Robert Ludlum – Aquatain Progression

thought impossible.”

“What was it?” the Israeli broke in.

“A firm prohibition was placed on getting part of

Converse’s service record.”

“Yes!” cried Abrahms, in his voice the sound of



“Go on, Marcus! I’ll tell you when you’re

finished. What was the second calamity?”

“Not a calamity, Chaim. An explanation so

blatantly offered it can’t be turned aside. Leifhelm

called me and said Converse himself brought up

Anstett’s death, claiming to be relieved, but saying

little else except that Anstett was his enemy that

was the word he used.”

“So instructed!” Abrahm’s voice reverberated

around the kitchen. “What was the third gift, my


“The most bewildering as well as

enlightening and, Chaim, do not shout into the

phone. You are not at one of your stadium rallies or

provoking the Knesset.”


1 am in the field, Marcus. Right now! Please

continue my friend.”

“The man who clamped the lid down on

Converse’s military record is a naval officer who was

the brother-in-law of Preston Halliday.”

“Geneva! Yes!”

“Stop that!”

“My apologies, my dear friend. It’s just all so


“Whatever you have in mind,” said Delavane

‘may be negated by the man’s reason. This naval

officer, this brother-in-law, believes Converse

engineered Halliday’s murder.”

‘Of course! Perfect!”

“You will keep your voice down!” The cry of the

cat on a frozen lake was heard.

“Again my deepest and most sincere apologies,

my general. Was that all this naval officer said?”

‘.No, he made it clear to the commander of his

base in San Diego that Halliday had come to him

and told him he was meeting a man in Geneva he

believed was involved with illegal exports to illegal

destinations. An attorney for profiteers in

armaments. He intended to confront this man, this

international lawyer named Converse, and threaten

to expose him. What do we have?”

“A fraud !”

“But on whose side, sabre? The volume of your

voice doesn’t convince me.”

“Be convinced! I’m right. This Converse is the

desert scorpions”

“What does that mean?”

“Don’t you see? The Mossad seesI”

“The Mossad?”

“Yesl I talked with our specialist and he senses

what I smell he admits the possibility! I grant you,

my general, my honored warrior, that he has

information that led him to think this Converse

might be genuine, that he wanted truly to be with

us, but when I said I smelled bad meat, he granted

one other, exceptional possibility. Converse may or

may not be programmed, but he could be an agent

for his government!”

“A provocateur?”

“Who knows, Marcus? But the pattern is so

perfect. First, a prohibition is placed on his military

record it will tell us something, we know that.

Then he responds in the negative about the death of

an enemy not his, but ours, and claims


he was his enemy too so simple, so instructable.

Finally, it is insinuated that this Converse was the

killer in Geneva so orderly, so precisely to his

advantage. We are dealing with very analytical minds

that watch every move in the chess game, and match

every pawn with a king.”

“Yet everything you say can be reversed. He could

be ” “He can’t be!” cried Abrahms.

“Why, Chaim? Tell me why?”

“There is no heat, noire in him! It is not the way

of a believer! We are not clever, we are adamant!”

George Marcus Delavane said nothing for several

moments, and the Israeli knew better than to speak.

He waited until the quiet cold voice came back on

the line. “Have your meeting tomorrow, General.

Listen to him and be courteous; play the game he

plays. But he must not leave that house until I give

the order. He may never leave it.”

“Shalom, my friend.”

“Shalom, Chaim.”


Valerie approached the glass doors of her stu-

dio identical with the doors of her balcony

upstairs and looked out at the calm, sun-washed

waters of Cape Ann. She thought briefly of the boat

that had dropped anchor so frighteningly in front of

her house several nights ago. It had not been back;

whatever had happened was past, leaving questions

but no answers. If she closed her eyes she could still

see the figure of a man crawling up out of the cabin

light, and the glow of the cigarette, and she still

wondered what that man was doing, what he was

thinking. Then she remembered the sight of the two

men in the early light, framed by the dark rims of her

binoculars staring back at her with far more pow-

erful lenses. Were they novices finding a safe harbor?

Amateurs navigating the dark waters of a coastline at

night? Questions, no answers.

Whatever, it was past. A brief, disturbing interlude



gave rise to black imaginings demons in search of

logic, as Joel would say.

She tossed her long, dark hair aside and

returned to her easel, picking up a brush and

putting the final dabs of burnt umber beneath the

shadowed sand dunes of wild grass. She stepped

back, studied her work, and swore to herself for the

fifth time that the oil painting was finished. It was

another seascape; she never tired of them, and

fortunately she was beginning to get a fair share of

the market. Of course there were those painters in

the Boston-Boothbay axis who claimed she had

virtually cornered the market, but that was rubbish.

Indeed her prices had risen satisfactorily as a result

of the critical approval accorded her two showings

at the Copley Galleries, but the truth was that she

could hardly afford to live where she lived and the

way she lived without at least a part of Joel’s check

every month.

Then again, not too many artists had a house on

the beach with an attached twenty-by-thirty-foot

studio enclosed by full-length glass doors and with

a ceiling that was literally one entire skylight. The

rest of the house, the original house, on the

northern border of Cape Ann was more

rambling-quaint than functional. The initial

architecture was early-coastconfusion, with lots of

heavy bleached wood and curliques, a balustraded

second-story balcony, and outsized bay windows in

the front room that were charming to look at and

look out but leaked fiercely when the winter winds

came off the ocean. No amount of putty or sashing

compound seemed to work; nature was extracting a

price for observing her beauty.

Still, it was Val’s dream house, the one she had

promised herself years ago she would someday be

able to afford. She had come back from the Ecole

des Beaux Arts in Paris prepared to assault New

York’s art world via the Greenwich Vil-

lage-Woodstock route only to have stark reality alter

her plans. The family circumstances had always been

sufficiently healthy for her to live comfortably, albeit

not lavishly, throughout three years in college and

two more in Paris. Her father was a passably good

if excessively enthusiastic amateur painter who

always complained that he had not taken the risks

and gone totally into the fine arts rather than

architecture. As a result, he supported his only child

both morally and financially, in a very real sense

living through her progress and devoted to her

determination. And her mother slightly mad,

always loving, always supportive in anything and



thing would take terrible photographs of Val’s

crudest work and send the pictures back to her sister

and cousins in Cermany, writing outrageous lies that

spoke of museums and galleries and insane


“The crazy Berlinerin,” her father would say

fondly in his heavy Gallic accent. “You should have

seen her during the war. She frightened us all to

death! We half expected she would return to

headquarters some night with a drunken Goebbels

or a doped-up Goring in tow, then tell us if we

wanted Hitler to give her the word!”

Her father had been the Free French liaison

between the Allies and the German underground in

Berlin. A rather stiff Parisian autocrat who

happened to speak German had been assigned to the

cell in the Charlottenburg, which coordinated all the

activities of Berlin’s underground. He frequently said

that he had more trouble with the wild Fraulein with

the impetuous ideas than he had avoiding the Nazis.

Nevertheless they married each other two months

after the armistice. In Berlin. Where neither his

family would talk to hers, nor hers to his. “We had

two small orchestras,” her mother would say. “One

played pure, beautiful Viennese Schnitzel, the other

some white cream sauce with deer droppings.”

Whether family animosities had anything to do

with it neither ever said, but the Parisian and the

Berlinerin immigrated to St. Louis, Missouri, in the

United States of America, where the Berlinerin had

distant relations.

The stark reality. Nine years ago, after she had

settled in New York from Paris, a frightened, tearful

father had flown in to see her and had told Val a

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Categories: Robert Ludlum