Talismans of Shannara by Terry Brooks

Tirfing, the Elves might then travel south across the open

plains, relying on scouts to prevent them from running into an

ambush, or might keep within the fringe of the trees where

they would not be so easily seen. Wren listened patiently,

glanced at Triss, then said she preferred that they travel in the

open so as to make better time. Once they had made contact

with the Federation, they could then use the forest in which to

hide while they decided what to do next. Desidio gave her a

sharp look at the words “decide what to do next,” but then

nodded his agreement, rose, and walked away.

They had just finished eating dinner when Tiger Ty winged

down through the trees, dusty and hot and tired. He settled

Spirit a short distance down the trail, where the giant Roc was

less likely to disturb the horses, then strode determinedly back

toward the camp. Wren and Triss walked out to greet him and


The Talismans of Shannara

were joined by Desidio. The Wing Rider was brief and to the

point. The Federation army had reached the Mermidon and be-

gun crossing. By tomorrow sometime, they would have com-

pleted the task and be on their way north. They were making

very good time.

Wren accepted the news with a frown. She had hoped to

catch up to them on the far side of the river and keep them

there. That had been wishful thinking, it seemed. Events were

moving more quickly than she wanted them to.

She thanked Tiger Ty for the report and sent him off to get

something to eat.

“You are thinking that the Elven army is too far away,”

Desidio said quietly, his lean face pinched with thought.

She nodded. “They are still the best part of a week even

from here.” Her green eyes fixed him. “I don’t think we can

allow the Federation to get that close to Arbodon before we

try to stop them.”

They stared at each other. “You heard the general,” Desidio

said. “We’re to wait for the main army.” His face showed


She shrugged. “I heard. But General Oridio isn’t here. And

you are.”

The dark eyebrows lifted inquiringly. “You have something

in mind, my lady? ”

She held his gaze. “I might. Would you be willing to listen,

when it’s time? ”

Desidio rose. “You are the queen. I must always listen.”

When he had departed, she gave Triss a doubtful smile. “He

knows what I am up to, don’t you think? ”

Triss eased his splinted arm away from his body and then let

it settle back again. In another day the splint would be gone.

Triss was impatient for that to happen. He considered her ques-

tion and shook his head. “I don’t think anyone knows what

you are up to, my lady,” he said softly. “That’s why they are

frightened of you.”

She accepted the observation without comment. Triss could

tell her anything. What they had shared coming out of

Morrowindl allowed for that. She looked off into the trees.

Dusk was spreading shadows in dark pools that ate up the

The Talismans of Shannara 189

light. Sometimes, since Garth had died, she found herself won-

dering if they might be trying to swallow her as well.

Moments later the sound of horses’ hoofs drew her attention

back toward the camp. The scouts dispatched to the Rhenn had

returned, and they had brought someone with them. They thun-

dered to a stop, sawing on the reins of their snorting, lathered

mounts. The horses had been ridden hard. Tnss rose quickly,

and Wren came up with him. The riders and their charge—one

man—had dismounted and were making their way through a

cluster of Elven Hunters to where Desidio waited, a gaunt

shadow against the firelight. There was an exchange of words,

and then Desidio and the unidentified man turned and came to-

ward her.

She got a closer look as the pair neared and saw that it

wasn’t a man with Desidio after all. It was a boy.

“My lady,” her commander said as he approached. “A mes-

senger from the free-bom.”

The boy came into the light. He was blond and blue-eyed

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Categories: Terry Brooks