Talismans of Shannara by Terry Brooks

felt with the tree, with the woman it had been, with the

strength of commitment embodied in the tale of how it had

come into being, was sustaining. From flesh and blood to

leaves and limbs, from woman to tree, from mortal life to life


On her shoulder Faun rubbed against her neck as if to reas-

sure her that everything was all right.

A cure for the Races, she mused, changing subjects if not

moods, thinking again of the army that approached, of the

Shadowen threat she must find a way to end. It would take

more than the Elves to accomplish this, she knew. Allanon had

told the Ohmsfords as much when he had sent them to fulfill

their separate charges—Par to find the Sword of Shannara,

Walker Boh to find the Druids and Paranor, and Wren to find

the Elves. Had Par and Walker succeeded as she had? Were all

the charges now fulfilled? She knew that she had to find out.

Somehow she had to make contact with the others who had

gathered at the Hadeshom. On the one hand she must dis-

The Talismans of Shannara 137

cover what had become of them and on the other apprise them

of what had happened to her. They must be told the truth of

the Shadowen, that the Shadowen were Elves who had recov-

ered the old magic of faerie and become subverted by it in the

same way as the Warlock Lord and his Skull Bearers nearly

five hundred years earlier. How they had recovered this magic

and how it sustained them remained a mystery. But the knowl-

edge she held must be passed on to the others. She felt it in-

stinctively. Until that was done, any cure for the Shadowen

sickness would remain out of reach.

What to do? Already some among the Elves had gone out

from Arborlon into the far reaches of the Westland to establish

new homes. Farmers had begun to settle in the Sarandanon, the

fertile valley that had served as the breadbasket of the Elven

nation for centuries. Trappers and hunters had begun ranging

north to the Breakline and south to the Rock Spur. Craftsmen

were anxious to open new markets for their wares. Every-

where, there was a push to reclaim old homesteads and towns.

Most important of all. Healers and their acolytes had gone

forth to seek out those places in which the Westland’s sickness

was worst in an attempt to stem its spread—carrying on an

Elven tradition that had lasted since the beginning of time. For

the Elves had always been healers, a people who believed that

they were one with the earth into which they were born, the

purveyors of the philosophy that something must be given

back to the world that sustained them. As with the Gnome

Healers at Storlock, who cared for the earth’s people, the Elven

Healers were committed in turn to the people’s earth.

But they and the farmers, trappers, hunters, traders, and oth-

ers were at risk in the Westland unless the Elven army pro-

tected them against the threat mounting from without. If the

Queen of the Elves could not find a way to keep the Federa-

tion at bay long enough to put an end to the Shadowen …

She left the thought hanging, turning away from the Ellcrys

in disgust. So much was needed, and try as she might she

could not provide it alone.

The sky was streaked scarlet above the trees west, a vivid

smear against the mountainous horizon that had the look of

blood. Or at least that was the image that flashed in Wren

Elessedil’s mind.

138 The Talismans of Shannara

Your memories never leave you, she thought—even those

you wish would, even those you wish had never been.

She walked down out of the Gardens, eyes on the ground in

front of her. She wondered about Stresa. It had been days since

she had seen the Splinterscat. Unlike Faun, Stresa was more

comfortable in the wild and preferred the woods to the city. He

had made his home somewhere close to Arborlon and would

appear unexpectedly from time to time, but consistently re-

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Categories: Terry Brooks