Talismans of Shannara by Terry Brooks

Mindless and persistent, she thought bleakly.

She did not bother glancing over at the others—Triss, Erring

Rift, and Desidio. She already knew what she would see in

their faces. She already knew what they were thinking.

They had been watching the Federation’s progress for more

than an hour—not with any expectation that they would leam

anything, but out of a need to do something besides sit around

and wait for the inevitable. The Elves were in trouble. The

Federation march north to the Rhenn had resumed two days

ago, and time was running out. Barsimmon Oridio had finally

completed the mobilization and provisioning of the main body

of the Elven army and was headed east to the pass, a forced

march that would bring the Elves into the Rhenn at least three

days ahead of the enemy. But the Elves were still outnumbered

ten to one, and any kind of direct engagement would result in

their annihilation. Worse, the Creepers continued their ap-

proach, closer now than before, catching up quickly to the

slower Southlanders. In four, maybe five days, the Creepers

would overtake them and become their vanguard, the advance

for a search-and-destroy action. When that happened, it would

be the end of the Elves.


306 The Talismans of Shannara

Wren felt a vague hopelessness nudging at her, and she an-

grily thrust it away.

What can I do to save my people?

She focused again on the crawling army and tried to think

Another midnight raid was out of the question. The Federation

was alerted to them now and would not be caught napping

twice. Cavalry patrols rode day and night all around the main

body of the army, scouring the countryside for any sign of the

Elves. Once or twice riders more bold than smart had even

ventured into the forests. Wren had let them pass, the Elves

melting back into the trees, invisible in the shadows. She did

not want the Federation to know where they were. She did not

want to give them anything she didn’t have to. Not that it mat-

tered. The patrols kept them at bay, and sentry lines were ex-

tended a quarter-mile out from the camp once darkness fell

The Wing Riders could come in from overhead, but she did

not care to risk her most valuable weapon when she coula

bring no strength to bear in its support.

Besides, it made little difference what she did about the Fed-

eration army if she did not fast find a way to stop the Creepers.

Though still distant, the Creepers were the most dangerous and

immediate threat. If they were allowed to reach the Rhenn, or

even the Westland forests immediately south, there would be

nothing to stop them from carving a path straight through to

Arborlon. The Creepers wouldn’t worry about finding a road-

way leading in. They wouldn’t concern themselves with am-

bushes and traps. They didn’t need scouts or patrols to search

out the enemy. The Creepers would find the Elves wherever

they tried to hide and destroy them in the same manner they

had destroyed the Dwarves fifty years earlier. Wren knew the

stories. She knew what kind of enemy they were up against.

The sweat lay against her face like a damp mask. She ex-

haled slowly, beckoned to the others, and began backing off

the rise. When they were safely within the shelter of the trees

once more, they rose and walked to where their horses were

held by the Elven Hunters who had come with them. No one

spoke. No one had anything to say. Wren led the way, trying

to look as if she had something in mind even though she

didn’t, worried that she was beginning to lose the confidence

she had won in leading the attack three nights earlier, confi-

The Talismans of Shannara 307

dence that she needed if she was to control events once

Barsimmon Oridio arrived. She was Queen of the Elves, she

told herself. But even a queen could fail.

They mounted and rode back to the Elven camp. Wren

thought back over all that had happened since the coming of

Coeline, wondering what had become of the old man—what,

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Categories: Terry Brooks