Talismans of Shannara by Terry Brooks

enough for the wishsong to block the Sword’s truth from Par.

Because if Par really was a Shadowen …

Coil exhaled sharply, furiously. He would not let himself

finish the thought, could not accept its possibility. How could

Par be a Shadowen? How could he be one of those monsters?

There was some other reason for what was happening. There

had to be.

Stop debating the matter! You know what you have to do!

You have to find Par!

He rose to his feet and stood staring out at the misted lake,

battered and worn from his struggle to stay alive and from the

The Talismans of Shannara 287

revelations of the Sword. He thought of the years he had spent

looking after his brother while they were growing up—Par so

volatile and contentious, fighting to understand and control the

magic that lived within him, and Coil the peacemaker, using

his size and calming disposition to keep things from getting

out of hand. How many times had he stood up for Par,

shielded him from punishments and retributions, and kept him

safe from harm? How often had he compromised his own mis-

givings so that he could stand with his brother and protect

him? He couldn’t begin to count them. He didn’t want to. It

was simply something he’d had to do. It was something he

would do again now. Par and he were brothers, and brothers

stood up for one another when it was needed. The choice had

been made a long time ago.

Find Par and set him free.

Before it is too late.

He looked down at the Sword of Shannara and fingered its

pommel experimentally, remembering the feel of the magic

coursing through him. His magic. The magic he had thought

he would never have. It was an odd sensation, knowing that its

power was his. He remembered how much he had wanted it

once, wanted it not so much for what it could do but because

he had believed it would bring him closer to Par. He remem-

bered how alone he had felt after the meeting with Allanon—

the only member of the Ohmsford family to whom no charge

had been given. He remembered thinking that he might just as

well not have been there. The memory burned even now.

So what would he make of the chance that had been given


He looked at himself, ragged and battered, without food or

water, without weapons (save for the Sword), without coins or

possessions to trade. He looked back across the lake again, at

the mist beginning to bum off as the sunlight strengthened.

Find Par.

His brother would be at Southwatch. But would he be his

brother still? Coil believed he could reach Par, that he could

find a way to overcome any obstacles set against him, but what

would have happened to his brother in the meantime? Would

the Sword of Shannara help against what the Shadowen might

288 The Talismans of Shannara

have done to Par? Would the magic be of any use if Par had

become one of them?

The questions were troubling. If he considered them further,

he might change his mind about going.

But was it any different when Par came in search of me?

Did he ask if I was still his brother?

He brushed the questions aside, took a firm grip on the

Sword of Shannara, and started walking.

He traveled east, following the shoreline toward the mouth

of the Silver River. Going west was out of the question, be-

cause it meant navigating the Mist Marsh and he knew better

than to try that. The clouds disappeared, the sun came out, and

the land turned molten. Steamy dampness rose in waves from

the sodden earth, and the puddles and streams created by the

storm dried back into the dust. Herons and cranes flew over

the lake in long swooping glides, and the waters turned silver-

tipped in the wake of their passing.

A stranger still to his new life, he thought long and hard

about everything that had happened, trying to piece together

the parts of the puzzle that still didn’t fit. Chief among those

was Rimmer Dall’s obsession with Par. That the First Seeker

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Categories: Terry Brooks