Talismans of Shannara by Terry Brooks

night was clear and bright with stars, and the air smelled clean

and fresh. He breathed it deeply as he walked atop the walls,

not looking down at what waited there, letting his thoughts slip

free as he went, unburdened. He found himself thinking about

Quickening, the daughter of the King of the Silver River, the

elemental who had given everything to restore life to a land of

stone, to give the earth a chance to heal. He pictured her face

and listened in his memory to her voice. He felt the slight

weight of her that last time as he carried her to the edge of

Eldwist, the sense of sureness that had emanated from her, the

sense of power. Dying, she was fulfilling her promise. It was

what she had wanted. But she had bequeathed some part of her

life to him, a sense of purpose and need, a resolve that he

would do in life what she could only do in death.

He stopped, staring out at the night. How far he had trav-

eled, he thought in genuine amazement. How long a journey it

had been. All to reach this point, to arrive at this place and


He paused in his meandering, faced inward to the castle

spires, to the walls and towers that loomed over him, rising

darkly into the night. Was this where his life was supposed to

152 The Talismans of Shannara

end? he wondered suddenly. Was this where the journey finally


It had been a pointless struggle if that was so.

He turned and looked down over the wall. One of the

Horsemen was passing directly below, a faint luminescence

against the dark. Death, he thought, but it was hard to tell. It

made no difference in any case. Names notwithstanding, iden-

tities assumed aside, they were all Death in one form or an-

other. Shadowen killers lacking use and purpose beyond their

ability to destroy. Why had they allowed themselves to become

so? What choice had made them thus?

He watched that rider fade and waited for the next. All night

they would patrol and at dawn assemble once more before the

gates to issue their challenge anew …

He caught himself. All together, before the gates.

A glimmer of hope flickered in his mind. What if he were

to answer that challenge?

His face grim-set, he wheeled from the wall and went down

the battlements in search of Cogline.

Dawn arrived with a silvering of the eastern skies that hinted

of mist and heat. The air was still and sultry even this early, a

remnant of yesterday’s swelter, a promise that this summer did

not intend to give way easily to autumn. Birds sounded their

calls in snappish, weary tones, as if unwilling to herald the

morning’s start.

The Four Horsemen were assembled before the gates, lined

up in the grayness on their nightmare mounts. The serpents

clawed distractedly at the earth as their riders sat mutely before

Paranor’s high walls, specters without voice, lives without bal-

ance. As the light crested the tips of the Dragon’s Teeth, War

urged his monstrous carrier forward, lifted his armored hand,

and struck the gate with a hollow thud. The sound lingered in

the silence that followed, an echo that disappeared into the

trees and the gloom. The gate shuddered and went still.

War started to turn away.

Walker Boh was waiting. He was already outside the walls,

come through a hidden door in a tower barely fifty feet

away. He was cloaked by his magic in a spell of invisibility,

shrouded in the touch and look and smell of ancient stone so

The Talismans of Shannara 153

that he appeared just another part of Paranor. They had not

been looking for him. Even if they had, he believed he would

not have been discovered.

He brought up his good arm, the magic already summoned,

gathered within until it was white-hot, and he sent it hurtling

toward the Shadowen.

The magic exploded into War and cut the unsuspecting

wraith entirely in half. The serpent mount bolted. War’s legs

and lower torso still clinging to it, and disappeared.

Walker struck again. The magic hammered into the remain-

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Categories: Terry Brooks