Talismans of Shannara by Terry Brooks

and your magic helped. It was Elven-spawned, and every time

you relied on it you told him where you were. It was not

enough to enable him to capture you, but it kept him close.”

“But he was wrong about the Sword of Shannara,” Par in-

sisted. “He thought I was the only one who could use it, and

it was really meant for Coll.”

Walker shook his head. “I don’t know that it was meant spe-

cifically for either of you. It seems that it was meant for both

But it was necessary that Coil use it first if you were to be

saved from Rimmer Dall. You had to find a way to accept the

fact that even though your fears about the magic were true,

they were not determinative of your fate. Allanon was careful

not to reveal anything about Coil’s role. He must have known

that it had to be kept secret if Coil was to help you.”

“Perhaps he knew that the Shadowen would discover the

charges,” Morgan offered. “So he held one back.”

The Talismans of Shannara 435

“What about the charges? ” Par asked suddenly. “What were

they meant to accomplish? We know why retrieving the Sword

of Shannara was important, but what about the others9 ”

Walker breathed deeply, looked away toward the plains for

a moment thinking, then turned back again. His knowledge and

his reasoning allowed him to divine more quickly than his

companions the truths behind what had transpired, and so they

were quick to look to him for an explanation. Foresight, com-

prehension, perception, and deduction—Druid skills be-

queathed to him. Add to those the power of the magic and the

responsibility to use it wisely. He was beginning to appreciate

already the burden that Allanon had earned all those years.

“The charges were given to accomplish more than simply

the destruction of the Shadowen,” he said, choosing his words

carefully. “A combination of things was required if the Four

Lands was to survive. An understanding of who the Shadowen

were and what they were about was necessary first and fore-

most, and the quests to carry out Ailanon’s charges provided

that. More directly, there were the talismans that helped

destroy them—the Sword of Shannara, the Elfstones, the

wishsong, and Morgan’s blade. And peripherally there were the

magics that enabled us to recover those talismans.

“But the charges were given as well to sustain the Four

Lands once the Shadowen were gone, to help keep the

Shadowen or things like them from coming back. The Elves

were returned to provide a balance that has been missing. The

Elves are the healers of the land and her creatures, the caretak-

ers needed to keep the magic safe and secure. When they fled,

the Shadowen had no one to challenge their theft, no one who

even realized what was happening. The Elves will work to pre-

vent that from occuring again.

“And the Druids,” he said softly, “will contribute to that bal-

ance as well. It was something I did not understand before,

something I learned in becoming one of them. The Druids are

the land’s conscience. They do not simply manipulate and con-

trol. They seek out what troubles the land and her people, and

they help to put it right again. It might seem sometimes as if

they serve only their own purposes, but the misperception

comes from fear of the power they wield. It remains a judg-

ment for each of them, of course—for me, as well, I know—

436 The Talismans of Shannara

but the reason for their being comes from a need to serve.” He

paused. “I could not be one of them otherwise.”

“Once, you could not have been one of them in any case,”

Par observed quietly.

Walker nodded and the hardness in his eyes softened.

“Once, Par, was a long time ago for all of us.”

Cogline would have agreed with that, the Valeman thought

to himself. The old man would have recognized the truth in

those words right away. Cogline had seen the passing of so

many years, times gone out of memory and become legend,

the disappearance of the Druids and their return, the transition

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Categories: Terry Brooks