Talismans of Shannara by Terry Brooks

and General huddled with Desidio, Tiger Ty, and a handful of

high-ranking commanders from the main army, it was decided

that there was no point in waiting on a Federation attack, that

waiting only gave the Federation time to dispatch further rein-

forcements, and that the best defense was an unexpected offense.

It was Desidio’s suggestion, and Wren was surprised to hear him

offer it and even more surprised to hear Bar accept. But the old


The Talismans of Shannara 391

general, though conservative by nature and set in his ways, was

no fool. He recognized the precariousness of their situation and

was sharp enough to understand what was needed to offset the

Federation’s superior numbers. Handled in the right manner, an

attack might succeed. He organized its execution, scouted it out

personally, and at dawn of the day following set it in motion.

The Federation was still waking up, having crossed the better

part of the flats south to reach the head of the valley, intent on

covering the last few miles after sunrise and entering the valley

at noon. They could not camp safely within the Rhenn, knowing

that the Elves had settled their defenses there, and they were

reasonably sure that the Elves would await them there. Once

again they guessed wrong. The Elves crept out of the forest

west while it was still dark, setting their bowmen in triple lines

along the Federation flank and backing them with a dozen ranks

of foot soldiers equipped with spears and short swords. A sec-

ond set of archers and foot soldiers and all of the cavalry were

sent down out of the valley east to organize a second line of at-

tack at me northeast front of the Federation camp. It was all car-

ried out in absolute silence, the Elves employing the stealth

tactics they had perfected while still on Morrowindl—every-

thing done in small increments, the army broken down into

squads and patrols that were dispatched separately and reassem-

bled at the point of attack. The Elves had fought together for

ten years against odds as great as these. They were not deterred

and they were not frightened. They were fighting for their lives,

but they had been doing so for a long time.

The archers on the west flank struck first, raining arrows

down into the waking camp. As the Federation soldiers sprang

up, snatching for armor and weapons, the call to battle ringing

out, the Elven Hunters started forward, spears lowered, passing

between the archers and down into the midst of the enemy. As

they carved their way through the melee, the archers above the

Federation army launched a second front. By now the South-

landers were convinced they were surrounded and were at-

tempting to defend on all sides. The Elven cavalry, a relatively

small body, swept down out of the haze to rake the still-

disorganized Federation defense and send it reeling back. The

whole of the flats where the Federation was encamped was a

sea of struggling, surging bodies.

392 The Talismans of Shannara

The Elves pressed the attack for as long as they were able

to do so without risking entrapment, then fell back into the

mist and gloom. Barsimmon Oridio commanded personally on

the west flank, Desidio on the northeast. Wren Elessedil, Triss,

.and a body of Home Guard watched through the shifting haze

from a promontory at the mouth of the valley. Faun sat on

Wren’s shoulder, wide-eyed, and shivering. Stresa was scouting

the forests west of the valley on his own. Tiger Ty was with

the Wing Riders, who were being held in reserve.

The attack broke off as planned, and the Elves shifted their

positions, taking advantage of the gloom and the confusion,

moving swiftly to re-form. They had been settled down in the

valley for almost two weeks now, and their scouts had studied

the terrain thoroughly. Callahom might belong to the Federation,

but the Elves knew this particular part of it better than the sol-

diers of the Southland army. The west flank moved to the front

and the northeast moved directly east. Then they struck again,

this time bringing archers forward to point-blank range, then

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Categories: Terry Brooks