Another Fine Myth by Robert Asprin

“Hmmm,” Frumple commented thoughtfully.

“And he’s arming them with tech weapons. Take a look at this crossbow quarrel.”

Aahz lobbed one of the missiles to the Deveel who caught it deftly and examined it closely.

“Hmmm. I didn’t notice that before. It’s a good camouflage job, but totally unethical.”

“Now do you see why enlisting your aid takes priority over the pleasure of slitting your lying throat?”

“I see what you mean,” Frumple replied without rancor. “It’s most convincing. But what can I do?”

“You tell us. You Deveels are supposed to have wonders for every occasion. What have you got that would give us an edge over a madman who knows his magik?”

Frumple thought for several minutes. Then shrugged. “I can’t think of a thing just offhand. I haven’t been stocking weapons lately. Not much call for them in this dimension.”

“Terrific,” I said. “Can we kill him now, Aahz?”

“Say, could you put a muzzle on him?” Frumple said. “What’s your gripe anyway, Skeeve?”

“I don’t take well to being hung,” I snarled.

“Really? Well, you’ll get used to it if you keep practicing magik. It’s being burned that’s really a pain.”

“Wait a minute, Frumple,” Aahz interrupted. “You’re acting awfully casual about hanging for someone who was so surprised to see us alive.”

“I was. I underestimated your apprentice’s mastery of the energies. If I had thought you could escape, I would have thought of something else. I was trying to get you killed, after all.”

“He doesn’t sound particularly trustworthy,” I observed.

“You will notice, my young friend, that I stated my intentions in the past tense. Now that we share a common goal, you’ll find me much easier to deal with.”

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Categories: Asprin, Robert