Talismans of Shannara by Terry Brooks

through it as if it wasn’t there, the only sound the rush of his

breathing as he closed on the door. Inside, something gave

way. I won’t die here, he was thinking. I won’t.

The magic flared at his fingertips then, and he sent it hurtling

into the door, blowing it off its hinges as if it had been caught

in a thunderous wind. The door flew all the way across the hall

and shattered on the wall beyond. Instantly Par was through the

opening and moving down the hall toward the stairs, hearing

Walker Boh’s voice again, following the directions and urgings

it was giving, but feeling nothing inside but the fire of the

magic as it wheeled and crashed against his bones, released

anew and determined to stay that way. He didn’t care. He liked

having it free. He wanted it to consume him, to consume every-

thing that came within reach. If this was the madness he had

been promised, then he was anxious to embrace it,

He went down the stairs swiftly, leaving the magic’s fire in

his wake, fighting to control the buildup of its power within.

Dark shapes darted to meet him, and he burned them to ash.

Shadowen? Something else? He didn’t know. The tower had

come awake in the predawn dark, its inhabitants rising up in

response to the magic’s presence, knowing they were invaded

and quick to seek out the source of the intrusion. Fire burned

down at him from above and from below, but he sensed it long

before it struck, and deflected it effortlessly. There was a dark

core forming within him, a dangerous mix of casual disregard

and pleasure bom of the magic’s use, and its coming seemed

to generate a falling away of caring and worry and caution. He

was shedding his humanity. He could do as he pleased, he

sensed. The magic gave him the right.

Walker Boh was screaming at him, but he could no longer

hear the words. Nor did he care to. He pressed on, moving

steadily downward, destroying everything that came into his

path. Nothing could challenge him now. He sent the fire of the

wishsong ahead and followed gleefully after.

The Talismans of Shannara 407

Walker Boh thrashed awake again, body jerking, arms yank-

ing free. His companions stepped back from him quickly.

“He’s coming!” he hissed, his eyes snapping open. “But he’s

losing himself in the magic!”

They did not have to ask who he was talking about. “What

do you mean?” Coil still gripped his cloak, and he pulled

Walker about violently.

Walker’s eyes were as hard as stone as they met the

Valeman’s. “He has used the magic, but lost control of it. He’s

using it on everything. Now, get back from me!”

He shrugged free and wheeled away, put his hands on the

stone door, and pushed. Light flared from his palms and

streaked out of his fingertips into the seams of the massive por-

tal, racing down through the cracks. Locks snapped apart and

iron bars splintered. The time for stealth and caution was past.

The doors shuddered and gave way with a crunch of metal.

They were inside at once, moving into a blackness even

more intense than the night, feeling cold and damp on their

skin, breathing dust and staleness through their nostrils. It

wasn’t age and disuse they found waiting, but a terrible foul-

ness that spoke of something trapped and dying. They choked

on it, and Walker sent light scurrying to the darkened comers

of the room in which they stood. It was a massive entry to a

series of halls that passed beneath a catwalk high above. Be-

yond, through an arched opening, stood an empty courtyard.

Somewhere in the distant black, they could hear screams

and smell burning and see the white flare of Par’s magic.

Rumor was already moving ahead, loping down the entry

and through the opening to the courtyard. Walker and the oth-

ers went after him, grim-faced and voiceless. Shadows moved

at the fringes of the whirl of light and sound, but nothing at-

tacked. They crossed the courtyard in a crouch, glancing left

and right guardedly. The Shadowen were there, somewhere

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Categories: Terry Brooks