Talismans of Shannara by Terry Brooks

the Valeman, and the moor cat. They needed to reach Par with-

out being discovered. They needed to gain at least that much

time before having to fight.

He bent close to them. “Hold me upright. Do not let me go

and do not move from this spot.”

Then he closed his eyes and went out from himself in spirit

form to enter the keep.

Within the dark confines of his prison cell Par Ohmsford sat

hunched over on his pallet, trying to hold himself together. He

was desperate now, feeling as if another day within the tower

would mark the end of him, as if another day spent wondering

if the magic was changing him irreparably would unhinge him

completely. He could feel the magic working through him all

the time now, racing down his limbs, boiling through his blood,

nipping and scratching at his skin like an itch that could never

The Talismans of Shannara 403

be satisfied. He hated what was happening to him. He hated

who he was. He hated Rimmer Dall and the Shadowen and

Southwatch and the black hole of his life to which he had been

condemned. Hope no longer had meaning for him. He had lost

his belief that the magic was a gift, that Allanon’s shade had

dispatched him into the world to serve some important purpose,

that there were lines of distinction between good and evil, and

that he was meant to survive what was happening to him.

He hugged his knees to his chest and cried. He was sick at

heart and filled with despair. He would never be free of this

place. He would never see Coil or Damson or any of the others

again—if any of them were even still alive. He looked through

the bars of his narrow window and thought that the world be-

yond might have akeady become the nightmare that Allanon

had shown him so long ago. He thought that perhaps it had al-

ways been like that and only his misperception of things had

let him believe it was anything else.

He was careful not to fall asleep. He didn’t dare sleep at all

anymore because he couldn’t stand the dreams that sleep

brought. He could feel himself beginning to accept the dreams

as fact, to believe that it must be true that he was a Shadowen.

His sense of things was fragmented on waking, and he could

not escape the feeling that he was no longer himself. Rimmer

Dall was a dark figure promising help and offering something

else. Rimmer Dall was the chance he dared not take—and the

chance that he eventually must.

No. No. Never.

There was a stirring in the air where the door to his cell

stood closed and barred. He sensed it before he saw it, then

caught a glimpse of shadows passing across the night. He

blinked, thinking it another of his demons come to haunt him,

another vestige of his encroaching madness. He brushed at the

air before his eyes in response, as if that might clear his vision

so that he could see better what he knew wasn’t there. He al-

most laughed when he heard the voice.

Par. Listen to me.

He shook his head. Why should he?

Par Ohmsford!

The voice was sharp-edged and brittle with anger. Par’s

head snapped up at once.

404 The Talismans of Shannara

Listen to me. Listen to my voice. Who am I? Speak my


Par stared at the black nothingness before him, thinking that

he had gone mad indeed. The voice he was listening to was

Walker Boh’s.

Speak my name!

“Walker,” he whispered.

The word was a spark in the blackness of his despair, and

he jerked upright at its bright flare, legs dropping back down

to the floor, arms falling to his sides. He stared at the gloom

in disbelief, hearing the demons shriek and scatter.

Listen to me. Par. We have come for you. We have come to

set you free and take you away. Coil is with me. And Morgan.

And Damson Rhee.

“No.” He could not help himself. The word was spoken be-

fore he could think better of it. But it was what he believed.

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Categories: Terry Brooks