Robert Ludlum – Aquatain Progression

peter erasures. We had moved from the realm of

ideological extremists into one of fanatics and killers.

Therefore it was my contention and I hereby assume

full responsibility for the decision that saferand more

ra pid progress could be made by sending a man out

into the peripheral sectors of Delavane’s operation with

enough information to trace connections back to Palo

Alto International. By the very nature of illegal

exportlicensingitself thereis more open territory at the

receiving ends. The obvious place to start was with

thefourgenerals whose names werefound in Delavane’s

notes. I had no candidate with the expertise If elt was

necks sary for the assignment….

[Captain Packard]

On or aboutJuly 10, Mr. Halliday called me on the

sterile phone I’d set u p for him and said he believed

he’d found the proper candidate for the assignment as

outlined by Mr. Stone. An attorney whose field was

international law, a man he had known years ago and

a former prisoner of war in Vietnam who conceivably

had the motivation to go after someone like General

Delavane. His name was Joel Converse….

1, Alan Bruce Metcalf age forty-eight, am an of

dicer in the United States Air Force, holding the rank

of colonel and currently stationed at the NellisAirForce

Base, Clark County Nevada, as chief intelligence of

dicer. Thirty-six hours ago, as I dictate this statement,

on August 25 at four o’clock in the


afternoon, I received a telephone callfromBrigadier

General Samuel Abbott, commanding officer, Tactical

Operations Nellis A.F.B. The general said it was urgent

that we meet preferably off base, as soon as possible.

He had new and extraordinary information regarding

the recent assassinations of the supreme commander of

NA TO and the American ambassador to Bonn, West

Germany. He insisted that we be in civilian clothes and

suggested the library at the University of Nevada, Las

Vegas campus. We met at approximately 5:~30 P.M.

and talkedforfive hours. I will be as accurate as

possible, and that will be very accurate, as the

conversation is stillfresh in my mind, engraved there by

the tragic death of General Abbott, a close friend for

many years and a man I admired greatly….

The above, then, are the events as told to General

Abbott by the former Mrs. Converse, and as he related

them to me, and the subsequent actions I took to

convene an emergency meeting of the highest-level

intelligence personnel in Washington. General Abbott

believed what he had been told because of his

knowledge and perceptions of the individuals involved.

He was a brilliant and stable man, not given to bias

where judgments were concerned. In my opinion, he

was deliberately murdered because he had “new and

extraordinary information” about a fellow prisoner of

war, one Joel Converse.

Nathan Simon, tall, portly, sithng well back in his

chair, removed the tortoiseshell glasses from his tired

face and tugged at the Vandyke beard that covered

the scars of shrapnel embedded at Anzio years ago.

His thick salt-and-pepper eyebrows were arched

above his hazel eyes and sharp, straight nose. The

only other person in the room was Peter Stone. The

stenographer had been dismissed; Metcalf, exhausted,

had retired to his room, and the two other officers,

Packard and Landis, had opted to return to

Washington on separate planes. Simon carefully

placed the typewritten affidavits on the table beside

his chair.

“There was no one else, Mr. Stone?” he asked, his

deep voice gentle, far gentler than his eyes.

“No one I knew, Mr. Simon, ‘ replied the former

intelligence officer. “Everyone I’ve used since what

we call pulling in old debts was lower-level with

access to upper-level


equipment, not decisions. Please remember, three

men were killed when this thing barely started.”

“Yes, I know.”

“Can you do what Converse said? Can you get

something ‘under seal’ and move some mountains

we can’t move?”

“He told you that?”

“Yes. It’s why I agreed to all of this.”

“He had his reasons. And I have to think.”

“There’s no time to think. We have to act, we

have to do something! Time’s running out!”

“To be sure, but we cannot do the wrong thing, can


“Converse said you had access to powerful

people in Washington. I could trust you to reach


“But you’ve just told me I don’t know whom to

trust, isn’t that right?”

