Another Fine Myth by Robert Asprin

“Well it’s our turn now, right Isstvan?” smiled Higgens, leisurely reaching for his crossbow.

“Now, now!” said Isstvan, picking.the Imp up by his head and shaking him gently. “Mustn’t rush things.”

“Seems to me,” Aahz sneered, “that you’re having trouble finding decent allies, Isstvan.”

“Oh, Aahz,” Isstvan laughed. “Still the sharp tongue,eh?”

“Imps?” Aahz’s voice was scornful. “C’mon, Isstvan. Even you can do better than that.”

Isstvan sighed and dropped Higgens back in his chair.

“Well, one does what one can. Inflation, you know.”

He shook his head sadly, then brightened again.

“Oh you don’t know how glad I am to see you, Aahz. I thought I was going to have to wait until we conquered Perv before I got my revenge, and here you just walk in. Now don’t you dare pop off before we’ve settled our score.”

“I told you before,” Frumple interrupted. “He’s lost his powers.”

“Powers. Hmph! He never had any powers,” Quigley chimed in, baited from his frightened silence at the insult of having been ignored.

“Well, who do we have here?” Isstvan smiled, looking at Quigley for the first time. “Have we met?”

“Say Isstvan,” interrupted Aahz. “Mind if I have some of that wine? No reason to be barbaric about this.”

“Certainly. Aahz.” Isstvan waved him forward. “Help yourself.”

It was eerie listening to the conversation: apparently civilized and friendly, it had a cat-and-mouse undercurrent which belied the casual tones.

“Watch him!” Frumple hissed, glaring at Aahz.

“Oh Frumple! You are such a wart,” isstvan scolded. “Why you were the one who assured me that he had lost his powers.”

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Categories: Asprin, Robert