Robert Ludlum – Aquatain Progression

somehow managing to keep the tremor out of his

voice. “Trace him down. Call LeifLelm, Van

Headmer. Say it’s imperative you reach


“Stop it! And let him know I know? He had to

give you a reason! Why did he come to see you in

the first place?”

‘ I wanted to wait until you’d spoken to him,”

said Converse, crossing his legs and picking up a

pack of cigarettes next to the pistol. “He might have

told you himself then again, he might not. He has

this idea that I was sent out by Delavane to test all

of you. To see who might betray him. ‘

“Betray him? Betray the legless one? How?

Why? And if our French peacock believed that,

again why would he say these things to you?”

“I’m an attorney. I provoked him. Once he

understood how I felt about Delavane, what that

bastard did to me, he knew I couldn’t possibly have

anything to do with him. His defences were down;

the rest was easy. And as he talked I saw


a way to save my own life.’ Joel struck a match,

lighting a cigarette. “By reaching you,” he added.

“At the end you bank on the morality of a Jew,

then? His acknowledgment of a debt.’

“In part, yes, but not entirely, General. I know

something about Leifhelm, about the way he’s

maneuvered through the years. He’d have me shot,

then send his men after the rest of you, leaving

himself in the number one position.”

“That’s exactly what he’d do,” agreed the Israeli.

“And I didn’t think Van Headmer had any real

authority north of Pretoria.”

“Right again,” said Abrahms, walking back toward

Converse. “So the hellhound created in Southeast

Asia is a survivor.”

“Let’s be more specific,” countered Joel. “I was

sent out by people I don’t know who abandoned me

without raising the slightest question as to my guilt

or innocence. For all I know, they joined in the hunt

to kill me to save their own lives. Given these

conditions I intend to survive.”

“What about the woman? Your woman?”

“She goes with me.” Converse put down the

cigarette and picked up the gun. “What’s your

answer? I can kill you now, or leave that to

Bertholdier, or Leifhelm, if he kills the Frenchman

first. Or I can bank on your morality, your ac-

knowledgment of a debt. What’s it going to be?”

“Put away the gun,” said Chaim Abrahms. “You

have the word of a sabre.”

“What’ll you do?” asked Joel, placing the weapon

back on the table.

“Do?” shouted the Israeli in a sudden burst of

anger. “What I’ve always intended to do! You think

I give a horse’s fart for this abstraction, this

Aquitaine’s infrastructure? Do you think I care one

whit for titles or labels or chains of command? Let

them have it all! I only care that it works, and for it

to work respectability must come out of the chaos

along with strength. Bertholdier was right. I am too

divisive a figure as well as a Jew to be so visible

on the Euro-American scene. So I will be

invisible except in Eretz Yisrael, where my word will

be the law of this new order. 1, myself, will help the

French bull get whatever medals he wants. I will not

fight him, I will control him.”


“Because I can destroy his respectability.”


Converse sat forward, suppressing his

astonishment. “His sex life? Those buried scandals?”

“My God, no, you imbecile! You kick a man

below his belt in public you ask for trouble. Half the

people cry ‘Foul,’thinking it could happen to them,

and the other half applaud his courage to indulge

himself which they would very much like to do.”

“Then how, General? How can you do this,

destroy his respectability?”

Abrahms sat down again in the brocaded chair

his thick body squeezed dangerously between the

delicately carved mahogany arms. “By exposing the

role he played in ‘code-name Aquitaine.’ The roles

we all played in this extraordinary adventure that

forced the civilized world to summon us and the

strengths of our professional leadership. It’s entirely

possible that all free Europe will turn to Bertholdier

as France nearly turned to him after De Gaulle. But

one must understand a man like Bertholdier. He

doesn’t merely seek power, he seeks the glory of

power the trappings, the adulation, the mysticism.

