Talismans of Shannara by Terry Brooks

the window and took a quick look inside. The scene was un-

changed. The prisoner was still wrapped in his blanket and ly-

ing on the floor at the rear of the cabin. Four of the men still

sat at the table. Damson and Matty exchanged a quick glance,

then started toward the front. They reached the comer and

looked onto the sagging porch.

The sentry was gone.

Matty’s face clouded, but she edged into the light anyway.

sword held ready, and moved for the open door. Damson fol-

lowed, glancing left and right, thinking. Where is he? They were

almost to me door when the sentry reappeared out of the dark,

come from checking me animals perhaps, looking off that way

and muttering to himself. He didn’t see the women until he

stepped onto the porch, tfien grunted in surprise and reached for

his weapons. Matty was quicker. She shifted the sword to her

left hand, reached down with her right, brought out one of the

throwing knives, and flung it at the man. The blade caught him

in the chest and he went back off the porch with a hiss of pain.

Then they were through the door and inside the cabin, Matty

leading. Damson at her back. The room was small and smoky

and cramped, and it seemed as if they were right on top of the

slavers. Damson could see their faces clearly, the sweat on their

360 The Talismans of Shannara

skin, the anger and surprise in their eyes. The men leaped up

from the table, weapons wrenched free of belts and sheaths.

Shouts and oaths rose up, glasses and tin cups tipped away, and

ate spilled onto the floor. Many killed the nearest man and went

for the next. The table flipped over, scattering debris every-

where. One of the men turned toward the captive, but Matty

was too close to be ignored, and he twisted back to meet her

rush. A second man went down, blood pouring from his throat,

clawing at the air and then tumbling away. The two who re-

mained rushed Matty Roh with swords and knives glinting

wickedly in the lamplight and forced her back toward the wall.

Damson stepped away, looking for an opening. Someone

grabbed her from behind, and the fifth man, blood leaking from

his chest wound, lurched through the doorway, clutching at her

with his fingers. She twisted away, slippery with his blood, then

shoved him back out the door and down the steps. Outside, the

mules brayed and kicked at the cabin wall in terror.

Matty darted and cut at the men before her, fighting to keep

from being cornered, yelling for Damson. A lamp shattered,

spilling oil everywhere, and flames spread across the cabin

floor. Damson threw herself onto the back of the man nearest,

tearing at his eyes. He howled in pain, dropped his weapons,

and fought with his bare hands to fling her away. She let

go, throwing herself clear, reaching for her knife. The man

went for her in a frenzy, heedless of everything else, tripped,

and went down in the fire. It caught on his clothing and began

to bum, and he ran screaming out the door and into the night.

The last man held his ground a moment longer, then bolted for

the door as well. Flames were racing up the walls now, streaking

across the rafters, eating hungrily at the dry wood. Damson and

Matty raced for the back of the cabin where the captive had risen

to his knees and was tearing at the ring that chained him to the

wall. Matty shoved him down wordlessly, brought the big hunt-

ing knife out from her boot, and hacked and cut and pried at the

wall until the ring broke loose. Then in a knot they rushed for

the cabin door, the flames all about them, the heat singeing their

hair and flesh. They were almost clear when the captive twisted

free and turned back, charging into the smoke and fire with the

chains trailing behind him, searching the debris on the floor until

he came up with the Sword of Shannara.

The Talismans of Shannara 361

It wasn’t until they were all outside, gasping for air and

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Categories: Terry Brooks