Talismans of Shannara by Terry Brooks

anew, rising and falling, filling the air with sound.

Then the light burst forth within the valley, spears of it

breaking through the earth’s crust, rising up through the terri-

fied men. Wren gasped at its brightness and felt the Elfstones

digging into the flesh of her palm as she gripped them tightly

in response.

The light sped this way and that, yet not at random as she

The Talismans of Shannara 429

had first believed but with deadly intent. It caught the Creepers

first, tore them asunder, and left them smoking and ruined and

lifeless. It caught the Seekers next, enfolding them in shrouds

of death, draining them of life, and leaving them in piles of

smoking ash. It raced through the Federation army, weeding its

ranks of Shadowen-kind, and in doing so stole away its pur-

pose and courage, and the soldiers who remained turned and

fled for their lives, throwing down their weapons, abandoning

their fortifications and assault machines, giving up any hope

but that of staying alive. Within seconds it was finished, the

Creepers and the Shadowen destroyed, the soldiers of the Fed-

eration army in flight, the grasslands littered with the discards

and leavings of battle. It happened so fast that the Elves, free-

born, and Rock Trolls did not even have time to respond, too

stunned to do anything but stare after and then to glance hur-

riedly through their own ranks to make certain that the light

had not touched them.

On the bluff at the head of the valley where she had

watched it all happen. Wren Elessedil exhaled slowly into the

following hush. Triss stood next to her openmouthed. Stresa’s

breathing was a rasp at her boot. She swallowed against the

dryness in her throat and then looked out across the Valley of

Rhenn in astonishment as one final miracle came to pass.

All across the parched and barren plains, for as far as the

eye could see, wildflowers were blooming in the sunlight.


What was inside the light. Walker? ” Coil asked.

It was midmoming, and they were gathered in the

shade of the trees on the slopes leading down from

the Runne north of the ruins of Southwatch. Below, the

Shadowen keep continued to steam and smoke and bum, its

walls collapsed into rubble, the once-smooth black stone

turned brittle and dull. Walker sat alone to one side, wrapped

in the torn remnants of his dark robes. Par and Coil sat acrosh

from him. Morgan was leaning against the broad trunk of a red

maple, chewing on a bit of grass and looking at his boots.

Matty Roh was propped up next to him, her shoulder touching

his. Damson lay sleeping a few yards off. They were battered

and worn and covered with blood and dust, and Coil had bro-

ken an arm and ribs. But the tension had left their bodies and

the wariness had faded from their eyes. They weren’t running

anymore, and they weren’t afraid.

“It was magic,” Par said with quiet conviction.

They had fled the cellars of the Shadowen keep through the

tunnel Walker had chosen, stone crumbling and falling in

chunks all about them as they raced through the underground

gloom with only the Druid fire to guide them. The tunnel

twisted and wound, and it seemed that they would never get

clear in time. They could hear me sounds of the keep’s de-

struction behind them, feel the thrust of stale air and dust

against their backs as the walls collapsed inward. They feared

they would be trapped, but Walker seemed certain of the way,

so they followed without question. At last the tunnel opened

out through a cluster of brush onto a low hillside above the


The Talismans of Shannara 431

keep, and from there they scrambled upward into the shelter of

the trees to watch the conflagration of fire and smoke that

marked the keep’s demise. Damson was unconscious again,

and Walker labored over her intently, using the Druid magic,

healing her as he had healed Par weeks earlier when the

Valeman had been poisoned by the Werebeasts. Her injuries

made her feverish, but Walker brought the fever down, cooling

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Categories: Terry Brooks