Talismans of Shannara by Terry Brooks

advancing. With the death of Erring Rift, command of the

Wing Riders had passed to Tiger Ty, the most experienced

among them and a leader with whom they felt comfortable. Ti-

ger Ty, gruff and abrasive, but up to the challenge, had sent the

The Talismans of Shannara 365

Wing Riders in support of the Land Elves. The Federation

army had been better prepared than before, but still not well

enough to prevent considerable damage to supplies and stock.

The Elves had lost more than a dozen men this time, but the

Federation juggernaut had been brought to a halt once more,

forced to stay their march long enough to allow recovery of

horses, foraging for food and water, and treatment of their


Barsimmon Oridio had reached the Valley of Rhenn and was

starting down to meet them. Messengers had arrived from the

old general to announce that help was on the way. Desidio and

Triss had dispatched the messengers back again with the

queen’s greetings—unwilling to reveal just yet that the queen

herself was missing. Neither had been prepared to concede that

she was gone for good, despite what had happened to Erring

Rift and Grayl. Wren was pleased to discover that they had

kept her disappearance quiet.

But she had already decided that the advance guard must do

more than just wait for Bar and the rest of the army to reach

them. She had thought it through on the flight in from the

grasslands, her body weary from the battle with Tib Ame and

Gloon, but her mind strangely sharp and clear. She knew what

had to be done, and it had to be done regardless of anything

else that happened. The Creepers had to be stopped. They

would be gaining rapidly on the Federation army now, come

out of the luting and across the Mermidon and into the grass-

lands east of the Pykon. They would catch up in another few

days and join with their allies in the hunt for the Elves. When

that happened, it was all over. The Elves had no defense

against the Creepers, not in numbers, skills, or strength, and

the Shadowen machines would track them through the West-

land forests to Arborlon and put a quick end to them.

She was not going to let that happen, she had promised, and

she had thought back to Morrowindl and the things that had

hunted her there and then back to the things that had hunted

Ohmsfords down through the years in their service to the Dru-

ids, until surprisingly, unexpectedly, she had found the answer

she needed.

But once again it would put her at risk, and once again it

would require use of the Elfstones.

366 The Talismans of Shannara

She had told Tiger Ty, Triss, and Desidio of her plan that

very night, and all three were aghast. They had pleaded with

her to give it up, to think of something else, to try a different

tactic. They had beseeched her to consider what it would mean

to the Elves if she was lost again—this time for good. But she

had held them off with reason and hard fact, with strength of

will and argument, and in the end they had been forced to ac-

cept her decision, however reluctantly. They had managed to

wring one concession—Tiger Ty and Triss would go with her

for however long it was possible.

That had been two days ago. She had come south that same

day with Triss, Tiger Ty, fifty Home Guard, and half-a-dozen

Wing Riders. The Rocs had carried the Home Guard in the gi-

ant baskets, keeping well back within the shelter of the trees

and mountains where they could not be seen from the

plains, and Wren had ridden with Tiger Ty. She had held ev-

eryone in place just long enough to dispatch Faun into Drey

Wood to locate and bring back Stresa. She had told the

Splinterscat what she intended, and because so much depended

on him she had waited for his assurance that her plan could

work. When he had agreed that it might, she had scooped him

up, strapped him in place on Spirit’s back, tucked Faun into

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Categories: Terry Brooks