Talismans of Shannara by Terry Brooks

other. Still here, just as they had been in the time of Wil

Ohmsford, monsters from the deep waters of the Matted

Brakes, the Things.

Stresa was moving again, and she hurried after, trying to

keep from rushing, trying to keep her passage as silent as that

of a cloud across the sky. Do nothing to disturb them, she told

herself. Let them sleep a little while more. The haze billowed

about, but it was not thick enough to hide them from the crea-

tures following. The Creepers were on the bridge as well, she

saw, glancing hurriedly back.

But only two of them!

She stopped abruptly, hissing Stresa and Triss to a stop with

her. Two were not enough! She needed them all! She wheeled

back, brought out the Elfstones, and held them forth. ‘Wo/”

she heard Stresa cry out harshly, hissing the word. But she sent

the fire forth anyway, flying over the still swamp waters, lanc-

ing into the Creepers that hunched down upon the shores, scat-

tering flames into them like arrows, burning and singeing. The

Creepers reared back, tearing at the earth. She felt something

in the lake stir. Not yet! The Creepers on the shore milled

about, their black-cloaked tenders trying to calm them. One of

the Seekers disappeared under a flurry of iron claws, scream-


Ripples spread slowly across the mirrored green waters.

Wren took a deep breath. Steady, steady.

The Talismans of Shannara

Then she struck again, the Elven fire exploding into the

Creepers, and this time they all came for her, thundering onto

the bridge in a furious rush.

There was movement everywhere in the lake now, a slow

shifting of the ridges, a gathering of dark shapes. She saw it

out of the comer of her eye as she raced on behind Triss and

Stresa—saw it on either side and then ahead and behind, too,

and she realized the danger she was in. If the Things attacked

now, none of them would escape. Monsters of the swamp,

older than the Snadowen spawn and as implacable as time,

these were what she had brought the Creepers to face. They

had been there when Wil Ohmsford and Amberle Elessedil had

passed through the Brakes more than three hundred years

earlier in search of the Bloodfire. They had devoured two of

the Elven Hunters sent to keep the Valeman and the Chosen

safe. She hoped now they would devour the Creepers as well.

Ahead, there was an island, little more than a flat stretch of

rock-encrusted earth dotted with scrub and a small stand of cy-

press. The bridge ran to it and then wound away again beyond.

It stood alone in the haze, empty of life.

“Hurry!” she heard Stresa hiss.

She looked back again and saw the Creepers, all eight of

them, clawing their way across the root-entangled strip of land

that stretched away behind her. The Seekers ran after, some

crying out, most struggling to keep from being crushed. The

Creepers were out of control, seeing their prey so close at

hand, sensing that they would have them in moments. They

were closing quickly, heedless of me dangers about, confident

of their strength and armor. The Elven magic might bum, but

it could not destroy. Hunters, they thought only to hunt, never

to hide, never to turn back. One slipped and fell, floundering

momentarily in the stagnant lake waters before struggling back

out again.

Come after me, she hissed soundlessly at them. Come see

what I have planned for you.

Then she was on the island and turning back once more, me

fire from the Elfstones already building in her hand. She went

cold as she realized that she might have waited too long, that

the closest of the Creepers was less than fifty yards away. She

willed forth the magic quickly, and sent the fire not into the

The Talismans of Shannara 375

Creepers but into the lake about them, into the ridges with

their breathing holes, into the Things.

The lake exploded in geysers that shot hundreds of feet

into the air as dark shapes lifted skyward like whales breach-

ing. On the bridge, the Creepers slowed, confused by what was

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Categories: Terry Brooks