Talismans of Shannara by Terry Brooks

boundaries like the wraith he had been and the outcast he felt.

Paranor, the castle of the Druids, was returned, come back into

the world of men, brought alive by Walker and the magic of

the Black Elfstone. Paranor stood as it had three hundred years

before, lifting out of the dark forest where wolves prowled and

moms the size of lance-points bristled protectively. It rose out

of the earth, set upon a bluff where it could be seen across

the whole of the valley it dominated, from the Kennon to the

Jannisson, from one ridgeline of the Dragon’s Teeth to the

other, spires and walls and gates. As solid as the stone from

which it had been built more than a thousand years earlier, it

was the Keep of legends and folk tales made whole once more.

But shades. Walker Boh thought in his despair, what it had

cost! ‘

“It was waiting for me down in the tower well, the essence

of the Druid magic he had set at watch,” Walker explained to

Cogline that first night, the night he had emerged from the

Keep with Allanon’s presence at haunt within. “All those years

it had been waiting, his spirit or some part of that spirit, con-

cealed in the serpentine mist that had destroyed the Mord

Wraiths and their allies and sent Paranor out of the land of

men to wait for the time it would be summoned back again.

Allanon’s shade had been waiting as well, it seems, there

within the waters of the Hadeshom, knowing that the need for

the Keep and its Druids would one day prove inexorable, that


The Talismans of Shannara 29

the magic and the lore they wielded must be kept at hand

against the possibility that history’s evolution would take a dif-

ferent path than the one he had prophesied.”

Cogline listened and did not speak. He was still in awe of

what had happened, of whom Walker Boh had become. He

was afraid. For Walker was Walker still, but something more

as well. Allanon was there, become a part of him in the

transformation from man to Druid, in the rite of passage that

had taken place in the Keep’s dark hold. Cogline had ventured,

in his spirit form, just long enough to pull Walker back from

the madness that threatened to engulf him before he could

come to grips with the change that was taking place. In those

few seconds Cogline had felt the beginnings of Walker’s

change—and he had fled in horror.

“The Black Elfstone drew the mist into itself and thereby

into me,” Walker whispered, the words a familiar repetition by

now, as if saying them would make them better understood.

His stark visage lowered into the cowl of his robe, a mask still

changing. “It brought Allanon within. It brought all of the Dru-

ids within—their history and lore and magic, their knowledge,

their secrets, all that they were. It spun them through me like

threads on a loom that weaves a new cloth, and I could feel

myself invaded and helpless to prevent it.”

The face within the cowl swung slightly toward the old man.

“I have all of them inside me, Cogline. They have made a

home within me, determined that I should have their knowl-

edge and their power and that I should use it as they did. It

was Allanon’s plan from the beginning—a descendant of Brin

to carry forth the Druid lineage, one that would be chosen

when the need arose, one who would serve and obey.”

Iron fingers fastened suddenly on Cogline’s shoulder and

made him wince. “Obey, old man! That is what they intend of

me, but not what they.shall have!” Walker Boh’s words were

edged with bitterness. “I can feel them working about inside,

living things! I can sense their presence as they whisper then-

words and try to make me heed. But I am stronger than they

are, made so by the very process that they used to change me.

I survived the trial they set for me, and I will be what I

choose, be they living within my body and mind, be they

shades or memories of the past, be they what they will! If I

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Categories: Terry Brooks