Talismans of Shannara by Terry Brooks

their anger.

Famine appeared first, wheeling through the arch of the

fasthold that had momentarily swallowed it, closer to the strug-

gle than the others. Skeletal frame hunched low, bony hands

stretched forth, the Horseman charged ahead. But there was a

cloud of dust and smoke in its way, stirred by Walker in antic-

ipation of its coming, and it could not see clearly what was

happening. When it broke through the screen, it found itself

right on top of its prey. Walker Boh was struggling with Pes-

tilence, grappling with the Shadowen, trying to wrest it from

atop its writhing serpent, fighting to keep either from rising.

Famine swept past, finger bones raking Walker across the


Missing him completely.

Catching Pestilence instead. And being caught by the other

in turn.

Both of the Horsemen screamed as the magic of each at-

tacked the other. Pestilence fell back, weakened by hunger and

want. Famine lurched away, sickened and retching.

Fire exploded out of the stone walls between them, dealing

Famine a ferocious blow that sent the Shadowen reeling.

Now War appeared, come around the west end of the wall,

the huge mace raised overhead as the Horseman thundered to

the fray. Its serpent breathed flames, and there was a glimmer

of fire in the eye slits beneath the armor. It saw Walker Boh

clearly, saw the Druid grappling with Famine, and it attacked

at once. It might have heard Famine scream in warning, but if

it did it failed to heed. It brought the mace down with a

crunching blow, intending to finish Walker Boh with a single

pass. But Walker had disappeared, and the blow struck Famine

instead, hammering right through the Shadowen and deep into

The Talismans of Shannara 221

his serpent. Famine wailed in anguish and collapsed in a pile

of bones. Serpent and rider lay unmoving in the dust.

War wheeled back, and suddenly there were plague flies all

over it, stinging and biting past weapons and armor. War

shrieked, but the strike was quick and certain. Pestilence had

seen Walker Boh dodge the blow that had felled Famine, seen

him launch himself onto War and begin to strangle the Shad-

owen. Pestilence, dazed and battered, had reacted out of in-

stinct, sending fever and sickness in a swift counterattack. But

somehow things had gone awry; it was not Walker Boh who

was struck, but the Horseman War.

Flattened against the castle wall. Walker withdrew the image

of himself into a cloud of dust behind the thrashing War and

sent a bolt of fire into Pestilence that threw the Shadowen

from his mount completely. The entire stretch of bluff was a

haze of dust and heat thrown up by the twisting, snarling ser-

pents and their maddened riders. The images were an old trick,

one that a young Jair Ohmsford had perfected three centuries

ago in his battle with the Mord Wraiths. Walker had remem-

bered and used the trick to good purpose this day, sending the

Shadowen wheeling this way and that, overlaying an image of

himself on first one and then another, all the while keeping his

back firmly planted against the castle wall.

Mirrors and light, but it was proving to be enough.

Stricken with a dozen killing fevers. War wheeled its serpent

about. Walker Boh had appeared again, straddling the fallen

Pestilence, trying to smother the Shadowen. War charged, half-

blinded and crazed, a great battle-axe drawn. It was on the

Druid in seconds, and the axe swept down, cutting him apart.

Except that he wasn’t there again, and the blade sliced

through Pestilence and his serpent instead.

From his place against the castle wall. Walker sent fire ham-

mering into War. The Shadowen went down, separated from

his mount. When the mount tried to rise. Walker burned it to


The mounts, he had discovered, did not share their riders’

resiliency. And the Four Horsemen, while able to recover from

his magic, were not immune to their own. He had not missed

the way they had attacked him each time out—one at a time,

one after the other, never all at once. A sustained rush would

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Categories: Terry Brooks