Talismans of Shannara by Terry Brooks

plains, much of them impassable for a force the size of the one

that approached. It was agreed that the Federation army would

seek to use its size to crush the Elves, and scattering itself

through the trees would not seem an attractive alternative to its

commanders. Therefore it would come through the Rhenn and

follow the main road west to the city, there to deploy. But even

that approach would not be easy. It had been many years since

the road had been used regularly—barely at all since the Elves

had disappeared from the Westland. Much of it had been re-

claimed by the forest. It was more trail than road these days.

It was narrow and winding and filled with places where a

small force could hold out for a time against a much larger

one. Fortifications would be built at as many of these places as

time allowed, using pitfalls and traps to hinder any advance.

Meanwhile, the main Elven army would attempt to slow the

Federation forces on the grasslands east, relying on its cavalry,

bowmen, and Wing Riders to offset the superior numbers of

Southland infantry. If that failed, a last stand would be made at

the Rhenn.

One team of builders was dispatched to begin work on the

defenses for the approach east while a second set about forti-

fying the Carolan. An attack from the west was unlikely, but

there was no point in leaving anything to chance.

Meanwhile, the enormous job of outfitting and provisioning

the Elven army commenced under the direction of Barsimmon

Oridio. Wren stayed out of the old soldier’s way, content to

The Talismans of Shannara 185

have him busily engaged in something besides questioning her.

Out of everyone’s hearing she quietly advised Triss that she

wanted a large contingent of Home Guard to go on her expe-

dition as well and Tiger Ty that she wanted a dozen Wing Rid-

ers. Both forces would be under her personal command. It was

fine to leave battlefield tactics to men like Bar, but a major

confrontation was the last thing she wanted. She had thought

the matter through very carefully. Harass, harry, and delay, she

had told the Council—that was what the Elves could reason-

ably hope to accomplish. Garth had taught her everything there

was to know about that kind of fighting. She had not said any-

thing to the Council, but the week required to assemble the

Elven army might prove too long a delay. The vanguard, in

truth, was simply a screen that would allow her to act more

quickly. The Federation army needed to be disrupted now, at

once. Unconventional tactics were called for, and the Home

Guard and Wing Riders were perfect for the job.

On the morning of the third day, she set out with a force that

consisted of a little more than a thousand men—eight hundred

infantry made up essentially of bowmen, three hundred cav-

alry, a hundred of the Home Guard under the command of

Triss, and the dozen Wing Riders she had requested of Tiger

Ty. The Wing Riders were directed by a seasoned veteran

named Erring Rift, but Tiger Ty was there as well, insisting

that no one but he should take the queen skyward should she

wish to do any further scouting. Barsimmon Oridio had ap-

pointed a lean, hard-faced veteran named Desidio, to lead the

expedition. Wren knew him to be reliable, tough, and smart. It

was a good choice. Desidio was experienced enough to do

what was needed and to not do anything more. That was fine

with Wren. The Home Guard were hers, and the Wing Riders

were independent and could follow who they chose. It would

make for a good balance.

That she was going at all was a point of some debate among

the ministers, but she had made it clear from the first night that

a Queen of the Elves must always lead if she expects anyone

to follow. She had intended from the beginning to go out with

the army, she reminded them, and there was no point in wait-

ing about to do it. She had spent a lifetime learning to survive,

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Categories: Terry Brooks