Talismans of Shannara by Terry Brooks

had become and disappeared into the trees.


^T\ usk was edging into night by the time Par and Damson

y preached the base of the Dragon’s Teeth and the trail that

Sv wound upward through the cliffs to the Kennon. Moon-

light flooded down from the north, and the skies were clear

and bright with stars. The day’s heat had cooled, and there was

a breeze blowing out of the mountains.

Somewhere in the trees of the forest behind, an owl hooted

softly and was still.

Because there was light enough to navigate the trail and they

were well rested, the Valeman and the girl pushed on. The

night was well suited for travel, even in the mountains, and

they made good time climbing from the lower slopes into the

pass. As they went, night descended and the silence deepened,

the forest and its inhabitants falling away behind them in a

pool of black, the rocks closing about and becoming silhou-

ettes that rose jagged and stark against the sky. Their boots

scraped and crunched on the loose stone and their breathing

grew labored, but beyond those immediate sounds the world

was still and empty-feeling.

Time passed, and midnight approached. They were well into

the pass now, approaching its apex, the point where the trail

would start down again into the valley beyond. The light ahead

seemed brighter than the light behind, a phenomenon for which

neither the Valeman nor the girl could account, and they ex-

changed more than one questioning glance. It was not until

they had reached the top of the pass, deep within the mountain

peaks, the way forward a long, broad corridor through the

rock, that they realized that what they were seeing was not the


64 The Talismans of Shannara

light of moon or stars, but the blaze of watch fires burning di-

rectly ahead.

Now the glance they exchanged was a wary one. Why were

there watch fires burning here? Who had set them?

They proceeded more cautiously man before, keeping well

into the shadows on the dark side of the pass, stopping fre-

quently to listen for what might be waiting ahead. Even so,

they almost missed seeing the guards posted on a rise several

hundred yards further on, positioned so as to give them a clear

view of anyone trying to slip past. The guards were soldiers,

and they wore Federation uniforms. Par and Damson melted

instantly into the shadows and out of view.

“What are they doing here? ” the girl whispered in Par’s ear.

The Valeman shook his head. There was no reason for them

to be here that he could figure out. The free-born were no-

where near the Kennon. Pirerim Reach was far to the east.

There was only the valley beyond, and there was nothing in

the valley, hadn’t been anything there for that matter since …

His mind froze and his eyes went wide.

Since Paranor had disappeared.

He took a deep breath and held it, remembering Allanon’s

charge to Walker Boh. Was it possible that Walker had … ?

He did not finish the thought. He would not let himself. He

knew he was jumping to conclusions, that the presence of the

soldiers in the pass could be for any number of reasons.

Yet something inside whispered that he was right. The sol-

diers were there because Paranor was back.

He bent hurriedly to Damson. She stared at him in surprise,

seeing the excitement in his eyes. “Damson.” He breathed her

name. “We have to get past those guards. Or at least…” His

mind raced. “At least we have to get far enough into the rocks

to see what’s beyond, what’s down in the valley. Can we do

that? Is there a way? Another way? ”

He was speaking so fast that his words were tumbling over

one another. Walker Boh, he was thinking. The Dark Uncle.

He had almost forgotten about Walker—had all but given up

on him since their separation at the Hadeshom. But Walker

was unpredictable. And Allanon had believed in him, enough

so that he had determined that the charge to find Paranor

should be his.

The Talismans of Shannara 65

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Categories: Terry Brooks