted off into the night

sky. He had driven up to a crowded platform where

Val had gotten out, giving him the scrap of paper

with the address that was to be his refuge for the

night. So that he would know she had been able to

get on board the flight, she was to come out the

glass doors, look at her watch and go back inside. If

the plane was overbooked, she was to continue on

the pedestrian walk to the temporary lot a hundred

yards away from the entrance where he would be

waiting for her. She had come outside, glanced at

her watch and returned to the terminal. A part of

him had felt relief, another part a quiet, hollow


He watched the huge silver plane bank to the left

and disappear, its fading lights a trajectory in the

dark sky.

He stood naked in front of the mirror in the

small bathroom in the house on the Lindengracht.

The car was some twenty streets away. He had made

the return journey cautiously on foot. The old man

who owned the flat was pleasant and spoke in

haltingly clear English, but his eyes were far away

and never really made contact. His mind was in

another place, another time.

Joel had shaved carefully, showered far longer

than a guest should, and had finished applying the

deep red lotion to his face, neck and hands. In

moments his skin was bronzed. The result was far

more authentic than it used to be with the earlier

products he remembered, when anyone who used

them stood out the mask of sickly brown was too

smooth and cosmeticized to be anything but

unnatural. The new coloring further concealed the

bruises on his face; he looked almost normal. He

would discard the tinted glasses; they would only call

attention to him, especially from anyone who had

seen him or had been given his description. He

washed his hands repeatedly, kneading them together

to remove the stains from his fingertips.

He stiffened. From somewhere beyond the door

came the sound of an erratic bell. He quickly turned

off the water and listened, his breathing suspended,

his eyes on the gun he had placed on the narrow

windowsill. He heard the sound again; it stopped.

Then he heard a single voice, a man on a telephone.

He dried his hands and slipped on the short cotton

bathrobe that had been left on the bed in his small,



late room. He put the gun in his pocket went out

the door and down the dark, narrow hallway that

fed to the old man’s “study.” It was a former

bedroom filled with old magazines a few books, and

tabloid newspapers on tables and chairs opened to

the bloodiest sections, with red crayon marks cir-

cling articles and pictures. On the walls were prints

and photographs of long-past wartime

accomplishments including corpses in various poses

of death. In an odd way it reminded Converse of

L’Etalon Blanc in Paris, except that here there were

no glories of war, only the ugliness of death. It was

more honest, he thought, if nothing else.

“Ah, Meneer, ” said the old man, sitting forward

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Categories: Robert Ludlum