Talismans of Shannara by Terry Brooks

look pleased to see him. “What seems to be your problem? ”

he asked Morgan pointedly.

The Highlander walked to the counter and glared. “What

seems to be my problem? I didn’t have a problem until I came

in here. Don’t you think you were a little quick with that

broom? ”

The boy shrugged. “I asked you to leave and you didn’t.

What do you expect? ”

“How about a little help? I told you I was looking for some-


The boy sighed wearily. “Everyone is looking for someone—

especially the people who come in here.” His voice was low

and smooth, an odd mix. “They come in here to drink and to

feel better. They come in here to find company. Fine. But they

have to do it when we’re open. And we’re not open. Is that

plain enough for you? ”

Morgan felt his temper begin to slip. He shook his head.

“I’ll tell you what’s plain to me. What’s plain to me is that you

don’t have any manners. Someone ought to box your ears.”

The boy set the broom down and put his slim hands on the

counter. “Well, it won’t be you who does it. Now turn around

The Talismans of Shannara 85

and go back out that door. And forget what I said before.

Don’t come back later. Don’t come back at all.”

For a moment Morgan considered reaching over the counter,

taking hold of the boy by the scruff of his neck, and pulling

him across. But the memory of that broom handle was too re-

cent to encourage precipitous action, and besides, the boy

didn’t look the least bit afraid of him.

Keeping his anger in check, he folded his arms across his

chest and held his ground. “Is there anyone else here that I can

talk to besides you? ” he asked.

The boy shook his head.

“The owner, maybe? ”

The boy shook his head.

“No? ” Morgan decided to take a chance. “Is the owner’s

name Matty Roh? ”

There was a flicker of recognition in the cobalt eyes, there

for an instant and then gone. “No.”

Morgan nodded slowly. “But you know who Matty Roh is,

don’t you? ” He made it a statement of fact.

The boy’s gaze was steady. “I’m tired of talking to you.”

Morgan ignored him. “Matty Roh. That’s who I came here

to find. And I came a long way. Which is why I need a bath,

as you so rudely pointed out. Matty Roh. Not some nameless

companion for some unmentionable purpose, thanks just the

same.” His voice was taking on a sharper edge. “Matty Roh.

You know the name; you know who she is. So if you want to

be rid of me, just tell me how to find her and I’ll be on my


He waited, arms folded, feet planted. The boy’s expression

never changed; his gaze never moved off Morgan. But his

hands slipped down behind the serving counter and came up

again holding a thin-bladed sword. The way they held it sug-

gested a certain familiarity.

“Now, what’s this? ” Morgan asked quietly, “Am I really

that unwelcome? ”

The boy was as still as stone. “Who are you? What do you

want with Matty Roh? ”

Morgan shook his head. ‘That’s between her and me.” Then

he added, “I’ll tell you this much. I’m not here to cause trou-

ble. I just need to speak with her.”


The Talismans of Shannara

The boy studied him for a long time, gaze level and fixed,

body still. He stood behind the serving counter like a statue,

and Morgan had the uneasy feeling that he was poised between

fleeing and attacking. Morgan watched the eyes and the hands

for a hint of which way the boy would go, but there was no

movement at all. From outside, the sounds of the street drifted

in through the open doors and hung shrill and intrusive in the


“I’m Many Ron,” the boy said.

Morgan Leah stared. He almost laughed aloud, almost said

something about how ridiculous that was. But something in the

boy’s voice stopped him. He took a closer look at the other—

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Categories: Terry Brooks