Talismans of Shannara by Terry Brooks

his indifference and let the matter drop.

Shortly afterward a pair of figures emerged from the shad-

ows of the split, bearded, hard-faced men with longbows and

knives. They greeted Matty Roh and Morgan perfunctorily,

then beckoned for them to follow. Single file, they entered the

split and passed along a trail that wound upward into a jumble

of rocks that shut away any view of what lay ahead. Morgan

climbed dutifully, unable to avoid noticing that Matty Roh con-

tinued to look as if she were out for a midday stroll.

Finally they reached « plateau that stretched away north,

south, and west and offered the most breathtaking views of the

Dragon’s Teeth and the lands beyond that Morgan had ever

seen. Sunset was approaching, and the skies were turning a

brilliant crimson through the screen of mist that clung to the

mountain peaks. Hence the name Firerim Reach, thought Mor-

gan. East, the plateau backed up against a ridge grown thick

with spruce and cedar. It was here that the outlaws were en-

camped, their roofed shelters crowded into the trees, their

cooking fires smoldering in stone-lined pits. There were no

walled fortifications as there had been at the Jut, for the pla-

teau dropped away into a mass of jagged fissures and deep

canyons, its sheer walls unscalable by one man let alone any

sort of sizable force. At least, that was the way it appeared

from where Morgan stood, and he assumed it was the same on

all sides of the quarter-mile or so stretch of plain. The only

way in appeared to be me way they had come. Still, the High-

lander knew Padishar Creel well enough to bet there was at

least one other.

He turned as a familiar burly figure lumbered up to meet

them, black-bearded and ferocious-looking with his missing

eye and ear and his scarred face. Chandos embraced Matty

Roh warmly, nearly swallowing her up in his embrace, and

then reached out for Morgan.

“Highlander,” he greeted, taking Morgan’s hand in his own

and crushing it. “It’s good to have you back with us.”

“It’s good to be back.” Morgan extracted his hand painfully.

“How are you, Chandos? ”

The big man shook his head. “Well enough, given every-

thing that’s happened.” There was an angry, frustrated look in

The Talismans of Shannara 97

his dark eyes. His jaw tightened. “Come with me where we

can talk.”

He took Morgan and Many Roh from the rim of the cliffs

across the bluff. The guards who had brought them in disap-

peared back the way they had come. Chandos moved deliber-

ately away from the encampment and the other outlaws.

Morgan glanced questioningly at Matty Roh, but the girl’s face

was unreadable.

When they were safely out of earshot, she said immediately

to Chandos, “They have him, don’t they? ”

“Padishar? ” Chandos nodded. “They took him two nights

earlier at Tyrsis.” He turned and faced Morgan. “The Valeman

was with him, the smaller one, the one Padishar liked so

well—Par Ohmsford. Apparently the two of them went into

the Federation prisons to rescue Damson Rhee. They got her

out, but Padishar was captured in the attempt. Damson’s here

now. She arrived yesterday with the news.”

“What happened to Par? ” Morgan asked, wondering at the

same time why there had been no mention of Coll.

“Damson said he went off in search of his brother—

something about the Shadowen.” Chandos brushed the ques-

tion aside. “What matters at the moment is Padishar.” His

scarred face furrowed. “I haven’t told the others yet.” He

shook his head. “I don’t know if I should or not. We’re sup-

posed to meet with Axhind and his Trolls at the Jannisson at

the end of the week. Five days. If we don’t have Padishar with

us, I don’t think they’ll join up. I think they’ll just turn around

and go right back the way they came. Five thousand strong!”

His face flushed, and he took a steadying breath. “We need

them if we’re to have any kind of chance against the Federa-

tion. Especially after losing the Jut.”

He looked at them hopefully. “I was never much at making

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Categories: Terry Brooks