Talismans of Shannara by Terry Brooks


The sun was directly overhead when Damson Rhee finally

returned. She was flushed with the heat and covered with dust,

but there was excitement in her eyes.

“They have Padishar within the same watchtower where

they held me,” she announced, dropping down on one of the

benches and peeling off her cloak. She took a long drink from

the cup of water Matty Roh offered her. “It seems to be com-

mon knowledge. They plan to take him to the main gates at

noon tomorrow and hang him in view of the city.”

“How is he? ” Morgan asked quickly. “Did anyone say? ”

She shook her head, swallowing. “No one has seen him. But

talk among the soldiers is that he’ll walk to his end.”

She glanced at Matty Roh. The other woman frowned.

“Common knowledge, is it? ” She gave Damson a thoughtful

look. “I don’t much trust common knowledge. Common

knowledge often ends up meaning ‘false rumor’ in my experi-


The Talismans of Shannara 243

Damson hesitated. “Everyone seemed so sure.” She cut her-

self short. “But I guess we have to make certain, don’t we? ”

Matty Roh leaned forward, elbows on knees, chin in hands,

her boyish face intense. “You’ve told me how they used you

to trap Padishar.” Morgan stared. This was the first he’d heard

of that. How much more had Damson told her that he didn’t

know? “It worked once, so chances are pretty good they’ll try

it again. But they’ll change the rules. They’ll make sure no one

gets away this time. Instead of using live bait, maybe they’ll

use … common knowledge.”

Morgan nodded. He should have thought of that. “A decoy.

They expect a rescue attempt, so they misdirect it They keep

Padishar somewhere else.”

Matty nodded solemnly. “I would guess.”

Damson came back to her feet, “I’ve left signs for the Mole

that he can’t miss. If he’s coming, he’ll come tonight. I’ve got

until then to go back out and try to find where Padishar really


“I’m coming as well.” Morgan rose and reached for his


“No.” Matty Roh’s voice was sudden and firm. She stood up

and came between them. “Neither of you is going.” She

reached for her cloak. “I am.” She looked at Morgan. “You

might be recognized, now that you’ve shed your disguise, and

you can’t go where you might learn anything in any case. You

are better off staying here.” She turned to Damson. “And you

can’t afford to risk yourself further. After all, they know who

you are, too. It was chancy enough going out this morning.

Whatever happens, you have to stay safe until you can meet

the Mole and bring the others in. You can’t do that if you’re

discovered and find yourself in Padishar Creel’s company. Be-

sides, I’m better at this sort of thing than you are. I know how

to listen, how to find things out. -Discovering secrets is what I


They stared at her without speaking for a moment. When

Morgan started to object. Damson silenced him with a look.

“She’s right. Padishar would agree.”

Again Morgan tried to speak, but Damson overrode him,

saying, “We’ll wait here for you, Matty. Be careful.”

Matty nodded and slung her cloak over her shoulder. Her

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slim face was tight and smooth across the set of her jaw.

“Don’t wait if I’m not back by dark.” She gave Morgan a

quick, ironic smile. “Keep me safe in your thoughts, High-


Then she was across the courtyard and through the door of

the room beyond and gone.

They waited for Matty Roh all day, hunched down in the

shelter of the shed, trying to take what small comfort they

could from the shade it provided. The sun passed slowly west,

the heat building in its wake, the air still and dusty within the

airless court.

To help pass the time, Morgan began telling Damson how

Padishar and he had fought together against the Federation at

the Jut. But talking of it did not ease his boredom as he had

hoped. Instead it brought back a memory he had hoped

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Categories: Terry Brooks