“Oh, Chr7st!”

“A lovely and inspired prophet.” Simon looked

at his watch as he gathered up the papers and rose

from the chair. “It’s two-thirty in the morning, Mr.

Stone, and this weary body has come to the end of

its endurance. I’ll be in touch with you later in the

day. Don’t try to reach me. I’ll be in touch.

“In touch ? The package from Converse is on its

way here. I m picking it up at Kennedy Airport on

the Geneva flight at two-forty-five this afternoon.

He wants you to have it right away. I want you to

have it!”

“You’ll be at the airport?” asked the lawyer.

“Yes, meeting our courier. I’ll be back here by

four or four-thirty, depending on when the plane

gets in and traffic, of course.”

“No, don’t do that, Mr. Stone, stay at the

airport. I’ll want everything Joel has compiled for us

in my hands as soon as possible, of course. Just as

there is a courier from Geneva, you may be the

courier from New York.”

“Where are you going? Washington?”

“Perhaps, perhaps not. At this moment I’m going

home to my apartment and think. Also, I hope to

sleep, which is doubtful. Give me a name I can use

to have you paged at the airport.”

Johnny Reb sat low in the small boat, the motor

idling the waves slapping the sides of the shallow

hull in the darkness. He was dressed in black

trousers, a black turtleneck


sweater and a black knit hat, and he was as close as

he dared drift into the southwest coast of the island

of Scharhorn. He had spotted the bobbing green

glows on the series of buoys the first night; they were

trip lights, beams intersecting one another above the

water, ringing the approach to the old U-boat base.

They formed an unseen wall to penetrate it would

set off alarms. This was the third night, and he was

beginning to feel vindicated.

Trust the gut, trust the stomach and the bile that

crept up into the mouth. The bellies of the old-time

whores of the community knew when things were

going to happen partly out of dread, partly because

a score was near that would enlarge an account in

Bern. There was no account in the offing now, of

course only a succession of outlays to pay back a

considerable debt, but there was a score to be made.

Against the Delavanes and the Washburns, and those

German and French and Jewish catfish who would

sweep the ponds and make it impossible for

gentlemen like Johnny Reb to make a high-hog

living. He didn’t know much about the South

African, except that those rigger-haters had better

the hell wise up. The coloreds were coming along

just fine, and that was fine by Johnny; his current

girlfriend was a lovely black singer from Tallahassee,

who just happened to be in Switzerland for silly

reasons involving a little cocaine and a good-sized

account in Bern.

But the other catfish were bad. Real bad. Johnny

Reb had it in for men who would make it jailhouse

for people to think the way they wanted to. No sir,

those people had to go! Johnny Reb was very

seriously committed to that proposition.

It was happening! He focused his infrared

binoculars on the old concrete piers of the sub base.

It was also flat-out crazy! The seventy-foot motor

launch had pulled into a dock, and moving out on

the pier was a long, double line of men forty, sixty,

eighty . . . nearly lO~preparing to board. What was

crazy was the way they were dressed. Dark suits and

conservative summer jackets and ties; a number wore

hats and every damned one of them carried luggage

and a briefcase. They looked like a convention of

bankers or a parade of lace-pants from the

diplomatic corps. Or thought the Rebel as he

inched his binoculars backward along the line of

passengers ordinary businessmen, executives, men

seen every day standing on railroad platforms and

getting out of taxis and flying in planes. It was the

very ordinariness of their collective


appearance contrasted with the exotically macabre

dark out1ines of the old U-boat refuelingstation that

gnawed at Johnny’s imagination. These men could

go unnoticed almost anywhere, yet they did not

come from anywhere. They came from Scharhorn,

from what was undoubtedly a highly sophisticated

cell of this multinational military collusion that

could put the goddamned catfish generals in the

catbird seats. Ordinary people going wherever they

were ordered to go_ looking like everyone else,

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Categories: Robert Ludlum