Talismans of Shannara by Terry Brooks

But she was feeling at loose ends with herself, strangely dis-

connected from everything, and she needed to regain her per-

spective. Why not? she thought. Perhaps having Tib along

would help. Perhaps it would suggest something.

She nodded. “All right. You can come.”

Tib’s smile spread from ear to ear. It just about matched Err-

ing Rift’s scowl.

* * *

The Talismans of Shannara 309

They flew south against the backdrop of the mountains, the

Elf Queen, the leader of the Wing Riders, and the boy, staying

low and tight against the land. They passed the laboring Fed-

eration army, strung out across the empty plains in a massive

cloud of dust, and continued on past the bleak expanse of the

Matted Brakes toward the blue ribbon of the Mermidon. The

wind blew at them in soothing, cooling waves, and the land

spread away in a patchwork of earth colors dotted with bright

flashes of sunlight reflecting off ponds and streams. Wren sat

behind Erring Rift, and Tib Ame sat behind her. She could feel

the tension in the boy as he strained to look down past Grayl’s

wings, taking in the land below, seeking first to one side and

then to the other, small exclamations of excitement escaping

his Ups. She smiled, and lost herself in memories.

Only once did her thoughts stray back to the present. For the

second time in a row, she had not brought Faun with her on a

flight with Erring Rift. Faun had begged to go, and she had

refused. Maybe she was afraid for the Tree Squeak, frightened

that it would fall from the Roc’s back. Maybe it was some-

thing more. She really wasn’t sure.

The hours slipped away. They reached the Pykon, picked up

the winding channel of the Mermidon, and sped south. Still no

sign of the Creepers. Wren scanned the countryside, afraid that

the monsters had slipped into the trees where they could no

longer be followed. But seconds later a glint of metal flashed

out of the distance, and Erring Rift swung Grayl into a sweep-

ing loop that carried them away from the Mermidon and closer

to the mountains west. They hugged the rocks as they came up

on the Creepers, who were bunched east of the river, lurching

after the Federation army. Wren watched the insect things

move tirelessly through the heat and dust, monsters that served

inhuman masters and insupportable needs. She thought of the

things she had left behind on Morrowindl and realized that she

had not really left them behind after all. The dark creatures

that the Elven magic had created there had simply been recre-

ated here in another form. History repeating again, she thought.

So what were the lessons she needed to leam?

They flew past twice, and then Wren had Erring Rift land

them on a bluff amid a series of forested foothills backed up

against the Rock Spur. From there they could watch the prog-

310 The Talismans of Shannara

ress of the Creepers as they labored on across the grasslands,

disjointed legs rising and falling in steady cadence.

Wren seated herself without comment. Tib Ame sat next to

her, knees drawn up, arms wrapped about his legs, face intense

as he stared out at the Creepers. Creepers. She mouthed the

word without saying it. How could they be stopped? She dug at

the ground with the heels of her boots, thinking. Behind her,

Erring Rift was checking the harness straps on Grayl. Wind

blew gently through the trees, soothing and cool on her skin.

She thought of the Wisteron, a distant cousin to the Creepers,

sunk finally into the mire close to where it had made its lair.

Rift touched her shoulder, handing down a waterskin. She

took it, drank, and offered it to Tib, who declined. She rose

and walked with Rift to the edge of the rise, staring out again

at the Creepers. What was out there that could hurt these

things? Did they eat and sleep like other creatures? Did they

need water? Did they breathe air?

She brushed at the sweat on her face.

“We should start back,” Rift said quietly.

She nodded and didn’t move. Below, the Creepers lumbered

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Categories: Terry Brooks