He would rather give up certain intrinsic authority

than lose any part of the glory. Me? I don’t give a

shit about the glory. All I want is the power to get

what I need what I command. For the kingdom of

Israel and its imprimatur in all of the Middle East.”

‘You expose him, you expose yourself. How can

you win that way?”

“Because he’ll blink first. He’ll think of the glory

and submit. He’ll do as I say, give me what I want.”

“I think he’ll have you shot.”

“Not when he’s told that if I die several hundred

documents will be released describing every meeting

we attended, every decision we made. Everything is

scrupulously detailed, I assure you.”

“You intended this from the beginning?”

“From the beginning.”

“You play rough.”

“I’m a sabre. I play for the advantage without

it we would have been massacred decades ago.”

“Among these documents is there a list of

everyone in Aquitaine?”

“No. It has never been my intention to

jeopardise the movement. Call it whatever name you

will, I believe truly in the concept. There must be a

unified, international mili


tary-industrial complex. The world will not stay sane

without it.’

‘But there is such a list.

“In a machine, a computer, but it must be

programmed correctly, the proper codes used.’

“Could you do it?

“Not without help.

“What about Delavane?’

‘You have certain perceptions yourself, said the

Israeli, nodding. “What about him?

Again Joel had to control his astonishment. The

computer codes that released the master list of

Aquitaine were with Delavane. At least the key

symbols were. The remainder were provided by the

four leaders across the Atlantic. Converse shrugged.

“You haven t really mentioned him. You’ve talked

about Bertholdier, about the elimination of Leifhelm,

and the impotence of Van Headmer, who could,

however, bring in raw materials ”

“I said ‘gold,'” corrected Abrahms.

“Bertholdier said ‘raw materiels.’ But what about

George Marcus Delavane?”

“Marcus is finished,” said the Israeli flatly. “He

was coddled we all coddled him because he

brought us the concept and he worked his end in the

United States. We have equipment and materiel all

over Europe, to say nothing of the contraband we’ve

shipped to insurgents, just to keep them occupied. ‘

“Clarification,” interrupted Joel. ” ‘Occupied’

means killing?”

“All is killing. Disingenuous philosophers

notwithstanding, the ends do justify the means. Ask

a man hunted by killers if he will jump into human

excrement to conceal himself.”

“I’ve asked him,” said Converse. “I’m he,

remember? What about Delavane?”

“He’s a madman, a maniac. Have you ever heard

his voice? He speaks like a man with his testicles in

a vise. They cut off his legs, you know, amputated

only months ago for diabetes. The great general

felled from an excess of sugar! He’s tried to keep it

a secret. He sees no one and no longer goes to his

impressive office filled with photographs and flags

and a thousand decorations. He operates out of his

home, where the servants come only when he’s

hidden in a darkened bedroom. How he wished it

could have been a mortar shell or a


bayonet charge, but no. Only sugar. He’s become

worse, a raving fool, but even fools can have flashes of

brilliance. He had it once.”

“What about him?”

“We have a man with him, an aide with the rank of

colonel. When everything begins, when our commands

are in place, the colonel will do as instructed. Marcus

will be shot for the good of his own concept.”

It was Joel’s turn to get out of his chair. Once

again he walked to the cathedral window across the

room and felt the cool mountain breezes on his face.

“This examination is finished, General,’ he said.

“What?” roared Abrahms. “You want your life. /

want guarantees!”

“Finished, ‘ repeated Converse as the door opened

and a captain m the Israeli Army walked inside, his

gun levered at Chaim Abrahms.

“There will be no discussion between us, Herr Con-

verse,” said Erich LeifLelm, standing by the door of the

study. The doctor from Bonn had just left.the room.

“You have your prisoner. Execute him. Over many

years and in many ways

I have been waiting for this moment. In truth, I’m weary

of the morbidity.”

“Are you telling me you want to die?” asked Joel,

standing by the table with the pistol on top.

“No one wants to die, least of all a soldier in the

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Categories: Robert Ludlum