Robert Ludlum – Aquatain Progression


Another risk-taker, thoughtJoel,as he turned and

looked and listened to the unfamiliar sights and

sounds of the side street he had entered. He had

been given a few hours; he wished he knew how to

use them he wished he knew what to do.

Valerie ran to the phone. If it was another

reporter, she would say the same thing she had said

to the last five. I don’t believe a word of it and I’ve

nothing more to say; And if it was one more person

from Washington from the FBI or the CIA or the

VA or any other combinations of the alphabet she

would scream! She had spent three hours being

interviewed that morning until she had literally

ordered the crucifiers out of the house. They were

liars trying to force her to support their lies. It

would be far easier to take the phone off the hook,

but she could not do that. She had called Lawrence

Talbot in New York twice, telling his office to trace

him wherever he was and have him call her back. It

was all madness. Insanity! as Joel used to say with

such quiet intensity she thought his voice was a wild

roar of protest.


“Valleys It’s Roger.”

“Dad!” Only one person had ever called her by

that name and that man was her former

father-in-law. The fact that she was no longer

married to his son had made no difference in their

relationship. She adored the old pilot and knew he

felt the same about her. “Where are you? Ginny

didn’t know and she’s frantic. You forgot to turn on

your answering machine.”

“I didn’t forget, Valley. Too damned many

people to call back. I just flew in from Hong Kong,

and when I got off the plane I was upwinded by fifty

or sixty screaming newspaper people and so many

lights and cameras I won’t be able to see or hear

for a week.”

“Some enterprising airline clerk let out the word

you were on board. Whoever it was will eat for a

week offa generous expense account. Where are



“Still at the airport in the traffic manager’s of

lice. I’ll say this for ’em, they got me out of there….

Valley, I just read the papers. They got me the latest

editions. What the hell is this all about?”

“I don’t know, Dad, but I do know it’s a lie.”

“That boy’s the sanest thing I ever had anything

to do with! They re twisting everything, making the

good things he did into something . . . I don’t know,

sinister or something. He s too damned up-front to

be crazy!’

“He s not crazy, Roger. He’s being taken, he’s

being put through a wringer. ‘

‘What for?”

“I don’t know. But I think Larry Talbot does at

least more than he’s told me.”

“What has he told you?”

“Not now, Dad. Later. ‘


“I’m not sure…. Something I feel, perhaps.’

“You’re not making sense, Valley.”

“I’m sorry.”

‘What did Ginny say? I’ll call her, of course.”

‘She’s hysterical.”

“She always was a little bit.”

“No, not that way. She’s blaming herself. She

thinks people are striking out at her brother for the

things she did in the sixties. I tried to tell her that

was nonsense but I’m afraid I made it worse. She

asked me perfectly calmly if I believed what was

being said about Joel. I told her of course I didn’t.”

“The old paranoia. Three kids and an accountant

for a husband and it still comes back. I never could

handle that girl. Damned good pilot, though. Soloed

before Joel, and she was two years younger. I’ll phone


“You may not be able to reach her.”


“Sine s having her number changed, and I think

you should do the same thing. I know I’m going to

the minute I hear from Larry.”

“Valley . . .” Roger Converse paused. “Don’t do that.”

“Why not? Have you any idea what it’s been like

here?” “Look, you know I’ve never asked what

happened between you and Joel, but I usually have

dinner with that piss ant lawyer once a week when

I’m in town. He thinks it’s some


kind of filial necessity, but I’d knock it offina minute

if I didn’t like him. I mean he’s a likable guy, kind of

funny sometimes.”

“I know all that, Roger. What are you trying to


They say he disappeared, that no one can find


‘He may call you. I can’t think of anyone else he


Valerie closed her eyes; the afternoon sun

through the skylight was blinding. ‘is that based on

your weekly dinner conversations? ”

“It’s not intuition. I never had any except in the air

. . Of course it is. It was never said outright, but it

was always ust below the cloud cover.”

“You’re impossible, Dad.”

“Pilot error’s like any other. There are times

when you can ,t,lafford it; . . . Don’t change your

number Vall ”

“Now, what about me?”

“Ginny’s husband had a good idea. They’re

referring all questions to their attorney. Maybe you

should do the same. Do you have one?”

“Sure,” said Roger Converse. “I got three. Talbot,

Brooks and Simon. Nate’s the best, if you want to

know the truth. Did you know that at the age of

sixty-seven that son of a bitch took up flying? He’s

qualified in multiengines now can you imagine?”

“Dad!” Valerie broke in suddenly. “You’re at the


“That’s what I said. Kennedy.”

“Don’t go home. Don’t go to your apartment.

Take the first plane you can to Boston. Use another

name. Call me back and let me know what flight

you’re on. I’ll pick you up.”

“Just do as I say, Roger. Please!”

“What for?”

“You’re staying here. I’m leaving.”


Converse hurried out of the clothing store on the

crowded Bornheimer Strasse and studied his

reflection in the window. He surveyed the overall

effect of his purchases, not as a customer inside in

front of the full-length mirror for fit and appearance,

but as one of the strolling pedestrians on the

sidewalk. He was satisfied; there was nothing about

the clothes that called attention to him. The

photograph in the papers the only one in the past

fifteen years that would be in a wire service or

newspaper file was taken about a year ago when he

was one of several merger attorneys interviewed by

Reuters. It was a head-and-shoulders shot, showing

him in his lawyer’s clothes a dark suit and vest,

white shirt and striped tie the image of a rising

international specialist. It was also the image

everyone who read the papers had of him, and since

it would not change but only spread with later edi-

tions, then he was the one who had to change.

Also, he could not continue to wear the clothes

he had worn to the bank. A panicked Lachmann

would undoubtedly give a complete description to the

police, but even if his panic rendered him silent, he

had seen him in a dark jacket, white shirt and striped

tie. Unconsciously or not, thought Joel, he had

sought a patina of respectability. Perhaps all men

running for their lives did so because their essential

dignity had been stolen from them. Regardless,

dressed in those clothes he was the man in the

newspaper photograph.

The appearance he had in mind belonged to a

history professor he had known in college, a man

whose various articles of clothing were all related.

His jackets were subdued tweeds with elbow patches,

the trousers grey heavy or light flannel, never

anything else and his shirts were blue but-

toned-down oxford, again without exception. Above

his thick horn-rimmed glasses was perched a soft

Irish walking hat, the brim sloped downward front

and back. Wherever that man



went, whether down a street in Boston or New

York’s Fifth Avenue or Beverly Hills’ Rodeo

Drive the last a place that oel was sure he never

saw one would know he belonged to academic

New England.

Converse had managed to duplicate the outward

appearance of the man in his memory, except for

the tinted glasses, which he would have to replace

with horn rims. He had passed a large variety store,

Bonn’s equivalent of an American five-and-dime,

and he knew that there would be a counter with

glasses of different sizes and shapes, a few slightly

magnified for reading, others clear.

For reasons that were only beginning to come

into focus, those glasses were now vital to him.

Then he understood. He was preoccupied with what

he knew he could do change his appearance. He

was procrastinating, uncertain what to do next, not

sure he was capable of doing anything.

He looked at his face in the oval mirror of the

variety store, again satisfied with what he saw. The

ersatz tortoiseshell rims were thick, the glass clear;

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Categories: Robert Ludlum